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33 lines
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# The purpose of this script is to grab the versions of the charms being used
# on a system that is controlled by juju. The script will output tht data in
# CSV format, which can easily be added to a spreadsheet ot other applications
# for undestanding of cuerrent revisions of charms.
# Authors:
# - Arif ali <arif.ali@canonical.com>
apps=$(juju status --format json | jq -rc ".applications | to_entries[] | {charm_name:.value[\"charm-name\"],charm:.value.charm,version:.value[\"charm-rev\"]}")
for app in $apps
# each line will look similar to the one below
# {"charm_name":"openstack-service-checks","charm":"cs:~canonical-bootstack/openstack-service-checks-30","version":30}
app_name=$(echo $app | jq .charm_name | sed s/\"//g)
charm=$(echo $app | jq .charm | sed s/\"//g)
charm_version=$(echo $app | jq .version)
echo -n "${app_name},"
if [[ $charm =~ ^cs:~ ]] ; then
echo -n $charm | sed "s/^cs:~\(.*\)\/${app_name}-.*/\1,/g"
echo -n ","
echo ${charm_version}
done | sort | uniq