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# IBM(c) 2008 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# #
# Command: annotatelog #
# #
# This xCAT script is used to parse the QLogic log entries in file
# /var/log/xcat/errorlog/[xCAT Management Nodes] on CSM Management
# Node by subnet manager, IB node, chassis, FRU(Field-Replaceable Unit) or a
# particular node. This script is supported by both AIX and Linux MN.
# From xCAT's point of view, the log to analyze must be xCAT
# consolidated log, which means this log file must come from xCAT
# syslog/errorlog monitoring mechanism, such as
# /var/log/xcat/errorlog/[xCAT Management Nodes] file. Since the log format
# is various, xCAT do not support other log files.
# Command Syntax:
# annotatelog -f log_file [-s start_time] [-e end_time]
# { [-i -g guid_file -l link_file] [-S] [-c] [-u]| [-a -g guid_file -l link_file]}
# {[-n node_list -g guid_file] [-E]}
# [-h]
# -A Output the combination of -i, -S, -c and -u. It should be used with -g and -l flags.
# -f log_file
# Specifies a log file fullpath name to analyze.
# Must be xCAT consolidated log got from Qlogic HSM or ESM.
# -s start_time
# Specifies the start time for analysis, where the start_time
# variable has the format ddmmyyhh:mm:ss (day, month, year,
# hour, minute, and second), 00:00:00 is valid.
# -e end_time
# Specifies the end time for analysis, where the end_time
# variable has the format ddmmyyhh:mm:ss (day, month, year,
# hour, minute, and second), 00:00:00 is valid.
# -l link_file
# Specifies a link file fullpath name, which concatenates all
# '/var/opt/iba/analysis/baseline/fabric*links' files from all fabric management nodes.
# -g guid_file
# Specifies a guid file fullpath name, which has a list of
# GUIDs as obtained from the "getGuids" script.
# -E Annotate with node ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information. This
# can help determine if a disappearance was caused by a node
# disappearing. It is for AIX nodes only and should be used with -x or -n flag.
# -S Sort the log entries by subnet manager only.
# -i Sort the log entries by IB node only.
# -c Sort the log entries by chassis only.
# -u Sort the log entries by FRU only.
# -n node_list
# Specifies a comma-separated list of node host names, IP addresses to look up in log entries.
# -h Display usage information.
# Exit codes:
# 0 - success
# 1 - fail
use Net::Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;
#Maps between HCA adapter and connector
%::HCAMAP = (
"iba0_lsw1" => "C65-T1 (HV=Cx-T1)", "iba0_lsw2" => "C65-T2 (HV=Cx-T2)",
"iba1_lsw1" => "C65-T3", "iba1_lsw2" => "C65-T4",
"iba2_lsw1" => "C66-T1", "iba2_lsw2" => "C66-T2",
"iba3_lsw1" => "C66-T3", "iba3_lsw2" => "C66-T4",
"ehca0_lsw1" => "C65-T1 (HV=Cx-T1)", "ehca0_lsw2" => "C65-T2 (HV=Cx-T2)",
"ehca1_lsw1" => "C65-T3", "ehca1_lsw2" => "C65-T4",
"ehca2_lsw1" => "C66-T1", "ehca2_lsw2" => "C66-T2",
"ehca3_lsw1" => "C66-T3", "ehca3_lsw2" => "C66-T4",
$::OK = 0;
$::NOK = 1;
$::SHSEP = "###############################################################################";
$::DASEP = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
#Logs sorted by kinds of method
#The start time and end time of logs that will be analyzed
#Record the relationship between guid and it's information
#Record links between HCA and Switch and links between Switch and Swtich
#ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information
#Information related with a node
#List of nodes that their logs will be analyzed
# MAIN Main main#
exit $::OK;
=head3 getArgs
Parse the command line and check the values
sub getArgs()
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
if (
'h' => \$::HELP,
'A' => \$::ALL,
'f=s' => \$::LOG_FILE,
's=s' => \$::START_TIME,
'e=s' => \$::END_TIME,
'g=s' => \$::GUIDS_FILE,
'l=s' => \$::LINKS_FILE,
'E' => \$::ERRLOG,
'S' => \$::SM,
'i' => \$::IBNODE,
'c' => \$::CHASSIS,
'u' => \$::FRU,
'n=s' => \$::NODE_LIST
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::HELP == 1 )
exit $::OK;
if ( $::LOG_FILE eq "" )
print "Please use \"-f\" to specify a log file.";
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::SM == 0 && $::IBNODE == 0 && $::CHASSIS == 0 && $::FRU == 0 && $::NODE_LIST eq "")
#If there is no flag specified, -A is default
$::ALL = 1;
if ( $::ALL == 1 && ($::SM == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1 || $::CHASSIS == 1 || $::FRU == 1))
print "The flag -i, -S, -c or -u should not be used with -A.";
exit $::NOK;
if ( ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1) && ( $::GUIDS_FILE eq "" || $::LINKS_FILE eq ""))
print "The -g flag and -l flag should be used with -a or -i flag.\n";
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::ERRLOG == 1 && ( $::IBNODE == 0 && $::ALL == 0 && $::NODE_LIST eq "") )
print "The -E flag should be used with -n or -i or -a flag.\n";
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::NODE_LIST ne "" && $::GUIDS_FILE eq "" )
print "The -n flag should be used with -g flag.\n";
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::NODE_LIST ne "")
@::NodeList = split /,/, $::NODE_LIST;
#List all nodes in Managed or MinManaged mode
my @AllNodes = `nodels`; chomp @AllNodes;
my @NotDefinedNodes;
foreach my $node (@::NodeList)
#If there are IP addresses in NodeList, convert IP to hostname first
if (isIpaddr($node))
my ($hostname, $ip) = getHost($node);
$node = $hostname;
#Check nodes in NodeList and find those that are not defined in CSM database or not in Managed or MinManaged mode
if (!(grep {$_ =~ /$node/} @AllNodes))
push (@NotDefinedNodes, $node);
if (scalar(@NotDefinedNodes))
my $badnodes = join ",", @NotDefinedNodes;
print "Could not find Managed Node(s) $badnodes in the node database. Run lsnode -w \"Mode='Managed' or Mode='MinManaged'\" to see the list of valid node names.\n";
exit $::NOK;
if ( $::GUIDS_FILE ne "" ) { %::GUIDS = getGUIDs($::GUIDS_FILE); }
if ( $::LINKS_FILE ne "" ) { %::HCALinks = getHCALinks($::LINKS_FILE); }
if ( $::START_TIME ne "" )
$::Start_Epoch = epochTime($::START_TIME);
$::Start_Epoch = 0;
if ( $::END_TIME ne "" )
$::End_Epoch = epochTime($::END_TIME);
undef $::End_Epoch;
=head3 isIpaddr
returns 1 if parameter is has a valid IP address form.
dot qulaified IP address: e.g.
1 - if legal IP address
0 - if not legal IP address.
if ($ipAddr) { blah; }
Doesn't test if the IP address is on the network,
just tests its form.
sub isIpaddr
my ($class, $addr) = @_;
#print "addr=$addr\n";
if ($addr !~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
return 0;
if ($1 > 255 || $1 == 0 || $2 > 255 || $3 > 255 || $4 > 255)
return 0;
return 1;
=head3 getHost
Return primary hostname and ip address for the given hostname or
ip address and die if hostname resolution fails.
A string: either an Ip Address or a HostName.
