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name "git"
maintainer "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email "cookbooks@opscode.com"
license "Apache 2.0"
description "Installs git and/or sets up a Git server daemon"
long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))
version "2.7.1"
recipe "git", "Installs git"
recipe "git::server", "Sets up a runit_service for git daemon"
recipe "git::source", "Installs git from source"
%w{ amazon arch centos debian fedora redhat scientific oracle amazon ubuntu windows }.each do |os|
supports os
supports "mac_os_x", ">= 10.6.0"
%w{ dmg build-essential yum windows }.each do |cookbook|
depends cookbook
depends "runit", ">= 1.0"
attribute "git/server/base_path",
:display_name => "Git Daemon Base Path",
:description => "A directory containing git repositories to be exposed by the git-daemon",
:default => "/srv/git",
:recipes => ["git::server"]
attribute "git/server/export_all",
:display_name => "Git Daemon Export All",
:description => "Adds the --export-all option to the git-daemon parameters, making all repositories publicly readable even if they lack the \"git-daemon-export-ok\" file",
:choice => ["true", "false"],
:default => "true",
:recipes => ["git::server"]