2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::NodeRange ;
2008-04-05 14:53:35 +00:00
require xCAT::Table ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
require Exporter ;
use strict ;
#Perl implementation of noderange
our @ ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
our @ EXPORT = qw( noderange nodesmissed ) ;
2009-04-14 18:27:43 +00:00
our @ EXPORT_OK = qw( extnoderange abbreviate_noderange ) ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ missingnodes = [] ;
my $ nodelist ; #=xCAT::Table->new('nodelist',-create =>1);
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
#my $nodeprefix = "node";
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
my @ allnodeset ;
my $ retaincache = 0 ;
2008-07-14 14:24:05 +00:00
my $ recurselevel = 0 ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
#TODO: With a very large nodelist (i.e. 65k or so), deriving the members
# of a group is a little sluggish. We may want to put in a mechanism to
# maintain a two-way hash anytime nodelist or nodegroup changes, allowing
# nodegroup table and nodelist to contain the same information about
# group membership indexed in different ways to speed this up.
# At low scale, little to no difference/impact would be seen
# at high scale, changing nodelist or nodegroup would be perceptibly longer,
# but many other operations would probably benefit greatly.
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
sub subnodes (\@@) {
#Subtract set of nodes from the first list
my $ nodes = shift ;
my $ node ;
foreach $ node ( @ _ ) {
@$ nodes = ( grep ( ! /^$node$/ , @$ nodes ) ) ;
sub nodesmissed {
return @$ missingnodes ;
2009-08-10 21:01:08 +00:00
sub nodesbycriteria {
#TODO: this should be in a common place, shared by tabutils nodech/nodels and noderange
#there is a set of functions already, but the path is a little complicated and
#might be hooked into the objective usage style, which this function is not trying to match
#Return nodes by criteria. Can accept a list reference of criteria
#returns a hash reference of criteria expressions to nodes that meet
my $ nodes = shift ; #the set from which to match
my $ critlist = shift ; #list of criteria to match
my % tables ;
my % shortnames = (
groups = > [ qw( nodelist groups ) ] ,
tags = > [ qw( nodelist groups ) ] ,
mgt = > [ qw( nodehm mgt ) ] ,
#switch => [qw(switch switch)],
) ;
unless ( ref $ critlist ) {
$ critlist = [ $ critlist ] ;
my $ criteria ;
my % critnodes ;
my $ value ;
my $ tabcol ;
my $ matchtype ;
foreach $ criteria ( @$ critlist ) {
my $ table ;
my $ column ;
$ tabcol = $ criteria ;
if ( $ criteria =~ /^[^=]*\!=/ ) {
( $ criteria , $ value ) = split /!=/ , $ criteria , 2 ;
$ matchtype = 'natch' ;
} elsif ( $ criteria =~ /^[^=]*=~/ ) {
( $ criteria , $ value ) = split /=~/ , $ criteria , 2 ;
$ value =~ s/^\/// ;
$ value =~ s/\/$// ;
$ matchtype = 'regex' ;
} elsif ( $ criteria =~ /[^=]*==/ ) {
( $ criteria , $ value ) = split /==/ , $ criteria , 2 ;
$ matchtype = 'match' ;
2009-08-10 21:09:00 +00:00
} elsif ( $ criteria =~ /[^=]*=/ ) {
( $ criteria , $ value ) = split /=/ , $ criteria , 2 ;
$ matchtype = 'match' ;
2009-08-10 21:01:08 +00:00
} elsif ( $ criteria =~ /[^=]*!~/ ) {
( $ criteria , $ value ) = split /!~/ , $ criteria , 2 ;
$ value =~ s/^\/// ;
$ value =~ s/\/$// ;
$ matchtype = 'negex' ;
if ( $ shortnames { $ criteria } ) {
( $ table , $ column ) = @ { $ shortnames { $ criteria } } ;
} elsif ( $ criteria =~ /\./ ) {
( $ table , $ column ) = split ( '\.' , $ criteria , 2 ) ;
} else {
return undef ;
unless ( grep /$column/ , @ { $ xCAT:: Schema:: tabspec { $ table } - > { cols } } ) {
return undef ;
push @ { $ tables { $ table } } , [ $ column , $ tabcol , $ value , $ matchtype ] ; #Mark this as something to get
my $ tab ;
foreach $ tab ( keys % tables ) {
my $ tabh = xCAT::Table - > new ( $ tab , - create = > 0 ) ;
unless ( $ tabh ) { next ; }
my @ cols ;
foreach ( @ { $ tables { $ tab } } ) {
push @ cols , $ _ - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ rechash = $ tabh - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , \ @ cols ) ; #TODO: if not defined nodes, getAllNodesAttribs may be faster actually...
