123 lines
4.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* session_start(); */
$TOPDIR = '..';
require_once "$TOPDIR/lib/functions.php";
insertHeader('Update xCAT Web Interface', NULL, NULL, array('support','update'));
// Find, download, and install the xcat.web pkg
function getPkg() { //------------------------------------
$rpmname = 'xcat.web';
$tmpdir = '/tmp/xcat';
echo "<ul>\n";
echo "<li class=Info>Searching for the xCAT Web Interface download site...</li>\n";
$site = findSite();
echo "<li class=Info>Selected site ${site['dir']}. Searching for the $rpmname RPM...</li>\n";
$pkg = findPkg($site['dir'], $rpmname);
if (!$pkg) { echo "</ul><p class=Error>Can not find $rpmname in ${site['dir']}.</p>\n"; return; }
echo "<li class=Info>Latest RPM version available is $pkg.</li>\n";
if (isInstalled($pkg)) { echo "<li class=Info>$pkg (or higher) is already installed.</li>\n"; return; }
echo "<li class=Info>Downloading $pkg ...</li>\n";
if (!downloadPkg($site['download'], $pkg, $tmpdir)) { echo "</ul><p class=Error>Error downloading $pkg from ${site['download']}.</p>\n"; return; }
echo "<li class=Info>Download complete. Installing $pkg ...</li>\n";
$rc = installPkg("$tmpdir/$pkg");
if ($rc) { echo "</ul><p class=Error>Installation of $pkg failed with rc=$rc.</p>\n"; }
echo "<li class=Info>Installation of $pkg completed successfully.</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
//runcmd('/WINDOWS/system32/ipconfig', 1);
// Install the specified rpm
function installPkg($pkgname) { //------------------------------------
$aixrpmopt = isAIX() ? '--ignoreos' : '';
$rc = runcmd("/bin/rpm -U $aixrpmopt $pkgname", 1);
return $rc;
// Download the specified rpm from the specified url and put it in the specified dir
function downloadPkg($url, $rpmname, $tmpdir) { //------------------------------------
//trace("copy($url/$rpmname, $tmpdir/$rpmname)");
$result = copy("$url/$rpmname", "$tmpdir/$rpmname");
return $result;
// At the chosen site, find the latest version of xcat.web
function findPkg($url, $rpmname) { //------------------------------------
$html = file($url);
if (!$html) { return NULL; }
//foreach ($html as $line) { if (preg_match('/xcat.web/',$line)) { trace($line); } }
$matches = preg_grep('/href=.*' . $rpmname . '-.*?\.rpm/i', $html);
if (!count($matches)) { return NULL; }
foreach ($matches as &$line) {
$pattern = '/' . $rpmname . '-.*?\.rpm/i';
//$line = preg_replace($pattern, '$1', $line);
preg_match($pattern, $line, $m);
$line = $m[0];
usort($matches, 'byversion');
//foreach ($matches as $l) { trace($l); }
return $matches[0];
# Parse out the version and release numbers of the 2 rpm file names and sort in descending order
# This sort function should be used like: usort($rpms, 'byversion');
# Makes the following assumptions:
# - the version and release are single digits separated by dots (e.g. 1.2.3) - so we can compare it as a string
# - the release has at most 1 dot in it - so we can compare it as a float
function byversion($a, $b) { //------------------------------------
$pat = '/-([0-9.]+)-([0-9.]+)\.\D/';
preg_match($pat, $a, $a_matches);
preg_match($pat, $b, $b_matches);
$result = strcmp($a_matches[1], $b_matches[1]);
if ($result) { return $result * -1; } // they were not equal, so return result
if ($a_matches[2] == $b_matches[2]) { return 0; }
return ($a_matches[2] < $b_matches[2]) ? 1 : -1;
// Choose whether to use the PPD lab server, the general internal IBM server, or the external server.
function findSite() { //------------------------------------
$internalSitePok = 'rs6000.pok.ibm.com';
$internalDir = '/afs/apd/u/bp/xcat/';
$internalURLPok = "http://$internalSitePok$internalDir";
$internalURLDirPok = "http://$internalSitePok$internalDir";
$internalSite = 'www.pok.ibm.com';
$internalURL = "http://$internalSite$internalDir";
$internalURLDir = "http://$internalSite$internalDir";
$externalURL = "ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/eserver/pseries/cluster/csm/fixes"; //todo: change these
$externalURLDir = "http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/set2/sas/f/csm/utilities/xCSMfixhome.html";
# 1st try rs6000.pok.ibm.com if we are inside the BSO firewall
$hostname = resolveHost($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
//$hostname = resolveHost('');
//trace("Local hostname: $hostname");
if (preg_match('/ppd\.pok\.ibm\.com$/', $hostname)) {
return array ('dir'=>$internalURLDirPok, 'download'=>$internalURLPok);
// Try pinging the IBM internal site
$cntflag = isWindows() ? '-n' : '-c';
$rc = runcmd("/bin/ping -w 4 $cntflag 1 $internalSite", 2, $out);
if ($rc == 0) {
return array ('dir'=>$internalURLDir, 'download'=>$internalURL);
// Fall back to external site
return array ('dir'=>$externalURLDir, 'download'=>$externalURL);