#!/bin/bash # Used for debugging # set -ax # This script is required after a reboot of the cloud after the cloud has been # shut down LMA_SERVERS="off" check_juju_version() { juju_version=$(juju version | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f1) juju_timeout="--timeout 30s" juju_run="juju run ${juju_timeout}" juju_run_action="juju run-action --wait" if [[ ${juju_version} -ge 3 ]] ; then juju_run="juju exec ${juju_timeout}" juju_run_action="juju run --wait" fi } check_unit_status() { app_name=$1 status_check="$2" unit_status=$(juju status --format json | jq -rc ".applications.${app_name}.units | to_entries[] | {sub:.key,status:.value[\"workload-status\"].message}") app_units=$(echo "${unit_status}" | jq -r .sub) num=0 for unit in ${app_units} ; do this_unit_status=$(echo "$unit_status" | jq -rc . | grep "${unit}" | jq -r .status) if [[ "${this_unit_status}" == "${status_check}" ]] ; then (( num++ )) fi done if [[ $num -ge 3 ]] ; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } get_lead() { app_name=$1 jq -rc '.applications.${app_name}.units | to_entries[] | select(.value.leader == "true") | .key' "${juju_status}" } do_vault() { vault_vip=$(juju config vault vip) echo export VAULT_ADDR="http://${vault_vip}:8200" export VAULT_ADDR="http://${vault_vip}:8200" echo " " IPS=$(jq -r '.applications.vault.units | to_entries[].value."public-address"' "${juju_status}") for ip in $IPS;do echo export VAULT_ADDR=http://"${ip}":8200; export VAULT_ADDR=http://"${ip}":8200; for vault_key in $(head -n3 vault-secrets.txt | awk '{print $4}');do echo vault operator unseal -tls-skip-verify "$vault_key" vault operator unseal -tls-skip-verify "$vault_key" done; done; #${juju_run} -a vault "hooks/update-status" } check_juju_version juju-wait -v juju_status=$(mktemp) juju status --format json > "${juju_status}" # Check if we're using percona-cluster or mysql-innodb-cluster percona_cluster=$(jq -r ".applications | to_entries[] | select(.value[\"charm-name\"] == \"percona-cluster\") | .key" "${juju_status}") mysql_innodb_cluster=$(jq -r ".applications | to_entries[] | select(.value[\"charm-name\"] == \"mysql-innodb-cluster\") | .key" "${juju_status}") if [[ -n "${percona_cluster}" ]] ; then mysql_status=$(jq -rc ".applications.mysql.units | to_entries[] | {sub:.key,status:.value[\"workload-status\"].message}" "${juju_status}") #{"sub":"mysql/0","status":"MySQL is down. Sequence Number: 102921. Safe To Bootstrap: 1"} #{"sub":"mysql/1","status":"MySQL is down. Sequence Number: 102921. Safe To Bootstrap: 0"} #{"sub":"mysql/2","status":"MySQL is down. Sequence Number: 102921. Safe To Bootstrap: 0"} mysql_units=$(echo "${mysql_status}" | jq -r .sub) bootstrap_unit="" mysql_lead=$(get_lead mysql) safe_to_bootstrap=$(echo "$mysql_status" | jq -rc . | grep "Safe To Bootstrap: 1" | jq -r .sub) if [[ -n "$safe_to_bootstrap" ]] then bootstrap_unit=$safe_to_bootstrap else seq_number=$(echo "$mysql_status" | jq -rc . | grep "Sequence Number" ) if [[ -n "${seq_number}" ]] then seqs=$(echo "$seq_number" | jq -rc ". | {sub:.sub,seq:(.status|split(\".\")[1]|split(\": \")[1])}") uniq_seqs=$(echo "$seqs" | jq -r .seq | sort -n | uniq) seq_count=$(echo "$uniq_seqs" | xargs | wc -w) highest_seq=$(echo "${seqs}" | jq -r .seq | sort -n | uniq | tail -n 1) if [[ ${seq_count} -eq 1 ]] then # same seq numbers all round if [[ ${highest_seq} -eq -1 ]] then # if all seq numbers are -1 echo "The sequence number is -1 ... exiting" exit 1 fi bootstrap_unit=${mysql_lead} else # we have different seq numbers unit_high_seq=$(echo "$seqs" | jq -rc . | grep "${highest_seq}" | jq -r .sub | tail -n 1) bootstrap_unit=${unit_high_seq} fi fi fi if [[ -n ${bootstrap_unit} ]] then ${juju_run_action} "${bootstrap_unit}" bootstrap-pxc ${juju_run} -a mysql "hooks/update-status" until [[ $(check_unit_status mysql "Unit waiting for cluster bootstrap") -eq 1 ]] do sleep 10 done if [[ "${bootstrap_unit}" == "${mysql_lead}" ]] ; then for unit in ${mysql_units}; do if [[ "${unit}" != "${mysql_lead}" ]] ; then ${juju_run_action} "${unit}" notify-bootstrapped break fi done else ${juju_run_action} "${mysql_lead}" notify-bootstrapped fi ${juju_run} -a mysql "hooks/update-status" until [[ $(check_unit_status mysql "Unit is ready") -eq 1 ]] do sleep 10 done # This is so that nagios doesn't report that the mysql daemon is down # although the process is running. juju will then automatically start # the mysqld process juju ssh "${bootstrap_unit}" -- sudo reboot fi ${juju_run} -a nova-cloud-controller -- sudo systemctl restart nova-api-os-compute nova-conductor nova-consoleauth & fi if [[ -n "${mysql_innodb_cluster}" ]] ; then mysql_status=$(jq -rc ".applications.\"mysql-innodb-cluster\".units | to_entries[] | {sub:.key,status:.value[\"workload-status\"].message}" "${juju_status}") is_ready=$(echo "$mysql_status" | jq -rc . | grep "Mode: R/W, Cluster is ONLINE" | jq -r .sub) if [[ -z "${is_ready}" ]] ; then reboot_status=$(${juju_run_action} mysql-innodb-cluster/leader reboot-cluster-from-complete-outage --format json) outcome=$(echo "$reboot_status" | jq .[].results.outcome) if [[ ${outcome} == null ]] ; then output=$(echo "$reboot_status" | jq .[].results.output) mysql_ip=$(echo "$output" | sed -e 's/\\n/\n/g' 2>&1| grep Please | sed -e "s|.*Please use the most up to date instance: '\(.*\):.*|\1|") bootstrap_unit=$(jq -r ".applications.\"mysql-innodb-cluster\".units | to_entries[] | select(.value.\"public-address\" == \"${mysql_ip}\") | .key" "${juju_status}") ${juju_run_action} "${bootstrap_unit}" reboot-cluster-from-complete-outage fi #${juju_run} -a mysql-innodb-cluster "hooks/update-status" # Run update-status on all mysql-router units, to ensure that theyave connected to the mysql-innodb-cluster #jq -r ".applications | to_entries[] | select(.value[\"charm-name\"] == \"mysql-router\") | .key" "${juju_status}" \ # | xargs -I{} ${juju_run} -a "{}" -- 'hooks/update-status' fi fi ${juju_run} -u elasticsearch/leader -- sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch & ${juju_run} -a heat -- sudo systemctl restart heat-engine & ${juju_run} -a vault -- sudo systemctl restart vault & wait # cleanup all crm resources jq -r ".applications | to_entries[] | select(.value[\"charm-name\"] == \"hacluster\") | .key" "${juju_status}" \ | xargs -I{} ${juju_run} -u "{}"/leader -- 'sudo crm_resource -l | sed s/:.*//g | uniq | xargs -i sudo crm resource cleanup \"\{\}\"' do_vault # remove DNS entry for external network ${juju_run} --all -- "sudo sed -i -e s/,//g -e s/,//g /etc/netplan/99-juju.yaml" ${juju_run} --all -- "sudo netplan apply ; sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved" ceph_osd_apps=$(jq -rc ".applications | to_entries[] | select(.value[\"charm-name\"] == \"ceph-osd\") | .key" "${juju_status}") for apps in ${ceph_osd_apps} do ${juju_run} -a "${apps}" -- 'sudo systemctl kill --all --type=service vaultlocker-decrypt@*' ${juju_run} -a "${apps}" -- 'sudo systemctl start --all --type=service vaultlocker-decrypt@*' ${juju_run} -a "${apps}" -- 'sudo systemctl start --all --type=service ceph-volume@*' & done wait lds_servers=$(jq -rc ". | .applications[\"landscape-server\"].units | to_entries[] | .key" "${juju_status}") cat > /tmp/restart-landscape.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash sudo systemctl restart landscape-* EOF for lds_server in ${lds_servers} do juju scp /tmp/restart-landscape.sh "${lds_server}":. juju ssh "${lds_server}" chmod +x restart-landscape.sh juju ssh "${lds_server}" sudo ./restart-landscape.sh & done wait [[ $LMA_SERVERS == "off" ]] && ${juju_run} -a lma-server -- sudo halt -p