foreach my $ node ( @$ nodes ) {
my $ recs = $ rechash - > { $ node } ;
my $ critline ;
foreach $ critline ( @ { $ tables { $ tab } } ) {
foreach my $ rec ( @$ recs ) {
my $ value = "" ;
if ( defined $ rec - > { $ critline - > [ 0 ] } ) {
$ value = $ rec - > { $ critline - > [ 0 ] } ;
my $ compstring = $ critline - > [ 2 ] ;
if ( $ critline - > [ 3 ] eq 'match' and $ value eq $ compstring ) {
push @ { $ critnodes { $ critline - > [ 1 ] } } , $ node ;
} elsif ( $ critline - > [ 3 ] eq 'natch' and $ value ne $ compstring ) {
push @ { $ critnodes { $ critline - > [ 1 ] } } , $ node ;
} elsif ( $ critline - > [ 3 ] eq 'regex' and $ value =~ /$compstring/ ) {
push @ { $ critnodes { $ critline - > [ 1 ] } } , $ node ;
} elsif ( $ critline - > [ 3 ] eq 'negex' and $ value !~ /$compstring/ ) {
push @ { $ critnodes { $ critline - > [ 1 ] } } , $ node ;
return \ % critnodes ;
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
sub expandatom { #TODO: implement table selection as an atom (nodetype.os==rhels5.3)
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ atom = shift ;
my $ verify = ( scalar ( @ _ ) == 1 ? shift : 1 ) ;
my @ nodes = ( ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
#TODO: these env vars need to get passed by the client to xcatd
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ nprefix = ( defined ( $ ENV { 'XCAT_NODE_PREFIX' } ) ? $ ENV { 'XCAT_NODE_PREFIX' } : 'node' ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
my $ nsuffix = ( defined ( $ ENV { 'XCAT_NODE_SUFFIX' } ) ? $ ENV { 'XCAT_NODE_SUFFIX' } : '' ) ;
if ( $ nodelist - > getAttribs ( { node = > $ atom } , 'node' ) ) { #The atom is a plain old nodename
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
return ( $ atom ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ /^\(.*\)$/ ) { # handle parentheses by recursively calling noderange()
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
$ atom =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/ ;
2008-07-14 14:24:05 +00:00
$ recurselevel + + ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
return noderange ( $ atom ) ;
2008-07-17 13:44:56 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ /@/ ) {
$ recurselevel + + ;
return noderange ( $ atom ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
# Try to match groups?
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
my $ grptab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'nodegroup' ) ; #TODO: build cache once per noderange and use it instead of repeats
2009-05-29 19:21:29 +00:00
my @ grplist ;
if ( $ grptab ) {
@ grplist = @ { $ grptab - > getAllEntries ( ) } ;
2009-05-15 02:29:28 +00:00
my $ isdynamicgrp = 0 ;
foreach my $ grpdef_ref ( @ grplist ) {
my % grpdef = %$ grpdef_ref ;
# Try to match a dynamic node group
# do not try to match the static node group from nodegroup table,
# the static node groups are stored in nodelist table.
if ( ( $ grpdef { 'groupname' } eq $ atom ) && ( $ grpdef { 'grouptype' } eq 'dynamic' ) )
$ isdynamicgrp = 1 ;
my $ grpname = $ atom ;
my % grphash ;
$ grphash { $ grpname } { 'objtype' } = 'group' ;
$ grphash { $ grpname } { 'grouptype' } = 'dynamic' ;
$ grphash { $ grpname } { 'wherevals' } = $ grpdef { 'wherevals' } ;
my $ memberlist = xCAT::DBobjUtils - > getGroupMembers ( $ grpname , \ % grphash ) ;
foreach my $ grpmember ( split "," , $ memberlist )
push @ nodes , $ grpmember ;
