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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.htm
=head1 SINV
=head2 Package Description
This program module file supplies a set of utility programs for
the sinv command.
package xCAT::SINV;
use strict;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Utils;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use Getopt::Long;
my $tempfile;
my $errored = 0;
my @dshresult;
my $templatepath;
my $processflg;
my @cmdresult;
my @errresult;
# Subroutines
=head3 usage
Display usage message
sub usage
my $callback = shift;
## usage message
my $usagemsg1 =
"The sinv command is designed to check the configuration of nodes in a cluster.\nRun man sinv for more information.\n\nInput parameters are as follows:\n";
my $usagemsg1a = "sinv -h \nsinv -v \nsinv \n";
my $usagemsg2 = " [-V verbose] [-v version] [-h usage]\n ";
my $usagemsg3 =
" [-o output file ] [-p <template path>] [-t <template count>]\n";
my $usagemsg4 = " [-r remove templates] [-s <seednode>]\n";
my $usagemsg4a = " [-e exactmatch] [-i ignore]\n";
my $usagemsg5 = " [-c <command> | -f <command file>] \n ";
my $usagemsg .= $usagemsg1 .= $usagemsg2 .= $usagemsg3 .= $usagemsg4 .=
$usagemsg4a .= $usagemsg5;
### end usage mesage
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = $usagemsg;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK);
=head3 parse_and_run_sinv
Checks input arguments and runs sinv from the plugin
sub parse_and_run_sinv
my ($class, $request, $callback, $sub_req) = @_;
my $rsp = {};
my $rc = 0;
$::CALLBACK = $callback;
my $args = $request->{arg};
@ARGV = @{$args}; # get arguments
my %options = ();
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; #Checks case in GetOptions
if (
'h|help' => \$options{'help'},
't|tc=s' => \$options{'template_cnt'},
'p|tp=s' => \$options{'template_path'},
'r|remove' => \$options{'remove_template'},
'o|output=s' => \$options{'output_file'},
's|seed=s' => \$options{'seed_node'},
'e|exactmatch' => \$options{'exactmatch'},
'i|ignorefirst' => \$options{'ignorefirst'},
'c|cmd=s' => \$options{'sinv_cmd'},
'f|file=s' => \$options{'sinv_cmd_file'},
'v|version' => \$options{'version'},
'V|Verbose' => \$options{'verbose'},
exit 1;
if ($options{'help'})
exit 0;
if ($options{'version'})
my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version();
$version .= "\n";
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = $version;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
exit 0;
if ($options{'verbose'})
$::VERBOSE = "yes";
# if neither command or file, error
if (!($options{'sinv_cmd'}) && (!($options{'sinv_cmd_file'})))
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Neither the sinv command, nor the sinv command file have been supplied.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
# if both command and file, error
if (($options{'sinv_cmd'}) && (($options{'sinv_cmd_file'})))
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Both the sinv command, and the sinv command file have been supplied. Only one or the other is allowed.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
# Get Command to run
my $cmd;
if ($options{'sinv_cmd'})
$cmd = $options{'sinv_cmd'};
# read the command from the file
if (!(-e $options{'sinv_cmd_file'}))
{ # file does not exist
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Input command file: $options{'sinv_cmd_file'} does not exist.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
$cmd = `cat $options{'sinv_cmd_file'}`;
chomp $cmd;
# the command can be either xdsh or rinv for now
# strip off the program and the noderange
my @nodelist = ();
my @cmdparts = split(' ', $cmd);
my $cmdtype = shift @cmdparts;
my $noderange = shift @cmdparts;
my @cmd = ();
if ($noderange =~ /^-/)
{ # no noderange
push @cmd, $noderange; # put flag back on command
foreach my $part (@cmdparts)
push @cmd, $part; # build rest of command
if (($cmdtype ne "xdsh") && ($cmdtype ne "rinv"))
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Only commands xdsh and rinv are currently supported.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
my $cmdoutput;
if ($cmdtype eq "xdsh")
{ # chose output routine to run
$cmdoutput = "xdshoutput";
{ # rinv