($nodename, $nodeip) as strings
returns 0;
my ($nodename, $nodeip) = getHost($node);
sub getHost
my ($class, $arg, $live) = @_;
#print "arg=$arg\n";
my ($hostname, $ipaddr);
if (isIpaddr($arg))
$ipaddr = $arg;
my $packedaddr = inet_aton($ipaddr);
$hostname = gethostbyaddr($packedaddr,AF_INET);
if (!$hostname)
$hostname = $ipaddr;
#print "hostname=$hostname\n";
else # they specified a hostname
$hostname = $arg; # this may be a short hostname
my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) =
#print "name=$name, # of addrs=$#addrs.\n";
my $packedaddr = $addrs[0];
$ipaddr = inet_ntoa($packedaddr);
$hostname =
$name; # they may have specified a shorter or non-primary name
#print "ipaddr=$ipaddr, hostname=$hostname\n";
return ($hostname, $ipaddr);
=head3 getLogs
Parse the logs
$logfile - The file name of log file
sub getLogs
my ($logfile) = @_;
my $tsepoch;
unless (open(LOGFILE, $logfile))
print "Can't open '$logfile':\n\t$!";
exit $::NOK;
foreach my $line (<LOGFILE>)
chomp $line;
$tsepoch = 0;
# only work with local6 logs
#if ( $line =~ /local6/ ) {
# parse up log entries
if ($line =~ /SM:.*COND:#12/ and ($::ALL == 1 || $::SM == 1))
my ($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $linkedto, $detail);
#Parse a line of logs
#The DETAIL is not always there
if ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)\|LINKEDTO:(.*)\|DETAIL:(.*)/ )
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $linkedto, $detail) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
elsif ($line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)\|DETAIL:(.*)/)
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $detail) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
$tsepoch = epochTime($ts) if($ts);
#Check the time of this log is in the period specified
if ( $tsepoch >= $::Start_Epoch && (!defined($::End_Epoch) || ($ts && $tsepoch <= $::End_Epoch)) )
$::SMLOGS{$sm} = "$::SMLOGS{$sm}\n$line";
if ($line =~ /CHASSIS:/ and ($::ALL == 1 || $::CHASSIS == 1 || $::FRU == 1))
my ($ts, $level, $chassis, $cond, $FRU, $pn, $details);
if ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|CHASSIS:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|FRU:(.*)\|PN:(.*)\|DETAIL:(.*)/ )
($ts, $level, $chassis, $cond, $FRU, $pn, $details) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
elsif ($line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|CHASSIS:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|FRU:(.*)\|PN:(.*)/)
($ts, $level, $chassis, $cond, $FRU, $pn) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
$tsepoch = epochTime($ts) if($ts);
if ( $tsepoch >= $::Start_Epoch && (!defined($::End_Epoch) || ($ts && $tsepoch <= $::End_Epoch)) )
$FRU = "$chassis - $FRU";
$::FRULOGS{$FRU} = "$::FRULOGS{$FRU}\n$line" if ($::ALL == 1 || $::FRU == 1);
$::CHASSISLOGS{$chassis} = "$::CHASSISLOGS{$chassis}\n$line" if ($::ALL == 1 || $::CHASSIS == 1);
if ($line =~ /SM:/ && ($::ALL == 1 || $::SM == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1 || $::NODE_LIST ne ""))
my $guid;
my $port;
my $guidref;
my $realguid;
my $lsw;
my $lswref;
my $hcaphys;
my $host;
my $elog_entry;