last ; #there should not be more than one group with the same name
# The atom is not a dynamic node group, is it a static node group???
if ( ! $ isdynamicgrp )
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
foreach ( $ nodelist - > getAllAttribs ( 'node' , 'groups' ) ) { #TODO: change to a noderange managed cache for more performance
2009-05-15 02:29:28 +00:00
my @ groups = split ( /,/ , $ _ - > { groups } ) ; #The where clause doesn't guarantee the atom is a full group name, only that it could be
if ( grep { $ _ eq "$atom" } @ groups ) {
push @ nodes , $ _ - > { node } ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
2009-06-22 23:31:53 +00:00
# check to see if atom is a defined group name that didn't have any current members
if ( scalar @ nodes == 0 ) {
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
if ( $ grptab ) { #TODO: GET LOCAL CACHE OF GRPTAB
2009-07-15 18:20:16 +00:00
my @ grouplist = $ grptab - > getAllAttribs ( 'groupname' ) ;
for my $ row ( @ grouplist ) {
if ( $ row - > { groupname } eq $ atom ) {
return ( ) ;
2009-06-22 23:31:53 +00:00
2009-08-10 21:01:08 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ m/[=~]/ ) { #TODO: this is the clunky, slow code path to acheive the goal. It also is the easiest to write, strange coincidence. Aggregating multiples would be nice
my @ nodes ;
unless ( scalar ( @ allnodeset ) ) { #TODO: change to one noderange global cache per noderange call rather than table hosted cache for improved performance
@ allnodeset = $ nodelist - > getAllAttribs ( 'node' ) ;
foreach ( @ allnodeset ) {
push @ nodes , $ _ - > { node } ;
2009-08-10 21:09:00 +00:00
my $ nbyc = nodesbycriteria ( \ @ nodes , [ $ atom ] ) - > { $ atom } ;
if ( defined $ nbyc ) {
return @$ nbyc ;
return ( ) ;
2009-08-10 21:01:08 +00:00
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ m/^[0-9]+\z/ ) { # if only numbers, then add the prefix
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ nodename = $ nprefix . $ atom . $ nsuffix ;
return expandatom ( $ nodename , $ verify ) ;
my $ nodelen = @ nodes ;
if ( $ nodelen > 0 ) {
return @ nodes ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ m/^\// ) { # A regular expression
unless ( $ verify ) { # If not in verify mode, regex makes zero possible sense
return ( $ atom ) ;
#TODO: check against all groups
$ atom = substr ( $ atom , 1 ) ;
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
unless ( scalar ( @ allnodeset ) ) { #TODO: change to one noderange global cache per noderange call rather than table hosted cache for improved performance
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
@ allnodeset = $ nodelist - > getAllAttribs ( 'node' ) ;
foreach ( @ allnodeset ) { #$nodelist->getAllAttribs('node')) {
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ _ - > { node } =~ m/^${atom}$/ ) {
push ( @ nodes , $ _ - > { node } ) ;
return ( @ nodes ) ;
if ( $ atom =~ m/(.*)\[(.*)\](.*)/ ) { # square bracket range
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
#for the time being, we are only going to consider one [] per atom
#xcat 1.2 does no better
my @ subelems = split ( /([\,\-\:])/ , $ 2 ) ;
my $ subrange = "" ;
while ( my $ subelem = shift @ subelems ) {
my $ subop = shift @ subelems ;
$ subrange = $ subrange . "$1$subelem$3$subop" ;
foreach ( split /,/ , $ subrange ) {
my @ newnodes = expandatom ( $ _ , $ verify ) ;
@ nodes = ( @ nodes , @ newnodes ) ;
return @ nodes ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ m/\+/ ) { # process the + operator
2009-04-23 14:53:56 +00:00
$ atom =~ m/^(.*)([0-9]+)([^0-9\+]*)\+([0-9]+)/ ;
2009-07-19 13:27:33 +00:00
my ( $ front , $ increment ) = split ( /\+/ , $ atom , 2 ) ;
my ( $ pref , $ startnum , $ dom ) = $ front =~ /^(.*?)(\d+)(\..+)?$/ ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ suf = $ 3 ;
2009-07-19 13:27:33 +00:00