$cmdoutput = "rinvoutput";
# this must be a noderange or the flag indicating we are going to the
# install image ( -i) for xdsh, only case where noderange is not required
if ($noderange =~ /^-/)
{ # no noderange, it is a flag
@nodelist = "NO_NODE_RANGE";
# add flag back to arguments
$args .= $noderange;
{ # get noderange
@nodelist = noderange($noderange); # expand noderange
if (nodesmissed)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Invalid or missing noderange:" . join(',', nodesmissed);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
# Get exact match request
my $exactmatch = "NO";
if ($options{'exactmatch'})
$exactmatch = "YES";
# Get ignore matches on first template request
my $ignorefirsttemplate = "NO";
if ($options{'ignorefirst'})
$ignorefirsttemplate = "YES";
# Get template path
my $admintemplate;
$templatepath = $options{'template_path'};
if (!$templatepath)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Missing template path on the command.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
if (-e ($templatepath))
{ # the admin has input the template
$admintemplate = "YES";
$admintemplate = "NO";
chomp $templatepath;
# Get template count
my $templatecnt = $options{'template_cnt'};
if (!$templatecnt)
$templatecnt = 0; # default
chomp $templatecnt;
# Get remove template value
my $rmtemplate = "NO"; #default
if ($options{'remove_template'})
$rmtemplate = "YES";
chomp $rmtemplate;
# Get where to put the output
my $outputfile = $options{'output_file'};
if (!$outputfile)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Output file path missing.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
chomp $outputfile;
# open the file for writing
unless (open(OUTPUTFILE, ">$outputfile"))
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = " Cannot open $outputfile for output.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
exit 1;
# For xdsh command
# Get seed node if it exists to build the original template
# if seed node does not exist and the admin did not submit a
# template, the the first node becomes the seed node
# if there is no nodelist then error
my @seed;
my $seednode = $options{'seed_node'};
if ($seednode)
chomp $seednode;
push @seed, $seednode;
if ($admintemplate eq "NO") # default the seed node
{ # admin did not generate a template
if ($nodelist[0] ne "NO_NODE_RANGE") {
push @seed, $nodelist[0]; # assign first element as seed
$seednode = $nodelist[0];
} else { # error cannot default
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "No template or seed node supplied and no noderange to chose a default.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback,1);
exit 1;
my $tmpnodefile;
# Build Output file header
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Command started with following input.\n";
if ($cmd)
$rsp->{data}->[1] = "$cmdtype cmd:$cmd.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[1] = "$cmdtype cmd:None.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[2] = "Template path:$templatepath.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[3] = "Template cnt:$templatecnt.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[4] = "Remove template:$rmtemplate.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[5] = "Output file:$outputfile.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[6] = "Exactmatch:$exactmatch.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[7] = "Ignorefirst:$ignorefirsttemplate.\n";
if ($seednode)
$rsp->{data}->[8] = "Seed node:$seednode.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[8] = "Seed node:None.\n";
if ($options{'sinv_cmd_file'})
$rsp->{data}->[9] = "file:$options{'sinv_cmd_file'}.\n";
$rsp->{data}->[9] = "file:None.\n";
#write to output file the header
my $i = 0;
while ($i < 10)
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[$i];
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE "\n";
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# setup a tempfile for command output
$tempfile = "/tmp/sinv.$$";
# if we are to seed the original template,run the dsh command against the
# seed node and save in template_path
# already checked for rinv command above and exited, if seed node
if ($seednode)