my ($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $linkedto, $detail);
if ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)\|LINKEDTO:(.*)\|DETAIL:(.*)/)
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $linkedto, $detail) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
elsif ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)\|LINKEDTO:(.*)/ )
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $linkedto) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
elsif ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)\|DETAIL:(.*)/ )
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node, $detail) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
elsif ( $line =~ /(.........:..:..).*MSG:(\w*)\|SM:(.*)\|COND:(.*)\|NODE:(.*)/ )
($ts, $level, $sm, $cond, $node) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
if ( $sm eq "") { $sm = "Other"; }
$tsepoch = epochTime($ts) if($ts);
if ( $tsepoch >= $::Start_Epoch && (!defined($::End_Epoch) || ($ts && $tsepoch <= $::End_Epoch)) )
if ($node =~ /IBM .*Logical/ && ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1 || $::NODE_LIST ne ""))
$guid = $node;
$guid =~ s/.*:0x//;
$port = $node;
$port =~ s/.*port //;
$port =~ s/:.*//;
if ( $node =~ /IBM .*Logical Switch/ )
#It's for Logical Switch
$realguid = $guid;
$guid =~ s/..$/00/;
$node =~ /.*Switch (\d):.*/;
$lsw = $1;
#The key for HCALinks to find the next link of this Logical Switch
$guidref = "$realguid:1";
#It's for Logical HCA
$::GUIDS{$guid}{type} =~ /.*(\d+)/;
$lsw = $1;
#The key for HCALinks to find the linked Logical Switch of this Logical HCA
$guidref = "$guid:$port";
$lswref = $::HCALinks{$guidref};
$lswref =~ /.*GUID\s*0x(\w+).*/;
$lswref = $1;
#The key for HCALinks to find the next link of the Logical Switch
$lswref = "$lswref:1";
my $hcadev = $::GUIDS{$guid}{dev};
my $hcalu = "${hcadev}_lsw${lsw}";
#Find the connector
$hcaphys = $::HCAMAP{$hcalu};
$host = $::GUIDS{$guid}{host};
#If this it a log for HCA, the guid can be translated to a hostname using GUIDS map
$node = "$host :port $port:0x$guid" if($host);
if ( $::NODE_LIST ne "" )
if ( grep {$host =~ /$_/ || $_ =~ /$host/} @::NodeList )
$::NODELOGSBYNAME{$host} = "$::NODELOGSBYNAME{$host}\n$line";
#If -E is specified, get the ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information
if ( $::ERRLOG == 1 && $host && ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1 || ($::NODE_LIST ne "" && grep {$host =~ /$_/ || $_ =~ /$host/} @::NodeList)))
if ( ! exists $::ELOGON{$host})
my $ret = getERRLOG($host);
($::ELOGON{$host}, $::ELOGOFF{$host}) = split/[_]/, $ret;
$elog_entry = "\n# ERRLOG_ON: $::ELOGON{$host}\n# ERRLOG_OFF: $::ELOGOFF{$host}";
if ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1)
$::HCALinks{$guidref} =~ /(.+)\s*port.*/;
my $swname = $1;
my $lswn = $::HCALinks{$guidref} ? $::HCALinks{$guidref} : "Not Found";
my $swn = $::HCALinks{$lswref} ? $::HCALinks{$lswref} : "Not Found";
if ( (! exists $::NodeInfo{$node}) && $node)
if ( $node =~ /IBM .*Logical Switch/ )
$::NodeInfo{$node} = "- <-> $lswn";
$::NodeInfo{$node} = "- $::GUIDS{$guid}{dev} <-> $lswn\n" .
"- Connector is $hcaphys\n" .