my $ end = $ startnum + $ increment ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ endnum = sprintf ( "%d" , $ end ) ;
if ( length ( $ startnum ) > length ( $ endnum ) ) {
$ endnum = sprintf ( "%0" . length ( $ startnum ) . "d" , $ end ) ;
if ( ( $ pref eq "" ) && ( $ suf eq "" ) ) {
$ pref = $ nprefix ;
$ suf = $ nsuffix ;
foreach ( "$startnum" .. "$endnum" ) {
my @ addnodes = expandatom ( $ pref . $ _ . $ suf , $ verify ) ;
@ nodes = ( @ nodes , @ addnodes ) ;
return ( @ nodes ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ m/[-:]/ ) { # process the minus range operator
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ left ;
my $ right ;
if ( $ atom =~ m/:/ ) {
( $ left , $ right ) = split /:/ , $ atom ;
} else {
my $ count = ( $ atom =~ tr /-/ / ) ;
if ( ( $ count % 2 ) == 0 ) { #can't understand even numbers of - in range context
if ( $ verify ) {
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
return ( ) ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
} else { #but we might not really be in range context, if noverify
return ( $ atom ) ;
my $ expr = "([^-]+?" . ( "-[^-]*" x ( $ count / 2 ) ) . ")-(.*)" ;
$ atom =~ m/$expr/ ;
$ left = $ 1 ;
$ right = $ 2 ;
if ( $ left eq $ right ) { #if they said node1-node1 for some strange reason
return expandatom ( $ left , $ verify ) ;
my @ leftarr = split ( /(\d+)/ , $ left ) ;
my @ rightarr = split ( /(\d+)/ , $ right ) ;
if ( scalar ( @ leftarr ) != scalar ( @ rightarr ) ) { #Mismatch formatting..
if ( $ verify ) {
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
return ( ) ; #mismatched range, bail.
} else { #Not in verify mode, just have to guess it's meant to be a nodename
return ( $ atom ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
my $ prefix = "" ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my $ suffix = "" ;
foreach ( 0 .. $# leftarr ) {
my $ idx = $ _ ;
if ( $ leftarr [ $ idx ] =~ /^\d+$/ and $ rightarr [ $ idx ] =~ /^\d+$/ ) { #pure numeric component
if ( $ leftarr [ $ idx ] ne $ rightarr [ $ idx ] ) { #We have found the iterator (only supporting one for now)
my $ prefix = join ( '' , @ leftarr [ 0 .. ( $ idx - 1 ) ] ) ; #Make a prefix of the pre-validated parts
my $ luffix ; #However, the remainder must still be validated to be the same
my $ ruffix ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ idx eq $# leftarr ) {
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
$ luffix = "" ;
$ ruffix = "" ;
} else {
$ ruffix = join ( '' , @ rightarr [ ( $ idx + 1 ) .. $# rightarr ] ) ;
$ luffix = join ( '' , @ leftarr [ ( $ idx + 1 ) .. $# leftarr ] ) ;
if ( $ luffix ne $ ruffix ) { #the suffixes mismatched..
if ( $ verify ) {
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
return ( ) ;
} else {
return ( $ atom ) ;
foreach ( $ leftarr [ $ idx ] .. $ rightarr [ $ idx ] ) {
my @ addnodes = expandatom ( $ prefix . $ _ . $ luffix , $ verify ) ;
@ nodes = ( @ nodes , @ addnodes ) ;
return ( @ nodes ) ; #the return has been built, return, exiting loop and all
} elsif ( $ leftarr [ $ idx ] ne $ rightarr [ $ idx ] ) {
if ( $ verify ) {
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
return ( ) ;
} else {
return ( $ atom ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
$ prefix . = $ leftarr [ $ idx ] ; #If here, it means that the pieces were the same, but more to come
#I cannot conceive how the code could possibly be here, but whatever it is, it must be questionable
if ( $ verify ) {
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
return ( ) ; #mismatched range, bail.
} else { #Not in verify mode, just have to guess it's meant to be a nodename
return ( $ atom ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
push @$ missingnodes , $ atom ;
if ( $ verify ) {
return ( ) ;
} else {
return ( $ atom ) ;
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
sub retain_cache { #A semi private operation to be used *ONLY* in the interesting Table<->NodeRange module interactions.
