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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Socket;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::GlobalDef;
#print "xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon loaded\n";
#now the RMC domain can automatically setup when xCAT starts. predefined conditions and sensor are defined on ms.
#TODO: conveting all print statement to logging
#TODO: predefined responses
#TODO: node status monitoring for xCAT.
#TODO: script to define sensors on the nodes.
#TODO: how to push the sensor scripts to nodes?
#TODO: what to do when stop is called? stop all the associations or just the ones that were predefined? or leve them there?
#TODO: do we need to stop all the RMC daemons when stop is called?
#I will come back to work on these once I have SNMP stuff done.
=head1 xCAT_monitoring:rmcmon
=head2 Package Description
xCAT monitoring plugin package to handle RMC monitoring.
=head3 start
This function gets called by the monitorctrl module
when xcatd starts. It starts the daemons and does
necessary startup process for the RMC monitoring.
It also queries the RMC for its currently monitored
nodes which will, in tern, compared with the nodes
in the input parameter. It asks RMC to add or delete
nodes according to the comparison so that the nodes
monitored by RMC are in sync with the nodes currently
in the xCAT cluster.
monservers --A hash reference keyed by the monitoring server nodes
and each value is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays
monitored by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
(return code, message)
sub start {
print "rmcmon::start called\n";
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon/) {
#TODO: get a list of monservers + nodes and compare them with RMC. remove/add
# if necessary.
#assume the server is the current node.
#check if rsct is installed and running
if (! -e "/usr/bin/lsrsrc") {
return (1, "RSCT is not is not installed.\n");
my $result=`/usr/bin/lssrc -s ctrmc`;
if ($result !~ /active/) {
#restart rmc daemon
$result=`startsrc -s ctrmc`;
if ($?) {
return (1, "rmc deamon cannot be started\n");
#enable remote client connection
`/usr/bin/rmcctrl -p`;
#get a list of managed nodes
$result=`/usr/bin/lsrsrc-api -s IBM.MngNode::::Name 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
if ($result !~ /2612-023/) {#2612-023 no resources found error
print "$result\n";
return (1,$result);
my @rmc_nodes=split(/\n/, $result);
#print "all defined nodes=@rmc_nodes\n";
my $localhostname=hostname();
my $mon_nodes=$noderef->{$localhostname};
#check what has changed
my %summary;
foreach (@rmc_nodes) { $summary{$_}=-1;}
if ($mon_nodes) {
foreach(@$mon_nodes) {
my $node=$_->[0];
my $nodetype=$_->[1];
if ((!$nodetype) || ($nodetype =~ /$::NODETYPE_OSI/)) {
my @nodes_to_add=();
my @nodes_to_remove=();
foreach(keys(%summary)) {
#print "node=$_ summary=$summary{$_}\n";
if ($summary{$_}==1) {push(@nodes_to_add, $_);}
elsif ($summary{$_}==-1) {push(@nodes_to_remove, $_);}
#add new nodes to the RMC cluster
if (@nodes_to_add>0) {
my %nodes_status=xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon::pingNodeStatus(@nodes_to_add);
my $active_nodes=$nodes_status{$::STATUS_ACTIVE};
my $inactive_nodes=$nodes_status{$::STATUS_INACTIVE};
if (@$inactive_nodes>0) {
print "The following nodes cannot be added to the RMC cluster because they are inactive:\n @$inactive_nodes\n"
if (@$active_nodes>0) {
print "active nodes to add:\n @$active_nodes\n";
#remove unwanted nodes to the RMC cluster
if (@nodes_to_remove>0) {
print "nodes to remove @nodes_to_remove\n";
#start condition-response assosciations
my $result=`$::XCATROOT/sbin/rmcmon/mkrmcresources $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/rmc/resources/ms 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "Error when creating predefined resources on $localhostname:\n$result\n";
return (0, "started");
=head3 pingNodeStatus
This function takes an array of nodes and returns their status using fping.
nodes-- an array of nodes.
a hash that has the node status. The format is:
{active=>[node1, node3,...], unreachable=>[node4, node2...]}
sub pingNodeStatus {
my ($class, @mon_nodes)=@_;
my @active_nodes=();
my @inactive_nodes=();
if ((@mon_nodes)&& (@mon_nodes > 0)) {
#get all the active nodes
my $nodes= join(' ', @mon_nodes);
my $temp=`fping -a $nodes 2> /dev/null`;
@active_nodes=split(/\n/, $temp);
#get all the inactive nodes by substracting the active nodes from all.
