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# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_plugin::destiny;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use Data::Dumper;
use xCAT::Utils;
use Sys::Syslog;
use xCAT::GlobalDef;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
use strict;
my $request;
my $callback;
my $subreq;
my $errored = 0;
my $chaintab;
my $iscsitab;
my $bptab;
my $typetab;
my $restab;
my $sitetab;
my $hmtab;
my $tftpdir="/tftpboot";
my $nonodestatus=0;
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
if ($sitetab) {
(my $ref1) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'nodestatus'}, 'value');
if ($ref1) {
if ($ref1->{value} =~ /0|n|N/) { $nonodestatus=1; }
sub handled_commands {
return {
setdestiny => "destiny",
getdestiny => "destiny",
nextdestiny => "destiny"
sub process_request {
$request = shift;
$callback = shift;
$subreq = shift;
if (xCAT::Utils->isMN()) {
my $result= xCAT::Utils->checkCredFiles($callback);
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'getdestiny') {
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'nextdestiny') {
nextdestiny(0,1); #it is called within dodestiny
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'setdestiny') {
setdestiny($request, 0);
sub relay_response {
my $resp = shift;
if ($resp and ($resp->{errorcode} and $resp->{errorcode}->[0]) or ($resp->{error} and $resp->{error}->[0])) {
foreach (@{$resp->{node}}) {
if ($_->{error} or $_->{errorcode}) {
sub setdestiny {
my $req=shift;
my $flag=shift;
my $noupdate=shift;
$chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain',-create=>1);
my @nodes=@{$req->{node}};
my $state = $req->{arg}->[0];
my %nstates;
if ($state eq "enact") {
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype',-create=>1);
my %nodestates;
my %stents = %{$chaintab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},"currstate")};
my %ntents = %{$nodetypetab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},"provmethod")};
my $state;
my $sninit=0;
if (exists($req->{inittime})) { # this is called in AAsn.pm
foreach (@{$req->{node}}) { #First, build a hash of all of the states to attempt to keep things as aggregated as possible
if ($stents{$_}->[0]->{currstate}) {
$state = $stents{$_}->[0]->{currstate};
$state =~ s/ .*//;
#get the osimagename if nodetype.provmethod has osimage specified
if (($sninit ==1) && (($state eq 'install') || ($state eq 'netboot') || ($state eq 'statelite'))) {
my $osimage=$ntents{$_}->[0]->{provmethod};
if (($osimage) && ($osimage ne 'install') && ($osimage ne 'netboot') && ($osimage ne 'statelite')) {
push @{$nodestates{$state}},$_;
foreach (keys %nodestates) {
$req->{node} = $nodestates{$_};
setdestiny($req,30,1); #ludicrous flag to denote no table updates can be inferred.
} elsif ($state eq "next") {
return nextdestiny($flag + 1); #this is special case where updateflag is called
} elsif ($state eq "iscsiboot") {
my $iscsitab=xCAT::Table->new('iscsi');
unless ($iscsitab) {
$callback->({error=>"Unable to open iscsi table to get iscsiboot parameters",errorcode=>[1]});
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $nodetype = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $ntents = $nodetype->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(os arch profile)]);
my $ients = $iscsitab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(kernel kcmdline initrd)]);
foreach (@{$req->{node}}) {
my $ient = $ients->{$_}->[0]; #$iscsitab->getNodeAttribs($_,[qw(kernel kcmdline initrd)]);
my $ntent = $ntents->{$_}->[0];
unless ($ient and $ient->{kernel}) {
unless ($ntent and $ntent->{arch} =~ /x86/ and -f ("$tftpdir/undionly.kpxe" or -f "$tftpdir/xcat/xnba.kpxe")) { $callback->({error=>"$_: No iscsi boot data available",errorcode=>[1]}); } #If x86 node and undionly.kpxe exists, presume they know what they are doing