"- $swname<-> $swn";
if ( ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1) && $::ERRLOG == 1 )
$::NodeInfo{$node} = $::NodeInfo{$node} . "\n$::DASEP\n# $host$elog_entry";
if ($::ERRLOG == 1 && $host && $::NODE_LIST ne "" && (grep {$host =~ /$_/ || $_ =~ /$host/} @::NodeList))
$::NodeInfo{$host} = "$elog_entry";
$::SMLOGS{$sm} = "$::SMLOGS{$sm}\n$line" if ($::ALL == 1 || $::SM == 1);
$::NODELOGS{$node} = "$::NODELOGS{$node}\n$line" if ($::ALL == 1 || $::IBNODE == 1);
if ($line =~ /.*/ and ($::ALL == 1))
$line =~ /(.........:..:..).*/;
my $tsepoch = epochTime($1) if($1);
if ( $tsepoch >= $::Start_Epoch && (!defined($::End_Epoch) || ($1 && $tsepoch <= $::End_Epoch)) )
$::OTHERLOGS{"others"} = "$::OTHERLOGS{\"others\"}\n$line";
close LOGFILE;
=head3 outputLogs
Output the results of logs analysis
sub outputLogs
my $SMLOGHDR = "Logs by Subnet Manager";
my $SMLOGSECT = "Reported by subnet manager: ";
my $IBNODEHDR = "Logs by IB node";
my $IBNODESECT = "Reported by IB node: ";
my $IBNODEHDRBYNAME = "Logs for special nodes";
my $CHLOGHDR = "Logs by CHASSIS";
my $CHLOGSECT = "Reported by chassis: ";
my $FRULOGHDR = "Logs by FRUS from CHASSIS";
my $FRULOGSECT = "Associated with FRU: ";
my $OTLOGHDR = "Logs by Others";
my $OTLOGSECT = "";
print <<EOUT;
Order of log output:
my $nout = 1;
if ( $::SM == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
print <<SOUT;
$nout. SM log organized by subnet manager location (Fabric/MS or switch)
Look for: "$SMLOGHDR" to start the SM logs.
Each section begins with "$SMLOGSECT".
if ( $::IBNODE == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
print <<SOUT;
$nout. SM log organized by IB node (switch, logical switch, logical HCA, CA)
Look for: "$IBNODEHDR" to start the IB Node logs.
Each section begins with "$IBNODESECT".
if ( $::CHASSIS == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
print <<SOUT;
$nout. Chassis logs organized by chassis (good for switch FRU problems; not links)
Look for: "$CHLOGHDR" to start the Chassis logs.
Each section begins with "$CHLOGSECT".
if ( $::FRU == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
print <<SOUT;
$nout. Chassis logs organized by FRU in chassis
Look for: "$FRULOGHDR" to start the FRU based chassis logs.
Each section begins with "$FRULOGSECT".
if ( $::ALL == 1)
print <<SOUT;
$nout. Other logs
if ( $::NODE_LIST ne "")
print <<SOUT;
$nout. SM log organized by special nodes (switch, logical switch, logical HCA, CA)
Look for: "$IBNODEHDR" to start the IB Node logs.
Each section begins with "$IBNODESECT".
print "###############################################################################";
if ( $::SM == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
outputEntries($SMLOGHDR, $SMLOGSECT, %::SMLOGS);
if ( $::IBNODE == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
if ($::CHASSIS == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
if ($::FRU == 1 or $::ALL == 1)
if ($::ALL == 1)
if ( $::NODE_LIST ne "" )
=head3 outputEntries
Output logs sorted by one method
sub outputEntries
my ($title, $prefix, %log) = @_;
print "\n$::SHSEP\n$title\n$::SHSEP\n";
for my $k ( keys %log )
print "\n$::DASEP\n$prefix'$k'\n" if ( $prefix ne "");
if ( exists $::NodeInfo{$k} )
print "$::NodeInfo{$k}\n";
print "$::DASEP\n" if ( $prefix ne "");
print "$log{$k}\n";
=head3 epochTime
Convert a time string to numberic style
$timestring - A time string
$epoch - Time in numberic style
sub epochTime