# Below code needed to run xdsh or rinv from the plugin
# and still support a hierarchial xdsh
# this will run xdsh or rinv with input, return to
# xdshoutput routine or rinvoutput routine
# and then return inline after this code.
$processflg = "seednode";
command => [$cmdtype],
node => \@seed,
arg => [@cmd]
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@cmdresult)
$rsp->{data}->[$i] = $line;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# write the results to the tempfile after running through xdshbak
$rc = &storeresults($callback);
$processflg = "node";
# Tell them we are running the command
if ($::VERBOSE)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Running $cmdtype command.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Below code needed to run xdsh/rinv from the plugin
# and still support a hierarchial xdsh
# this will run the command with input, return to cmdoutput routine
# and then return inline after this code.
command => [$cmdtype],
node => \@nodelist,
arg => [@cmd]
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@cmdresult)
$rsp->{data}->[$i] = $line;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
# write the results to the tempfile after running through xdshbak
$rc = &storeresults($callback);
# Build report and write to output file
# if file exist and has something in it
if ((-e $tempfile) && ($rc == 0))
{ # if cmd returned something
# Tell them we are building the report
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Building Report.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
$outputfile, $tempfile,
$templatepath, $templatecnt,
$rmtemplate, \@nodelist,
$callback, $ignorefirsttemplate,
$exactmatch, $admintemplate
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "No output from $cmdtype.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Finally we need to cleanup and exit
if (-e $tempfile)
system("/bin/rm $tempfile");
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Command Complete. Check report in $outputfile.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
return $rc;
=head3 buildreport (note originally written only for xdsh but
now supports rinv also)
This routine will take the input template and compare against
the output of the dsh command and build a report of the differences.
Read a nodes worth of data from the dsh command
Call compareoutput- compares the dsh to the template
Get the template and nodename returned from compareoutput and build hash
Call writereport to take the hash and write the report to the output file
Input (report file, file containing dsh run,template file,template count
whether to remove the generated templates, original dsh node list,
If exactmatch is chosen, a diff is done against the template and the output.
If not exactmatch, then each record (line) in the template must be
checked against the node's output to determine, if it exists.
sub buildreport
my (
$class, $outputfile, $dshrun,
$templatepath, $templatecnt, $removetemplate,
$nodelistin, $callback, $ignorefirsttemplate,
$exactmatch, $admintemplate
= @_;
my @nodelist = @$nodelistin;
my $pname = "buildreport";
my $rc = $::OK;
my $rsp = {};
# Compare files and build report of nodes that match and those that do not
if (!-f "$templatepath") # we supplied a template
{ # does it exist
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "$templatepath does not exist\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
if (!-f "$dshrun")
{ # does it exist
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "$dshrun does not exist\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Build an array of template name
my @templatearray;
my $i = $templatecnt;
push @templatearray, $templatepath; # push first template
for ($i = 0 ; $i <= $templatecnt ; $i++)
if ($i != 0)
{ # more template file to read
my $templatename = $templatepath . "_" . $i;
push @templatearray, "$templatename";
# Read the output of the dsh or rinv command
if (!open(DSHRESULTS, "<$dshrun"))
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Error reading: $dshrun\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
my @dsharray = <DSHRESULTS>;
#Now we have to analyze the template(s) against the dsh command output
#The matching nodes will be built in one array and the non matching node
#In another array
# For each node entry for the dsh command
# Build an array of that node's data
# Compare that node's data to the template
# Put node in array that matches template or other if no match
my $match = 0;
my $host;
my $label;
my $firstpass = 0;
my @processNodearray;
my $hostline;
my $nodename;
my $template;
my @Nodearray;
my $dshline;
my %nodehash;
DSHARRAY: foreach $dshline (@dsharray) # for each line returned from dsh
