cols=>[qw(name controller hostip pubinterface mgtinterface datainterface template repository virttype comments disable)],#do not change 'disable' and 'comments', it is required by xCAT
hostip=>'The host IP is in openstack management network on the controller node. It is always the rabbitmq host IP and nova_metadata_ip.',
pubinterface=>'Interface to use for external bridge. The default value is eth1.',
mgtinterface=>'Interface to use for openstack management. It is supposed that the mgtinterface for all the nodes are the same, and in the same network.',
datainterface=>'Interface to use for OpenStack nova vm communication. It is supposed that the datainterface for all the nodes are the same, and in the same network.',
template=>'Every cloud should be related to one environment template file. The absolute path is required.',
repository=>'Every could should be related to the openstack-chef-cookbooks. The absolute path is required. In the repository, there are cookbooks, environments, roles and on on.',
virttype=>'What hypervisor software layer to use with libvirt (e.g., kvm, qemu).',