$ retaincache = shift ;
2008-09-26 22:29:02 +00:00
sub extnoderange { #An extended noderange function. Needed as the more straightforward function return format too simple for this.
my $ range = shift ;
my $ namedopts = shift ;
my $ verify = 1 ;
if ( $ namedopts - > { skipnodeverify } ) {
$ verify = 0 ;
my $ return ;
$ retaincache = 1 ;
2008-09-26 22:57:55 +00:00
$ return - > { node } = [ noderange ( $ range , $ verify ) ] ;
2008-09-26 22:29:02 +00:00
if ( $ namedopts - > { intersectinggroups } ) {
my % grouphash = ( ) ;
my $ nlent ;
2008-09-26 22:57:55 +00:00
foreach ( @ { $ return - > { node } } ) {
2009-08-09 16:14:56 +00:00
$ nlent = $ nodelist - > getNodeAttribs ( $ _ , [ 'groups' ] ) ; #TODO: move to noderange side cache
2008-09-26 22:29:02 +00:00
if ( $ nlent and $ nlent - > { groups } ) {
foreach ( split /,/ , $ nlent - > { groups } ) {
$ grouphash { $ _ } = 1 ;
$ return - > { intersectinggroups } = [ sort keys % grouphash ] ;
$ retaincache = 0 ;
undef ( $ nodelist ) ;
@ allnodeset = ( ) ;
return $ return ;
2009-04-14 18:27:43 +00:00
sub abbreviate_noderange {
#takes a list of nodes or a string and abbreviates
my $ nodes = shift ;
my % grouphash ;
my % sizedgroups ;
my % nodesleft ;
my % targetelems ;
unless ( ref $ nodes ) {
$ nodes = noderange ( $ nodes ) ;
% nodesleft = map { $ _ = > 1 } @ { $ nodes } ;
unless ( $ nodelist ) {
$ nodelist = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'nodelist' , - create = > 1 ) ;
my $ group ;
foreach ( $ nodelist - > getAllAttribs ( 'node' , 'groups' ) ) {
my @ groups = split ( /,/ , $ _ - > { groups } ) ; #The where clause doesn't guarantee the atom is a full group name, only that it could be
foreach $ group ( @ groups ) {
push @ { $ grouphash { $ group } } , $ _ - > { node } ;
foreach $ group ( keys % grouphash ) {
2009-04-24 12:45:06 +00:00
#skip single node sized groups, these outliers frequently pasted into non-noderange capable contexts
if ( scalar @ { $ grouphash { $ group } } < 2 ) { next ; }
2009-04-14 18:27:43 +00:00
push @ { $ sizedgroups { scalar @ { $ grouphash { $ group } } } } , $ group ;
my $ node ;
use Data::Dumper ;
2009-07-07 16:17:45 +00:00
#print Dumper(\%sizedgroups);
2009-04-14 18:27:43 +00:00
foreach ( reverse sort { $ a <=> $ b } keys % sizedgroups ) {
GROUP: foreach $ group ( @ { $ sizedgroups { $ _ } } ) {
foreach $ node ( @ { $ grouphash { $ group } } ) {
unless ( grep $ node eq $ _ , keys % nodesleft ) {
#this group contains a node that isn't left, skip it
next GROUP ;
foreach $ node ( @ { $ grouphash { $ group } } ) {
delete $ nodesleft { $ node } ;
$ targetelems { $ group } = 1 ;
return ( join ',' , keys % targetelems , keys % nodesleft ) ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
sub noderange {
$ missingnodes = [] ;
#We for now just do left to right operations
my $ range = shift ;
my $ verify = ( scalar ( @ _ ) == 1 ? shift : 1 ) ;
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
unless ( $ nodelist ) {
$ nodelist = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'nodelist' , - create = > 1 ) ;
2009-08-09 16:02:28 +00:00
$ nodelist - > _set_use_cache ( 0 ) ; #TODO: a more proper external solution
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
$ nodelist - > _build_cache ( [ 'node' , 'groups' ] ) ;
2009-08-09 16:02:28 +00:00
$ nodelist - > _set_use_cache ( 1 ) ; #TODO: a more proper external solution
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my % nodes = ( ) ;
my % delnodes = ( ) ;
my $ op = "," ;
2008-07-17 13:44:56 +00:00
my @ elems = split ( /(,(?![^[]*?])(?![^\(]*?\)))/ , $ range ) ; # commas outside of [] or ()
if ( scalar ( @ elems ) == 1 ) {
@ elems = split ( /(@(?![^\(]*?\)))/ , $ range ) ; # only split on @ when no , are present (inner recursion)
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
while ( my $ atom = shift @ elems ) {