if ($dshline =~ /HOST:/) # Host header
if ($firstpass == 0)
# put the node name on the array to process
push @Nodearray, $dshline;
$firstpass = 1;
{ # Hit next node name, process current array
@processNodearray = @Nodearray; # save node data
@Nodearray = (); # initialize array
push @Nodearray, $dshline; # save node name
my @info;
if ($exactmatch eq "YES")
{ # output matches exactly
@info =
xCAT::SINV->diffoutput($outputfile, \@templatearray,
\@processNodearray, \%nodehash, $callback);
{ # output is contained in the template
@info =
xCAT::SINV->compareoutput($outputfile, \@templatearray,
\@processNodearray, \%nodehash, $callback);
$nodename = pop @info;
$template = pop @info;
push @{$nodehash{$template}}, $nodename; # add node name
# to template hash
if ($dshline !~ /^\s*$/) # skip blanks
# skip blanks and stop on the next host
push @Nodearray, $dshline; # build the node results
} # end foreach dshline
# process the last entry
if (@Nodearray)
my @info;
if ($exactmatch eq "YES")
{ # output matches exactly
@info =
$outputfile, \@templatearray,
\@Nodearray, \%nodehash,
{ # output is contained in the template
@info =
$outputfile, \@templatearray,
\@Nodearray, \%nodehash,
$nodename = pop @info;
$template = pop @info;
push @{$nodehash{$template}}, $nodename;
# Write the report
xCAT::SINV->writereport($outputfile, \%nodehash, \@nodelist, $callback,
# Cleanup the template files if the remove option was yes
$removetemplate =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # convert to upper
if ($removetemplate eq "YES")
foreach $template (@templatearray) # for each template
if (-f "$template")
if (($template ne $templatepath) || ($admintemplate eq "NO"))
# not the first template or the first one was not created by
# admin, it was generated by the code
`/bin/rm -f $template 2>&1`;
=head3 compareoutput
The purpose of this routine is to build sets of nodes
that have the same configuration. We will build up
to template_cnt sets. If more nodes are not part of these
sets they will be put in an other list.
foreach template
Open the input template
Compare the template to the input node data
if match
add the node to the matched template hash
end foreach
if no match
if generate and a new template allowed
make this nodes information into a new template
add the node to matched template
add the node to "notemplate" list
sub compareoutput
my ($class, $outputfile, $template_array, $Node_array, $Node_hash,
$callback) = @_;
my @Nodearray = @$Node_array;
my @templatearray = @$template_array;
my %nodehash = %$Node_hash;
my $pname = "compareoutput";
my $rc = $::OK;
my $templateline;
my $info;
my $nodeline;
my $match = 0;
my @info;
my $nodename;
my $line;
%nodehash = ();
my $template;
my $matchedtemplate;
my $rsp = {};
foreach $template (@templatearray) # for each template
if (-f "$template")
{ # if it exists
# Read the template file
open(TEMPLATE, "<$template");
my @template = <TEMPLATE>;
# now compare host data to template
foreach $templateline (@template) # for each line in the template
# skip the header and blanks
if ( ($templateline !~ /HOST:/)
&& ($templateline !~ /---------/)
&& ($templateline !~ /^\s*$/))
$match = 0;
foreach $nodeline (@Nodearray) # for each node line
if ($nodeline =~ /HOST:/)
{ # if the hostname
($line, $nodename) = split ':', $nodeline;
$nodename =~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks
chomp $nodename;
if ($nodeline eq $templateline) # if we find a match
{ # get out
$match = 1;
$matchedtemplate = $template; # save name
} # end foreach nodeline
if ($match == 0)
last; # had a template line not found
} # if header
} # end foreach templateline
# end check exists
# if match found, process no more templates
if ($match == 1)
last; # exit template loop
# end foreach template
# if no match
# if generate a new template ( check the list of template file
# to see if there is one that does not exist
# put node data to new template file
if ($match == 0)
my $nodesaved = 0;
foreach $template (@templatearray)
if (!-f "$template")
if (!open(NEWTEMPLATE, ">$template"))
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Error opening $template:\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
print NEWTEMPLATE @Nodearray; # build a new template
$nodesaved = 1;
$matchedtemplate = $template;
if ($nodesaved == 0)
{ # out of templates
$matchedtemplate = "no template"; # put in other list
@info[0] = $matchedtemplate;
@info[1] = $nodename;
return @info;
=head3 diffoutput
The purpose of this routine is to build sets of nodes
that have the same configuration. We will build up
to template_cnt sets. If more nodes are not part of these
sets they will be put in an other list.
