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# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::FSPinv;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
require xCAT::Usage;
require xCAT::PPCinv;
require xCAT::FSPUtils;
use XML::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper;
# Maps fsp-api attributes to text
my @licmap = (
["ecnumber", "Release Level "],
["activated_level", "Active Level "],
["installed_level", "Installed Level"],
["accepted_level", "Accepted Level "],
["curr_ecnumber_a", "Release Level A"],
["curr_level_a", "Level A "],
["curr_power_on_side_a", "Current Power on side A"],
["curr_ecnumber_b", "Release Level B"],
["curr_level_b", "Level B "],
["curr_power_on_side_b", "Current Power on side B"],
["curr_ecnumber_primary", "Release Level Primary"],
["curr_level_primary", "Level Primary "],
["curr_power_on_side_primary", "Current Power on side Primary"],
["curr_ecnumber_secondary","Release Level Secondary"],
["curr_level_secondary", "Level Secondary"],
["curr_power_on_side_secondary","Current Power on side Secondary"]
# Parse the command line for options and operands
sub parse_args {
# xCAT::PPCinv::parse_args(@_);
my $request = shift;
my $command = $request->{command};
my $args = $request->{arg};
my %opt = ();
# my @rinv = qw(bus config model serial firm all);
my @rinv = qw( deconfig firm );
# Responds with usage statement
local *usage = sub {
my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
# Process command-line arguments
if ( !defined( $args )) {
return(usage( "No command specified" ));
# Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
# to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
# at the first unrecognized option.
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|Verbose x) )) {
return( usage() );
# Check for "-" with no option
if ( grep(/^-$/, @ARGV )) {
return(usage( "Missing option: -" ));
# Unsupported command
my ($cmd) = grep(/^$ARGV[0]$/, @rinv );
if ( !defined( $cmd )) {
return(usage( "Invalid command: $ARGV[0]" ));
# Check for an extra argument
shift @ARGV;
if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));
if (exists($opt{x}) and $cmd !~ /^deconfig$/) {
return (usage("Option '-x' can't work with '$cmd'"));
# Set method to invoke
$request->{method} = $cmd;
return( \%opt );
# Returns FSP/BPA firmware information
sub firmware {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my @result;
# print "in FSPinv \n";
#print Dumper($request);
#print Dumper($hash);
# FSPinv with firm command is grouped by hardware control point
# In FSPinv, the hcp is the related fsp.
# Example of $hash.
#VAR1 = {
# '9110-51A*1075ECF' => {
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF' => [
# 0,
# 0,
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'fsp1_name',
# 'fsp',
# 0
# ]
# }
# };
while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
# Command only supported on FSP/BPA/LPARs
if ( @$d[4] !~ /^(cec|frame|fsp|bpa|lpar)$/ ) {
push @result,
[$name,"Information only available for CEC/FSP/Frame/BPA/LPAR",RC_ERROR];
#For support on Lpars, the flag need to be changed.
if(@$d[4] eq "lpar") {
@$d[4] = "fsp";
@$d[0] = 0;
my $values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action( $name, $d, "list_firmware_level");
my $Rc = @$values[2];
my $data = @$values[1];
#print "values";
#print Dumper($values);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @result, [$name,$data,$Rc];
# Format fsp-api results
my $val;
foreach $val ( @licmap ) {
if ( $data =~ /@$val[0]=(\w+)/ ) {
push @result, [$name,"@$val[1]: $1",$Rc];
return( \@result );
# Returns firmware version
sub firm {
return( firmware(@_) );
# Returns serial-number
sub serial {
sub vpd {
sub bus {
sub deconfig {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my @result;
# print "in FSPinv \n";
#print Dumper($request);
#print Dumper($hash);
# FSPinv with deconfig command is grouped by hardware control point
# In FSPinv, the hcp is the related fsp.
# Example of $hash.
#VAR1 = {
# '9110-51A*1075ECF' => {
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF' => [
# 0,
# 0,
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'fsp1_name',
# 'fsp',
# 0
# ]
# }
# };
while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
# Command only supported on FSP/BPA/LPARs
if ( @$d[4] !~ /^(cec|fsp)$/ ) {
push @result,
[$name,"Deconfigured resource information only available for CEC/FSP",RC_ERROR];
#For support on Lpars, the flag need to be changed.
#if(@$d[4] eq "lpar") {
# @$d[4] = "fsp";
# @$d[0] = 0;
my $values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action( $name, $d, "get_cec_deconfigured");
my $Rc = @$values[2];
my $data = @$values[1];
#print "values";
#print Dumper($values);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @result, [$name,$data,$Rc];
# Format fsp-api results
#my $decfg = XMLin($data);
my $decfg;
eval {
$decfg = XMLin($data);
if( $@ ) {
push @result,[$name, "Error: there are some unreadable XML data from the firmware. It can't be parsed by 'xcatd'.", -1];
return (\@result);
if( exists($request->{opt}->{x})) {
push @result, [$name, "\n".$data, -1];
#print "decfg";
#print Dumper($decfg);
my $node = $decfg->{NODE};
if( defined($node) && exists($node->{Location_code}) ) {
push @result,[$name,"Deconfigured resources", 0];
push @result,[$name,"Location_code RID Call_Out_Method Call_Out_Hardware_State TYPE", 0];
push @result,[$name,"$node->{Location_code} $node->{RID}", 0];
my $Call_Out_Hardware_State ;
my $Call_Out_Method;
my $Location_code;
my $RID;
my $TYPE;
if(ref($node->{GARDRECORD}) ne "ARRAY") {
return( \@result );
foreach my $unit(@{$node->{GARDRECORD}}) {
while (my ($key, $unit3) = each(%$unit) ) {
if($key eq "GARDUNIT") {
if (ref($unit3) eq "HASH") {
$Call_Out_Hardware_State = $unit3->{Call_Out_Hardware_State};
$Call_Out_Method = $unit3->{Call_Out_Method};
$Location_code = $unit3->{Location_code};
$RID = $unit3->{RID};
$TYPE = $unit3->{TYPE};
push @result,[$name,"$Location_code $RID $Call_Out_Method $Call_Out_Hardware_State $TYPE",0];
} elsif(ref($unit3) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $unit4(@$unit3) {
$Call_Out_Hardware_State = $unit4->{Call_Out_Hardware_State};
$Call_Out_Method = $unit4->{Call_Out_Method};
$Location_code = $unit4->{Location_code};
$RID = $unit4->{RID};
$TYPE = $unit4->{TYPE};
push @result,[$name,"$Location_code $RID $Call_Out_Method $Call_Out_Hardware_State $TYPE",0];
} else {
push @result,[$name,"NO Deconfigured resources", 0];
return( \@result );
# Returns machine-type-model
sub model {
# Returns all inventory information
sub all {
my @result = (
return( \@result );