my $hash;
$hash->{kernel} = $ient->{kernel};
if ($ient->{initrd}) { $hash->{initrd} = $ient->{initrd} }
if ($ient->{kcmdline}) { $hash->{kcmdline} = $ient->{kcmdline} }
} elsif ($state =~ /^install[=\$]/ or $state eq 'install' or $state =~ /^netboot[=\$]/ or $state eq 'netboot' or $state eq "image" or $state eq "winshell" or $state =~ /^osimage/ or $state =~ /^statelite/) {
my $target;
if ($state =~ /=/) {
($state,$target) = split /=/,$state,2;
my $nodetypetable = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype', -create=>1);
if ($state ne 'osimage') {
my $updateattribs;
if ($target) {
my $archentries = $nodetypetable->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},['supportedarchs']);
if ($target =~ /^([^-]*)-([^-]*)-(.*)/) {
my $nodearch=$2;
foreach (@{$req->{node}}) {
if ($archentries->{$_}->[0]->{supportedarchs} and $archentries->{$_}->[0]->{supportedarchs} !~ /(^|,)$nodearch(\z|,)/) {
$callback->({errorcode=>1,error=>"Requested architecture ".$nodearch." is not one of the architectures supported by $_ (per nodetype.supportedarchs, it supports ".$archentries->{$_}->[0]->{supportedarchs}.")"});
} #end foreach
} else {
} #end if($target)
my @tmpnodelist = @{$req->{node}};
$nodetypetable->setNodesAttribs(\@tmpnodelist, $updateattribs);
} else {
if (@{$req->{node}} == 0) { return;}
if ($target) {
my $osimagetable=xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
(my $ref) = $osimagetable->getAttribs({imagename => $target}, 'provmethod', 'osvers', 'profile', 'osarch');
if ($ref) {
if ($ref->{provmethod}) {
} else {
$errored =1; $callback->({error=>"osimage.provmethod for $target must be set."});
} else {
$errored =1; $callback->({error=>"Cannot find the OS image $target on the osimage table."});
my $updateattribs;
my @tmpnodelist = @{$req->{node}};
} else {
$errored =1; $callback->({error=>"OS image name must be specified."});
#print Dumper($req);
node=>$req->{node}}, \&relay_response);
if ($errored) {
$callback->({error=>"Some nodes failed to set up $state resources, aborting"});
return; }
my $ntents = $nodetypetable->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(os arch profile)]);
foreach (@{$req->{node}}) {
$nstates{$_} = $state; #local copy of state variable for mod
my $ntent = $ntents->{$_}->[0]; #$nodetype->getNodeAttribs($_,[qw(os arch profile)]);
if ($state ne "winshell") {
if ($ntent and $ntent->{os}) {
$nstates{$_} .= " ".$ntent->{os};
} else { $errored =1; $callback->({error=>"nodetype.os not defined for $_"}); }
} else {
$nstates{$_} .= " winpe";
if ($ntent and $ntent->{arch}) {
$nstates{$_} .= "-".$ntent->{arch};
} else { $errored =1; $callback->({error=>"nodetype.arch not defined for $_"}); }
if ($state ne "winshell") {
if ($ntent and $ntent->{profile}) {
$nstates{$_} .= "-".$ntent->{profile};
} else { $errored =1; $callback->({error=>"nodetype.profile not defined for $_"}); }
if ($errored) {return;}
unless ($state =~ /^netboot|^statelite/) { $chaintab->setNodeAttribs($_,{currchain=>"boot"}); };
} elsif ($state eq "shell" or $state eq "standby" or $state =~ /^runcmd/ or $state =~ /^runimage/) {
my $bootparms=xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $nodetype = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $nodehm = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my $hments = $nodehm->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['serialport','serialspeed','serialflow']);
(my $portent) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'xcatdport'},'value');
(my $mastent) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'master'},'value');
my $enthash = $nodetype->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(arch)]);
my $resents = $restab->getNodeAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(xcatmaster)]);