foreach template
Open the input template
Compare the template to the input node data
if exact match
add the node to the matched template hash
end foreach
if no match
if generate and a new template allowed
make this nodes information into a new template
add the node to matched template
add the node to "notemplate" list
sub diffoutput
my ($class, $outputfile, $template_array, $Node_array, $Node_hash,
$callback) = @_;
my @Nodearray = @$Node_array;
my @templatearray = @$template_array;
my %nodehash = %$Node_hash;
my $pname = "compareoutput";
my $rc = $::OK;
my $templateline;
my $info;
my $nodeline;
my $match = 0;
my @info;
my $nodename;
my $line;
%nodehash = ();
my $template;
my $matchedtemplate;
my $rsp = {};
my @template_noheader = ();
my @nodearray_noheader = ();
# build a node array without the header
foreach $nodeline (@Nodearray) # for each node line
if ($nodeline =~ /HOST:/)
{ # save the hostname
($line, $nodename) = split ':', $nodeline;
$nodename =~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks
chomp $nodename;
else # build node array with no header
if ($nodeline !~ /---------/)
push(@nodearray_noheader, $nodeline);
} # end foreach nodeline
# foreach template
# build a template array with no header
# compare to the node array with no header
foreach $template (@templatearray) # for each template
if (-f "$template")
{ # if it exists
# Read the template file
open(TEMPLATE, "<$template");
my @template = <TEMPLATE>;
# now compare host data to template
foreach $templateline (@template) # for each line in the template
# skip the header and blanks
if ( ($templateline !~ /HOST:/)
&& ($templateline !~ /---------/)
&& ($templateline !~ /^\s*$/))
# Build template array with no header
push(@template_noheader, $templateline);
} # if header
} # end foreach templateline
# if nodearray matches template exactly,quit processing templates
if (@nodearray_noheader eq @template_noheader)
$matchedtemplate = $template;
$match = 1;
else # go to next template
$match = 0;
@template_noheader = ();
} # end template exist
} #end foreach template
# if no match
# if generate a new template - check the list of template files
# to see if there is one that does not exist
# put node data to new template file
if ($match == 0)
my $nodesaved = 0;
foreach $template (@templatearray)
if (!-f "$template")
if (!open(NEWTEMPLATE, ">$template"))
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Error opening $template:\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
print NEWTEMPLATE @Nodearray; # build a new template
$nodesaved = 1;
$matchedtemplate = $template;
if ($nodesaved == 0)
{ # out of templates
$matchedtemplate = "no template"; # put in other list
@info[0] = $matchedtemplate;
@info[1] = $nodename;
return @info;
=head3 writereport
The purpose of this routine is to write the report to the output file
sub writereport
my ($class, $outputfile, $Node_hash, $nodelistin, $callback,
= @_;
my %nodehash = %$Node_hash;
my @dshnodearray = @$nodelistin;
my $pname = "writereport";
my $template;
my @nodenames;
my @nodearray;
# Header message
my $rsp = {};
$ignorefirsttemplate =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # convert to upper
my $firstpass = 0;
foreach my $template (sort keys %nodehash)
# print template name
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "The following nodes match $template:\n";
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
#print list of nodes
@nodenames = @{$nodehash{$template}};
foreach my $nodename (@nodenames)
my @shortnodename = split(/\./, $nodename);
push @nodearray, $shortnodename[0]; # build an array of the nodes
if ($ignorefirsttemplate ne "YES")
{ # report first template
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "$shortnodename[0]\n";
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
{ # do not report nodes on first template
if ($firstpass == 0) {
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"Not reporting matches on first template.\n";
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
$firstpass = 1;
$ignorefirsttemplate = "NO"; # reset for remaining templates
# Now check to see if we covered all nodes in the dsh
# short names must match long names, ignore NO_NODE_RANGE
my $firstpass = 0;
