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=head1 NAME
B<clonevm> - Create masters from virtual machines and virtual machines from masters.
I<clonevm noderange [ -t <mastertobemade> | -b <master to base vms upon> ] -d|--detached -f|--force>
Command to promote a VM's current configuration and storage to a master as well as
performing the converse operation of creating VMs based on a master.
By default, attempting to create a master from a running VM will produce an error.
The force argument will request that a master be made of the VM anyway.
Also, by default a VM that is used to create a master will be rebased as a thin
clone of that master. If the force argument is used to create a master of a powered
on vm, this will not be done. Additionally, the detached option can be used to
explicitly request that a clone not be tethered to a master image, allowing the
clones to not be tied to the health of a master, at the cost of additional storage.
When promoting a VM's current state to master, all rleated virtual disks will be
copied and merged with any prerequisite images. A master will not be tethered to
other masters.
=head1 OPTIONS
B<-h|--help> Display usage message.
B<-b> The master to base the clones upon
B<-t> The target master to copy a single VM's state to
B<-d> Explicitly request that the noderange be untethered from any masters.
B<-f> Force cloning of a powered on VM. Implies -d if the VM is on.
B<-v|--version> Command Version.
B<-V|--verbose> Verbose output.
0: The command completed successfully.
Any other value: An error has occurred.
Creating a master named appserver from a node called vm1:
I<clonevm vm1 -t appserver>
Cleating 30 VMs from a master named appserver:
I<clonevm vm1-vm30 -b appserver>
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<chvm(1)|chvm.1>, L<lsvm(1)|lsvm.1>, L<rmvm(1)|rmvm.1>, L<mkvm(1)|mkvm.1>, L<vmmaster(5)|vmmaster.5>