foreach (@nodes) {
my $ent = $enthash->{$_}->[0]; #$nodetype->getNodeAttribs($_,[qw(arch)]);
unless ($ent and $ent->{arch}) {
$callback->({error=>["No archictecture defined in nodetype table for $_"],errorcode=>[1]});
my $arch = $ent->{arch};
my $ent = $resents->{$_}->[0]; #$restab->getNodeAttribs($_,[qw(xcatmaster)]);
my $master;
my $kcmdline = "quiet ";
if ($mastent and $mastent->{value}) {
$master = $mastent->{value};
if ($ent and $ent->{xcatmaster}) {
$master = $ent->{xcatmaster};
$ent = $hments->{$_}->[0]; #$nodehm->getNodeAttribs($_,['serialport','serialspeed','serialflow']);
if ($ent and defined($ent->{serialport})) {
$kcmdline .= "console=tty0 console=ttyS".$ent->{serialport};
#$ent = $nodehm->getNodeAttribs($_,['serialspeed']);
unless ($ent and defined($ent->{serialspeed})) {
$callback->({error=>["Serial port defined in noderes, but no nodehm.serialspeed set for $_"],errorcode=>[1]});
$kcmdline .= ",".$ent->{serialspeed};
#$ent = $nodehm->getNodeAttribs($_,['serialflow']);
if ($ent and ($ent->{serialflow} eq 'hard' or $ent->{serialflow} eq 'rtscts')) {
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
$kcmdline .= " ";
unless ($master) {
$callback->({error=>["No master in site table nor noderes table for $_"],errorcode=>[1]});
my $xcatdport="3001";
if ($portent and $portent->{value}) {
$xcatdport = $portent->{value};
if (-r "$tftpdir/xcat/genesis.kernel.$arch") {
if (-r "$tftpdir/xcat/genesis.fs.$arch.lzma") {
$bootparms->setNodeAttribs($_,{kernel => "xcat/genesis.kernel.$arch",
initrd => "xcat/genesis.fs.$arch.lzma",
kcmdline => $kcmdline."xcatd=$master:$xcatdport destiny=$state"});
} else {
$bootparms->setNodeAttribs($_,{kernel => "xcat/genesis.kernel.$arch",
initrd => "xcat/genesis.fs.$arch.gz",
kcmdline => $kcmdline."xcatd=$master:$xcatdport destiny=$state"});
} else { #'legacy' environment
$bootparms->setNodeAttribs($_,{kernel => "xcat/nbk.$arch",
initrd => "xcat/nbfs.$arch.gz",
kcmdline => $kcmdline."xcatd=$master:$xcatdport"});
}elsif ($state eq "offline"){
} elsif (!($state eq "boot")) {
$callback->({error=>["Unknown state $state requested"],errorcode=>[1]});
#blank out the nodetype.provmethod if the previous provisioning method is not 'install'
if ($state eq "iscsiboot" or $state eq "boot") {
my $nodetype = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype',-create=>1);
my $osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
my $ntents = $nodetype->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(os arch profile provmethod)]);
my @nodestoblank=();
my %osimage_hash=();
foreach (@{$req->{node}}) {
my $ntent = $ntents->{$_}->[0];
#if the previous nodeset staute is not install, then blank nodetype.provmethod
if ($ntent and $ntent->{provmethod}){
my $provmethod=$ntent->{provmethod};
if (($provmethod ne 'install') && ($provmethod ne 'netboot') && ($provmethod ne 'statelite')) {
if (exists($osimage_hash{$provmethod})) {
$provmethod= $osimage_hash{$provmethod};
} else {
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $provmethod}, 'provmethod');
if (($ref) && $ref->{provmethod}) {
if ($provmethod ne 'install') {
push(@nodestoblank, $_);
} #end foreach
#now blank out the nodetype.provmethod
#print "nodestoblank=@nodestoblank\n";
if (@nodestoblank > 0) {
my $newhash;
$nodetype->setNodesAttribs(\@nodestoblank, $newhash);
if ($noupdate) { return; } #skip table manipulation if just doing 'enact'
foreach (@nodes) {
my $lstate = $state;
if ($nstates{$_}) {
$lstate = $nstates{$_};
return getdestiny($flag + 1);
sub nextdestiny {
my $flag=shift;
my $callnodeset=0;
if (scalar(@_)) {
my @nodes;
if ($request and $request->{node}) {
if (ref($request->{node})) {
@nodes = @{$request->{node}};
} else {
@nodes = ($request->{node});
#TODO: service third party getdestiny..