my %temp2;
if ((@active_nodes) && ( @active_nodes > 0)) {
foreach(@active_nodes) { $temp2{$_}=1};
foreach(@mon_nodes) {
if (!$temp2{$_}) { push(@inactive_nodes, $_);}
else {@inactive_nodes=@mon_nodes;}
return %status;
=head3 stop
This function gets called by the monitorctrl module when
xcatd stops. It stops the monitoring on all nodes, stops
the daemons and does necessary cleanup process for the
RMC monitoring.
(return code, message)
sub stop {
print "rmcmon::stop called\n";
#TODO: stop condition-response associtations.
return (0, "stopped");
=head3 supportNodeStatusMon
This function is called by the monitorctrl module to check
if RMC can help monitoring and returning the node status.
sub supportNodeStatusMon {
print "rmcmon::supportNodeStatusMon called\n";
return 1;
=head3 startNodeStatusMon
This function is called by the monitorctrl module to tell
RMC to start monitoring the node status and feed them back
to xCAT. RMC will start setting up the condition/response
to monitor the node status changes.
monservers --A hash reference keyed by the monitoring server nodes
and each value is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays
monitored by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
(return code, message)
sub startNodeStatusMon {
print "rmcmon::startNodeStatusMon called\n";
return (0, "started");
=head3 stopNodeStatusMon
This function is called by the monitorctrl module to tell
RMC to stop feeding the node status info back to xCAT. It will
stop the condition/response that is monitoring the node status.
(return code, message)
sub stopNodeStatusMon {
print "rmcmon::stopNodeStatusMon called\n";
return (0, "stopped");
=head3 addNodes
This function adds the nodes into the RMC cluster.
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a hash reference keyed by the monitoring server
nodes and each value is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays monitored
by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
verbose -- verbose mode. 1 for yes, 0 for no.
sub addNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon/) {
#print "rmcmon::addNodes get called\n";
my $ms_host_name=hostname();
my $mon_nodes=$noderef->{$ms_host_name};
my @nodes_to_add=();
foreach(@$mon_nodes) {
my $node_pair=$_;
my $node=$node_pair->[0];
my $nodetype=$node_pair->[1];
if ((!$nodetype) || ($nodetype =~ /$::NODETYPE_OSI/)) {
#RMC deals only with osi type. empty type is treated as osi type
#check if the node has already defined
$result=`lsrsrc-api -s IBM.MngNode::"Name=\\\"\"$node\\\"\"" 2>&1`;
if (($?) && ($result !~ /2612-023/)) { #2612-023 no resources found error
print "$result\n";
#TODO: check all nodes at the same time or use the 'status' value in the node
if ($ms_host_name ne $node) {
`fping -a $node 2> /dev/null`;
if ($?) {
print "Cannot add the node $node into the RMC domian. The node is inactive.\n";
push(@nodes_to_add, $node);
if (@nodes_to_add>0) {
return addNodes_noChecking(@nodes_to_add);
return 0;
=head3 addNodes_noChecking
This function gdds the nodes into the RMC cluster, it does not check the OSI type and
if the node has already defined.
nodes --an array of nodes to be added.
