The naming convention for the NIM SPOT resource definition is to use the same name as the xCAT osimage. The naming convention for any other NIM resources that are create is"<osimage_name>_<resource_type>". (ex. "61image_lpp_source" )
The "-n" option can be used to create a mksysb image from an existing NIM client machine. When creating an osimage definition you will have to specify the corresponding SPOT resource and any additional resources you need by using the "attr=val" option. You can also create the mksysb image manually using the "mksysb" command and then use the image as a source when creating the osimage definition.
Specifies one or more "attribute equals value" pairs, separated by spaces. Attr=val pairs must be specified last on the command line. These are used to specify additional or different resource names to use when creating the the xCAT osimage definition. The usage is: "<nim_resource_type>=<resource_name>". (ex. "root=myrootres") Note that you may specify multiple "script" and "installp_bundle" resources by using a comma seperated list. (ex. "script=ascript,bscript").
Use the force option to re-create xCAT osimage definition. This option removes the old definition before creating the new one. It does not remove any of the NIM resource definitions named in the osimage definition. Use the rmnimimage command to remove the NIM resources associated with an xCAT osimage definition.
The name of the xCAT osimage definition to create. This will be used as the name of the xCAT osimage definition as well as the name of the NIM SPOT resource.
The name of an existing xCAT osimage that should be copied to make a new xCAT osimage definition. The new definition will contain the same resources as the current_image except for the SPOT, which will be copied and given the new name. Only valid when defining a "diskless" or "dataless" type image.
The source of software to use when creating the new NIM lpp_source resource. This could be a source directory, (ex. /dev/cd0), or a previously defined lpp_source resource name.
This command will create lpp_source, spot, bosinst_data, and resolve_conf resources using the source specified by the "-s" option. The installp_bundle information will also be included in the osimage definition. The mybndlres and addswbnd resources must be created before using this osimage definition to install a node.
This command will use node27 to create a mksysb backup image and use that to define a NIM mksysb resource. The osimage definition will contain the name of the mksysb resource as well as the spot and bosinst_data resource.
4) Create an osimage definition using a mksysb image provided on the command line.
3) Create a diskless image using an existing lpp_source resource named 61cosi_lpp_source and include the /tmp & /home resources. This assumes that the mytmp and myhome NIM resources have already been created by using NIM commands.