my ($timestring) = @_;
my $ots = $timestring;
my $epoch = "";
my $formaterror = 0;
my %themon = ( "Jan" => 0, "Feb" => 1, "Mar" => 2, "Apr" => 3, "May" => 4,
"Jun" => 5, "Jul" => 6, "Aug" => 7, "Sep" => 8, "Oct" => 9,
"Nov" => 10, "Dec" => 11,
if ( length($timestring) > 1 )
#If the time string is not of ddmmyyhh:mm:ss format, it will be a time stamp of a log
if ( $timestring =~ /\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+/ )
my $mont = substr $timestring, 0, 3;
my $dayt = substr $timestring, 4, 2;
my $time = substr $timestring, 7;
if (exists $themon{$mont})
$mont = $themon{$mont} + 1;
my ($psec, $pmin, $phour, $pmday, $pmon, $pyear, $pwday, $pyday, $pisdst) = localtime();
$pyear = $pyear + 1900;
my $year = substr $pyear, 2, 2;
if ($dayt < 10) { $dayt =~ s/ /0/g; }
if ($mont < 10) { $mont = "0$mont"; }
#Format the timestring to ddmmyyhh:mm:ss
$timestring = "$dayt$mont$year$time";
if ( ! ($timestring =~ /^\d+:\d+:\d+$/) )
print "Invalid time '$ots'\n";
exit $::NOK;
my $day = substr $timestring, 0, 2;
if ( !($day =~ /^\d+$/) || $day < 1 || $day > 31 )
$formaterror = 1;
my $mon = substr $timestring, 2, 2;
if ( !($mon =~ /^\d+$/) || $mon < 1 || $mon > 12 )
$formaterror = 1;
$mon = $mon - 1;
my $year = substr $timestring, 4, 2;
if ( !($year =~ /^\d+$/) )
$formaterror = 1;
$year = $year - 1900;
if ( $year < 0 ) { $year = $year + 2000 }
if ( $year > 138 ) { $formaterror = 1; }
my $hour = substr $timestring, 6, 2;
if ( !($hour =~ /^\d+$/) || $hour < 0 || $hour > 23 )
$formaterror = 1;
my $min = substr $timestring, 9, 2;
if ( !($min =~ /^\d+$/) || $min < 0 || $min > 59 )
$formaterror = 1;
my $sec = substr $timestring, 12, 2;
if ( !($sec =~ /^\d+$/) || $sec < 0 || $sec > 59 )
$formaterror = 1;
print "Invalid time '$ots'\n";
exit $::NOK;
$epoch = timegm($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
return ($epoch);
=head3 usage
usage for annotatelog
sub usage
print <<EFMT;
Usage: annotatelog -f log_file [-s start_time] [-e end_time]
{ [-i -g guid_file -l link_file] [-S] [-c] [-u]| [-a -g guid_file -l link_file]}
{[-n node_list -g guid_file] [-E]}
-A Output the combination of -i, -S, -c and -u. It should be used with -g and -l flags.
-f log_file
Specifies a log file fullpath name to analyze.
Must be CSM consolidated log got from Qlogic HSM or ESM.
-s start_time
Specifies the start time for analysis, where the start_time
variable has the format ddmmyyhh:mm:ss (day, month, year,
hour, minute, and second), 00:00:00 is valid.
-e end_time
Specifies the end time for analysis, where the end_time
variable has the format ddmmyyhh:mm:ss (day, month, year,
hour, minute, and second), 00:00:00 is valid.
-l link_file
Specifies a link file fullpath name, which concatenates all
'/var/opt/iba/analysis/baseline/fabric*links' files from all fabric management nodes.
-g guid_file
Specifies a guid file fullpath name, which has a list of
GUIDs as obtained from the "getGuids" script.
-E Annotate with node ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information. This
can help determine if a disappearance was caused by a node
disappearing. It is for AIX nodes only and should be used with -x or -n flag.
-S Sort the log entries by subnet manager only.
-i Sort the log entries by IB node only.
-c Sort the log entries by chassis only.
-u Sort the log entries by FRU only.
-n node_list
Specifies a comma-separated list of node host names, IP addresses to look up in log entries.
-h Display usage information.