sub addNodes_noChecking {
@mon_nodes = @_;
#print "rmcmon::addNodes_noChecking get called with @mon_nodes\n";
my $ms_host_name=hostname();
my $ms_node_id;
my $mn_node_id;
my $ms_name,$ms_aliases,$ms_addrtype,$ms_length,@ms_addrs;
my $ms_ipaddresses;
my $first_time=1;
foreach(@mon_nodes) {
my $node=$_;
if ($first_time) {
#get ms node id, hostname, ip etc
($ms_name,$ms_aliases,$ms_addrtype,$ms_length,@ms_addrs) = gethostbyname($ms_host_name);
foreach (@ms_addrs) {
$ms_ipaddresses .= '"' .inet_ntoa($_) . '",';
$ms_ipaddresses .= "}";
#get info for the node
if($ms_host_name eq $node) {
} else {
$mn_node_id=`$::XCATROOT/bin/psh --nonodecheck $node /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lsnodeid 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "Cannot get NodeID for $node. $mn_node_id\n";
if ($mn_node_id =~ s/.*([0-9 a-g]{16}).*/$1/s) {;}
else { print "No node id found for $node:\n$mn_node_id\n"; next;}
my ($mn_name,$mn_aliases,$mn_addrtype,$mn_length,@mn_addrs) = gethostbyname($node);
my $mn_ipaddresses="{";
foreach (@mn_addrs) {
$mn_ipaddresses .= '"'.inet_ntoa($_) . '",';
$mn_ipaddresses .= "}";
# print " mn_name=$mn_name, mn_aliases=$mn_aliases, mn_ipaddr=$mn_ipaddresses, mn_node_id=$mn_node_id\n";
# define resource in IBM.MngNode class on server
$result=`mkrsrc-api IBM.MngNode::Name::"$node"::KeyToken::"$node"::IPAddresses::"$mn_ipaddresses"::NodeID::0x$mn_node_id 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "define resource in IBM.MngNode class result=$result\n";
#copy the configuration script and run it locally
if($ms_host_name eq $node) {
$result=`/usr/bin/mkrsrc-api IBM.MCP::MNName::"$node"::KeyToken::"$ms_host_name"::IPAddresses::"$ms_ipaddresses"::NodeID::0x$ms_node_id`;
if ($?) {
print "$result\n";
} else {
$result=`scp $::XCATROOT/sbin/rmcmon/configrmcnode $node:/tmp 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "rmcmon:addNodes: cannot copy the file configrmcnode to node $node\n";
$result=`$::XCATROOT/bin/psh --nonodecheck $node /tmp/configrmcnode -a $node $ms_host_name $ms_ipaddresses 0x$ms_node_id 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "$result\n";
return 0;
=head3 removeNodes
This function removes the nodes from the RMC cluster.
nodes --nodes to be removed. It is a hash reference keyed by the monitoring server
nodes and each value is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status] arrays monitored
by the server. So the format is:
{monserver1=>[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']...], ...}
verbose -- verbose mode. 1 for yes, 0 for no.
sub removeNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::rmcmon/) {
#print "rmcmon::removeNodes called\n";
my $ms_host_name=hostname();
my $mon_nodes=$noderef->{$ms_host_name};
my @nodes_to_remove=();
foreach(@$mon_nodes) {
my $node_pair=$_;
my $node=$node_pair->[0];
my $nodetype=$node_pair->[1];
if ((!$nodetype) || ($nodetype =~ /$::NODETYPE_OSI/)) {
#RMC deals only with osi type. empty type is treated as osi type
push(@nodes_to_remove, $node);
if (@nodes_to_remove>0) {
return removeNodes_noChecking(@nodes_to_remove);
return 0;
=head3 removeNodes_noChecking
This function removes the nodes from the RMC cluster.
nodes --an array of node names to be removed.
sub removeNodes_noChecking {
my @mon_nodes = @_;
my $ms_host_name=hostname();
#print "rmcmon::removeNodes_noChecking get called with @mon_nodes\n";
foreach(@mon_nodes) {
my $node=$_;
#remove resource in IBM.MngNode class on server
my $result=`rmrsrc-api -s IBM.MngNode::"Name=\\\"\"$node\\\"\"" 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
if ($result =~ m/2612-023/) { #resource not found
print "Remove resource in IBM.MngNode class result=$result\n";
# TODO: check all the nodes together or use the 'status' value
#if the node is inactive, forget it
if ($ms_host_name ne $node) {
`fping -a $node 2> /dev/null`;
if ($?) {
if ($ms_host_name eq $node) {
$result= `/usr/bin/rmrsrc-api -s IBM.MCP::"MNName=\\\"\"$node\\\"\"" 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "$result\n";
} else {
#copy the configuration script and run it locally
$result=`scp $::XCATROOT/sbin/rmcmon/configrmcnode $node:/tmp 2>&1 `;
if ($?) {
print "rmcmon:removeNodes: cannot copy the file configrmcnode to node $node\n";
$result=`$::XCATROOT/bin/psh --nonodecheck $node /tmp/configrmcnode -d $node 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "$result\n";
return 0;