resource "juju_application" "landscape-client-bionic" { name = "landscape-client-bionic" model = var.model-name charm { name = "landscape-client" channel = "latest/stable" revision = 44 } units = 0 endpoint_bindings = [{ space = var.oam-space }] config = { account-name = "standalone" install_sources = <<-EOF - "deb bionic main" EOF install_keys = <<-EOF - | -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.1.6 Comment: Hostname: mI0ESXN/egEEAOgRYISU9dnQm4BB5ZEEwKT+NKUDNd/DhMYdtBMw9Yk7S5cyoqpbtwoPJVzK AXxq+ng5e3yYypSv98pLMr5UF09FGaeyGlD4s1uaVFWkFCO4jsTg7pWIY6qzO/jMxB5+Yu/G 0GjWQMNKxFk0oHMa0PhNBZtdPacVz65mOVmCsh/lABEBAAG0G0xhdW5jaHBhZCBQUEEgZm9y IExhbmRzY2FwZYi2BBMBAgAgBQJJc396AhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ boWobkZStOb+rwP+ONKUWeX+MTIPqGWkknBPV7jm8nyyIUojC4IhS+9YR6GYnn0hMABSkEHm IV73feKmrT2GESYI1UdYeKiOkWsPN/JyBk+eTvKet0qsw5TluqiHSW+LEi/+zUyrS3dDMX3o yaLgYa+UkjIyxnaKLkQuCiS+D+fYwnJulIkhaKObtdE= =UwRd -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF # registration-key = file(../secrets/landscape-registration.txt) disable-unattended-upgrades = "true" # the reason that this has to be done manually is because Landscape server needs an admin user to be # created first (manual step, see above). Once the user and registration key is set configure the clients' url and ping-url options. #ping-url = #url = } } resource "juju_application" "landscape-client" { name = "landscape-client" model = var.model-name charm { name = "landscape-client" channel = "latest/stable" revision = 44 } units = 0 endpoint_bindings = [{ space = var.oam-space }] config = { account-name = "standalone" #registration-key = file(../secrets/landscape-registration.txt) disable-unattended-upgrades = "true" # the reason that this has to be done manually is because Landscape server needs an admin user to be # created first (manual step, see above). Once the user and registration key is set configure the clients' url and ping-url options. #ping-url = #url = } } resource "juju_integration" "landscape-client-integration" { for_each = toset(var.all_services) model = var.model-name application { name = endpoint = "container" } application { name = "${each.value}" endpoint = "juju-info" } }