my $nodefound = 0;
foreach my $dshnodename (@dshnodearray)
if ($dshnodename ne "NO_NODE_RANGE")
{ # skip it
my @shortdshnodename;
my @shortnodename;
chomp $dshnodename;
$dshnodename =~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks
foreach my $nodename (@nodearray)
@shortdshnodename = split(/\./, $dshnodename);
@shortnodename = split(/\./, $nodename);
if ($shortdshnodename[0] eq $shortnodename[0])
$nodefound = 1; # we have a match
if ($nodefound == 0)
{ # dsh node name missing
if ($firstpass == 0)
{ # put out header
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "The following nodes had no output:\n";
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
$firstpass = 1;
# add missing node
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "$shortdshnodename[0]\n";
print $::OUTPUT_FILE_HANDLE $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($::VERBOSE)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
$nodefound = 0;
=head3 xdshoutput
Check xdsh output - get output from command and pipe to xdshbak
sub xdshoutput
my $rsp = shift;
my $rc = 0;
# Handle info structure, like xdsh returns
if ($rsp->{warning})
foreach (@{$rsp->{warning}})
my $line = $_;
$line .= "\n";
push(@errresult, $line);
if ($rsp->{error})
foreach (@{$rsp->{error}})
my $line = $_;
$line .= "\n";
push(@errresult, $line);
if ($rsp->{info})
foreach (@{$rsp->{info}})
my $line = $_;
$line .= "\n";
push(@cmdresult, $line);
return $rc;
=head3 rinvoutput
Check rinv output - get output from command
sub rinvoutput
my $rsp = shift;
# Handle node structure, like rinv returns
my $errflg = 0;
#if (scalar @{$rsp->{node}})
if ($rsp->{node})
my $nodes = ($rsp->{node});
my $node;
foreach $node (@$nodes)
my $desc = $node->{name}->[0];
if ($node->{errorcode})
if (ref($node->{errorcode}) eq 'ARRAY')
foreach my $ecode (@{$node->{errorcode}})
$xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $ecode;
$xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $node->{errorcode};
} # assume it is a non-reference scalar
if ($node->{error})
$desc .= ": Error: " . $node->{error}->[0];
$errflg = 1;
if ($node->{data})
if (ref(\($node->{data}->[0])) eq 'SCALAR')
$desc = $desc . ": " . $node->{data}->[0];
if ($node->{data}->[0]->{desc})
$desc = $desc . ": " . $node->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0];
if ($node->{data}->[0]->{contents})
$desc = "$desc: " . $node->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
if ($desc)
my $line = $desc;
$line .= "\n";
push(@cmdresult, $line);
return 0;
=head3 storeresults
Runs command output through xdshbak and stores in /tmp/<tempfile>
store results in $tempfile or $templatepath ( for seed node) based on
$processflag = seednode
sub storeresults
my $callback = shift;
# open file to write results of xdsh or rinv command
my $newtempfile = $tempfile;
$newtempfile .= "temp";
open(FILE, ">$newtempfile");
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not open $newtempfile\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
foreach my $line (@cmdresult)
print FILE $line;
close FILE;
my $outputfile;
if ($processflg eq "seednode")
{ # cmd to seednode
$outputfile = $templatepath;
{ # cmd to nodelist
$outputfile = $tempfile;
# open file to put results of xdshbak
open(FILE, ">$outputfile");
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not open $outputfile\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
my $cmd = " /opt/xcat/bin/xdshbak <$newtempfile |";
open(DSHBAK, "$cmd");
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not call xdshbak \n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
my $line;
while (<DSHBAK>)
$line = $_;
print FILE $line
close FILE;
system("/bin/rm $newtempfile");
# capture errors
# open errorfile to write results of xdsh or rinv command
if (@errresult)
{ # if errors
my $newtempfile = $tempfile;
$newtempfile .= "err";
open(FILE, ">$newtempfile");
if ($? > 0)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Could not open $newtempfile\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return 1;
foreach my $line (@errresult)
print FILE $line;
close FILE;
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Check $newtempfile for errors.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);