} else { #client asking to move along its own chain
#TODO: SECURITY with this, any one on a node could advance the chain, for node, need to think of some strategy to deal with...
unless ($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0]) {
#ERROR? malformed request
return; #nothing to do here...
my $node = $request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0];
($node) = noderange($node);
unless ($node) {
#not a node, don't trust it
my $node;
$chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
my $chainents = $chaintab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(currstate currchain chain)]);
foreach $node (@nodes) {
unless($chaintab) {
syslog("local1|err","ERROR: $node requested destiny update, no chain table");
return; #nothing to do...
my $ref = $chainents->{$node}->[0]; #$chaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(currstate currchain chain)]);
unless ($ref->{chain} or $ref->{currchain}) {
syslog ("local1|err","ERROR: node requested destiny update, no path in chain.currchain");
return; #Can't possibly do anything intelligent..
unless ($ref->{currchain}) { #If no current chain, copy the default
$ref->{currchain} = $ref->{chain};
my @chain = split /[,;]/,$ref->{currchain};
$ref->{currstate} = shift @chain;
unless ($ref->{currchain}) { #If we've gone off the end of the chain, have currchain stick
$ref->{currchain} = $ref->{currstate};
$chaintab->setNodeAttribs($node,$ref); #$ref is in a state to commit back to db
my %requ;
setdestiny(\%requ, $flag+1);
if ($callnodeset) {
node=> \@nodes,
sub getdestiny {
my $flag=shift;
# flag value:
# 0--getdestiny is called by dodestiny
# 1--called by nextdestiny in dodestiny. The node calls nextdestiny before boot and runcmd.
# 2--called by nodeset command
# 3--called by updateflag after the node finished installation and before booting
my @args;
my @nodes;
if ($request->{node}) {
if (ref($request->{node})) {
@nodes = @{$request->{node}};
} else {
@nodes = ($request->{node});
} else { # a client asking for it's own destiny.
unless ($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0]) {
$callback->({destiny=>[ 'discover' ]});
my ($node) = noderange($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0]);
unless ($node) { # it had a valid hostname, but isn't a node
$callback->({destiny=>[ 'discover' ]});
my $node;
$restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
my $chainents = $chaintab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(currstate chain)]);
my $nrents = $restab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(tftpserver xcatmaster)]);
$bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $bpents = $bptab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(kernel initrd kcmdline xcatmaster)]);
my $sitetab= xCAT::Table->new('site');
(my $sent) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'master'},'value');
my %node_status=();
foreach $node (@nodes) {
unless ($chaintab) { #Without destiny, have the node wait with ssh hopefully open at least
$callback->({node=>[{name=>[$node],data=>['standby'],destiny=>[ 'standby' ]}]});
my $ref = $chainents->{$node}->[0]; #$chaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(currstate chain)]);
unless ($ref) {
#collect node status for certain states
if (($nonodestatus==0) && (($flag==0) || ($flag==3))) {
my $stat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState("standby", "getdestiny");
#print "node=$node, stat=$stat\n";
if ($stat) {
if (exists($node_status{$stat})) {
my $pa=$node_status{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
else { $node_status{$stat}=[$node]; }
$callback->({node=>[{name=>[$node],data=>['standby'],destiny=>[ 'standby' ]}]});
unless ($ref->{currstate}) { #Has a record, but not yet in a state...
# we set a 1 here so that it does the nodeset to create tftpboot files
return nextdestiny(0,1); #Becomes a nextdestiny...
# my @chain = split /,/,$ref->{chain};
# $ref->{currstate} = shift @chain;
# $chaintab->setNodeAttribs($node,{currstate=>$ref->{currstate}});
my %response;
my $nrent = $nrents->{$node}->[0]; #$noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(tftpserver xcatmaster)]);
my $bpent = $bpents->{$node}->[0]; #$bptab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(kernel initrd kcmdline xcatmaster)]);
if (defined $bpent->{kernel}) {
if (defined $bpent->{initrd}) {
if (defined $bpent->{kcmdline}) {
if (defined $nrent->{tftpserver}) {
} elsif (defined $nrent->{xcatmaster}) {
} elsif (defined($sent->{value})) {
} else {
$response{imgserver} = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($node);
#collect node status for certain states
if (($flag==0) || ($flag==3)) {
my $stat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($response{destiny}->[0], "getdestiny");
#print "node=$node, stat=$stat\n";
if ($stat) {
if (exists($node_status{$stat})) {
my $pa=$node_status{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
else { $node_status{$stat}=[$node]; }
#setup the nodelist.status
if (($nonodestatus==0) && (($flag==0) || ($flag==3))) {
#print "save status\n";
if (keys(%node_status) > 0) { xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%node_status, 1); }