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use IO::Socket;
# Sample postscript to check appstatus for GPFS,LAPI and LoadL on AIX system
# Report the appstatus to xcatd on MN.
my $timeout = 300;
# The number of items to check, currently including:
# gpfs-daemon, gpfs-quorum, gpfs-filesystem, lapi-pnsd, loadl-schedd, loadl-startd
my $itemnum = 6;
my $passed = 0;
# Set sleep time
my $interval = 15;
my $master;
# Get server IP from xcatinfo file
if (-f "/etc/xcatinfo") {
# if this file exists assume it has the correct server name
my $cmd = "cat /etc/xcatinfo | grep 'XCATSERVER'";
my $SNline = `$cmd`;
my ($junk, $servnode) = split(/=/, $SNline);
chomp $servnode;
$servnode =~ s/^\s*//;
if ($servnode) {
$master = $servnode;
my $gpfsd = "hpcbootstatus gpfs-daemon=up";
my $gpfsq = "hpcbootstatus gpfs-quorum=achieved";
# add HPCbootstatus.aix to /etc/inittab for diskful node reboot
# see if it is already there
my $cmd = "/usr/sbin/lsitab hpcbootstatus > /dev/null 2>&1";
my $rc = system("$cmd") >>8;
if ($rc != 0)
# add new entry
my $mkcmd = '/usr/sbin/mkitab "hpcbootstatus:2:wait:/xcatpost/HPCbootstatus.aix > /dev/console 2>&1"';
while (1)
my $count= 0;
# Check gpfs-daemon via port 1191.
my $cmd = "netstat -nA|grep 1191";
my $rc = `$cmd`;
# send message to xcatd
if (&updateflag($master,$gpfsd) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $gpfsd to xcatd on $master!\n";
# Check gpfs-quorum via /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmgetstate
$cmd = "/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmgetstate -s|grep achieved";
$rc = `$cmd`;
# send message to xcatd
if (&updateflag($master,$gpfsq) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $gpfsq to xcatd on $master!\n";
# Check gpfs-filesystem via /usr/sbin/mount
$cmd = "cat /tmp/mount |grep mmfs |awk '{print \$2}'";
my @fs = `$cmd`;
my $new = "";
if(scalar @fs)
foreach my $line (@fs)
chomp $line;
$new .= $line;
$new .= "!";
# send message to xcatd
my $gpfsf = "hpcbootstatus gpfs-filesystem=$new";
if (&updateflag($master,$gpfsf) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $gpfsf to xcatd on $master!\n";
# Check LAPI via lssrc
$cmd = "/usr/bin/lssrc -s pnsd |/usr/bin/awk '(NR==2){print \$3}'";
$rc = `$cmd`;
# send message to xcatd
chomp $rc;
my $lapi = "hpcbootstatus lapi-pnsd=$rc";
if (&updateflag($master,$lapi) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $lapi to xcatd on $master!\n";
# Check loadl-schedd via llrstatus
$cmd = "/usr/bin/llrstatus -h `hostname` -r %sca %scs";
$rc = `$cmd`;
# send message to xcatd
chomp $rc;
my $llsc = "hpcbootstatus loadl-schedd=$rc";
if (&updateflag($master,$llsc) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $llsc to xcatd on $master!\n";
# Check loadl-startd via llrstatus
$cmd = "/usr/bin/llrstatus -h `hostname` -r %sta %sts";
$rc = `$cmd`;
# send message to xcatd
chomp $rc;
my $llst = "hpcbootstatus loadl-startd=$rc";
if (&updateflag($master,$llst) != 0)
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Failed to report $llst to xcatd on $master!\n";
# All is done or timeout?
if (($count == $itemnum ) || ($passed >= $timeout))
$passed += $interval;
sleep $interval;
# updateflag
# Tells xCAT on the server about the appstatus.
# e.g. $status = "hpcbootstatus loadl-schedd=1!Avail";
sub updateflag {
my $server = shift;
my $status = shift;
my $port = "3002"; #by default
my $servip = `host $server | awk '{print \$3}'`;
$servip =~ s/,$//; # remove trailing comma
my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $servip, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 0);
my $try = 10;
while (!$remote && $try-- > 0) {
sleep 1;
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $servip, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 0);
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Cannot connect to host \'$servip\'\n";
unless ($remote) {
print "HPCbootstatus.aix: Cannot connect to host \'$servip\'\n";
return 1;
my $line;
while (defined ($line = <$remote>)) {
chomp $line;
if ($line eq "ready") {
print $remote "$status\n";
} elsif ($line eq "done") {
close $remote;
return 0;