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ /^-/ ) { # if this is an exclusion, strip off the minus, but remember it
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
$ atom = substr ( $ atom , 1 ) ;
$ op = $ op . "-" ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
if ( $ atom =~ /^\^(.*)$/ ) { # get a list of nodes from a file
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
open ( NRF , $ 1 ) ;
while ( <NRF> ) {
my $ line = $ _ ;
unless ( $ line =~ m/^[\^#]/ ) {
$ line =~ m/^([^: ]*)/ ;
my $ newrange = $ 1 ;
chomp ( $ newrange ) ;
2008-07-14 14:24:05 +00:00
$ recurselevel + + ;
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
my @ filenodes = noderange ( $ newrange ) ;
foreach ( @ filenodes ) {
$ nodes { $ _ } = 1 ;
close ( NRF ) ;
next ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
my % newset = map { $ _ = > 1 } expandatom ( $ atom , $ verify ) ; # expand the atom and make each entry in the resulting array a key in newset
if ( $ op =~ /@/ ) { # compute the intersection of the current atom and the node list we have received before this
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
foreach ( keys % nodes ) {
unless ( $ newset { $ _ } ) {
delete $ nodes { $ _ } ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
} elsif ( $ op =~ /,-/ ) { # add the nodes from this atom to the exclude list
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
foreach ( keys % newset ) {
$ delnodes { $ _ } = 1 ; #delay removal to end
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
} else { # add the nodes from this atom to the total node list
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
foreach ( keys % newset ) {
$ nodes { $ _ } = 1 ;
$ op = shift @ elems ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
} # end of main while loop
# Now remove all the exclusion nodes
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
foreach ( keys % nodes ) {
if ( $ delnodes { $ _ } ) {
delete $ nodes { $ _ } ;
2008-07-14 14:24:05 +00:00
if ( $ recurselevel ) {
$ recurselevel - - ;
} else {
unless ( $ retaincache ) {
undef $ nodelist ;
@ allnodeset = ( ) ;
2008-07-07 22:47:38 +00:00
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
return sort ( keys % nodes ) ;
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
1 ;
= head1 NAME
xCAT:: NodeRange - Perl module for xCAT noderange expansion
= head1 SYNOPSIS
use xCAT::NodeRange ;
my @ nodes = noderange ( "storage@rack1,node[1-200],^/tmp/nodelist,node300-node400,node401+10,500-550" ) ;
noderange interprets xCAT noderange formatted strings and returns a list of xCAT nodelists . The following two operations are supported on elements , and interpreted left to right:
, union next element with everything to the left .
@ take intersection of element to the right with everything on the left ( i . e . mask out anything to the left not belonging to what is described to the right )
Each element can be a number of things:
A node name , i . e . :
= item * node1
A hyphenated node range ( only one group of numbers may differ between the left and right hand side , and those numbers will increment in a base 10 fashion ) :
node1 - node200 node1 - compute - node200 - compute
node1:node200 node1 - compute:node200 - compute
A noderange denoted by brackets:
node [ 1 - 200 ] node [ 001 - 200 ]
A regular expression describing the noderange:
/ d ( 1 . ? . ? | 200 )
A node plus offset ( this increments the first number found in nodename ) :
node1 + 199
2008-02-08 21:53:41 +00:00
And most of the above substituting groupnames .
2007-10-26 22:44:33 +00:00
3 C
3 C
NodeRange tries to be intelligent about detecting padding , so you can:
node001 - node200
And it will increment according to the pattern .
= head1 AUTHOR
Jarrod Johnson ( jbjohnso @ us . ibm . com )
Copyright 2007 IBM Corp . All rights reserved .
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