######## vars to change as per env variable cloud { type = string default = "home-maas" } variable num_units { type = number default = 3 } variable controller_ids { type = list(string) default = ["100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "105"] } variable compute_ids { type = list(string) default = ["1000", "1001", "1002", "1003", "1004", "1005", "1006", "1007"] } variable sdn_ids { type = list(string) default = ["400", "401", "402"] } variable apt_mirror { type = string default = "" } ######## vars unlikely to be changed variable "machines" { type = list(object({ machine_id = number constraints = string })) } variable model-name { type = string default = "openstack" } variable openstack-origin { type = string default = "distro" } variable openstack-region { type = string default = "RegionOne" } variable openstack-channel { type = string default = "ussuri/stable" } variable default-base { type = string default = "ubuntu@20.04" } variable mysql-channel { type = string default = "8.0/stable" } variable mysql-router-channel { type = string default = "8.0/stable" } variable hacluster-channel { type = string default = "2.0.3/stable" } variable rabbitmq-server-channel { type = string default = "3.8/stable" } variable ceph-channel { type = string default = "octopus/stable" } variable lxd-snap-channel { type = string default = "5.0/stable" } variable "sysconfig_channel" { type = string default = "latest/stable" } variable "sysconfig_revision" { type = string default = "19" } variable "ubuntu_channel" { type = string default = "latest/stable" } variable "ubuntu_revision" { type = string default = "24" } variable "vault_channel" { type = string default = "1.7/stable" } variable "etcd_channel" { type = string default = "latest/stable" } variable "etcd_revision" { type = string default = "583" } variable "easyrsa_channel" { type = string default = "latest/stable" } variable osd-devices { type = string default = "" } variable customize-failure-domain { type = string default = "true" } variable reserved-host-memory { type = number default = 512 } variable worker-multiplier { type = number default = 0.25 } variable bridge-mappings { type = string default = "" } variable data-port { type = string default = "" } variable dns-servers { type = string default = "" } variable nagios-context { type = string default = "" } variable mysql-connections { type = number default = 4000 } variable mysql-tuning-level { type = string default = "safest" } variable vips { type = map(string) default = {} } variable oam-space { type = string default = "oam" } variable admin-space { type = string default = "admin" } variable public-space { type = string default = "public" } variable internal-space { type = string default = "internal" } variable ceph-public-space { type = string default = "ceph-public" } variable ceph-cluster-space { type = string default = "ceph-cluster" } variable overlay-space { type = string default = "overlay" } variable external-network-gateway { type = string default = "" } variable cpu-allocation-ratio { type = number default = 16.0 } variable ram-allocation-ratio { type = number default = 2.0 } variable ntp-source { type = string default = "" } variable external-network-cidr { type = string default = "" } variable expected-osd-count { type = number default = 0 } variable expected-mon-count { type = number default = 3 }