=head3 getERRLOG
Use dsh to run errpt command to get the ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information
$host - Host that the ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information is get from
$ret - ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information
sub getERRLOG
my ($host) = @_;
print "Getting errpt on $host\n";
my $rc = checkDshReachability($host);
if ( $rc != 0 )
print "Warning: The dsh is unreachable for the node: $host. Run updatenode to configure dsh for that node.\n";
return "";
my $cmd = "dsh -w $host 'errpt -J \"ERRLOG_ON ERRLOG_OFF\"'";
my $out = `$cmd`;
if ($? != 0)
print "Errors occured when running command: $cmd. The node $host may be not AIX node.\n";
return "";
my $osep = "";
my $fsep = "";
my $logon = "";
my $logoff = "";
my $ts = "";
foreach my $line (split /[\n]/, $out)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~/.*TIMESTAMP/) { next;}
if ($line =~ /.*ON/)
if ($line =~ /(\S*) *(\S*) *(\w*) .*/)
my ($junk, $junk, $ts) = ($1, $2, $3);
$ts = neatTime($ts);
$logon = "$logon$osep$ts";
$osep = "; ";
if ($line =~ /.*OFF/)
if ($line =~ /(\S*) *(\S*) *(\w*) .*/)
my ($junk, $junk, $ts) = ($1, $2, $3);
$ts = neatTime($ts);
$logoff = "$logoff$fsep$ts";
$fsep = "; ";
my $ret = "${logon}_${logoff}";
return ($ret);
=head3 neatTime
Convert the time stamp of ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information into mm/dd/yy hh:mm format
$timein - Time stamp of ERRLOG_ON and ERRLOG_OFF information
$neattime - Formatted time
sub neatTime
my ($timein) = @_;
my $m = substr $timein, 0, 2;
my $d = substr $timein, 2, 2;
my $h = substr $timein, 4, 2;
my $mn = substr $timein, 6, 2;
my $y = substr $timein, 8, 2;
my $neattime = "$m/$d/$y $h:$mn";
return $neattime;
=head3 getGUIDs
Get guid maps
$guidfile - A guid file fullpath name, which has a list of GUIDs as obtained from the "getGuids" script.
%guids - A hash table recording guid maps
sub getGUIDs
my ($guidfile) = @_;
my %guids;
unless(open(GUIDSFILE, $guidfile))
print "Can't open guid file '$guidfile':\n\t$!";
exit $::NOK;
foreach my $line (<GUIDSFILE>)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /(\S*): (\S*): (\S*): (\w*$)/)
my ($host, $dev, $type, $guid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$guids{$guid}{host} = $host;
$guids{$guid}{dev} = $dev;
$guids{$guid}{type} = $type;
return %guids;
=head3 getHCALinks
Get links between HCA and Switch and links between Switch and Swtich
$hcalfile - A link file fullpath name, which concatenates all '/var/opt/iba/analysis/baseline/fabric*links' files from all fabric management nodes.
%hcalinks - A hash table recording links
sub getHCALinks
my ($hcalfile) = @_;
my $getit = 0;
my $hcaport = "";
my %hcalinks;
unless(open(LINKS, $hcalfile))
print "Can't open HCA Links file '$hcalfile':\n\t$!";
exit $::NOK;
foreach my $line (<LINKS>)
if ( $getit == 1 )
if ($line =~ /.*0x(\S*)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)/)
my ($guid, $port, $type, $name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$hcalinks{$hcaport} = "$name port $port (GUID 0x$guid)";
$getit = 0;
if ($line =~ /g.*IBM.*Logical/)
if ($line =~ /.*g 0x(\S*) *(\d*) .*/)
my $port;
($hcaport, $port) = ($1, $2);
$hcaport = "$hcaport:$port";
$getit = 1;
$getit = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %::HCALinks)
print "$key -> $hcalinks{$key}\n";
close LINKS;
return %hcalinks;
=head3 checkDshReachability
Notes: Check the dsh reachability between the Management Nodes
and node.
$node - the remote node hostname.
$::OK - The remote node is reachable through dsh.
$::NOK - The remote node is unreachable through dsh.
sub checkDshReachability()
my ($node) = @_;
my $output = `dsh -Q -n $node date 2>/dev/null`;
return $?;