#!/usr/bin/perl # # Version: 1.3 # # Copyright (C) 2001 Niclas Andersson # National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden # # NOTE: script must be configured by setting the following variables $MAUIPATH="/usr/local/maui/bin"; $CGIPATH="/home/www/bin"; $MACHINENAME="Ingvar"; use CGI qw/:standard/; $refresh = 900; $bggrid5 = "bggrid5.gif"; # URL $style = <'+1m', -Refresh=>"$refresh; URL=" . url()); print start_html(-title=>'${MACHINENAME} Status', -bgcolor=>'#ffffff', -head=>style($style)); print h1('${MACHINENAME} Status'), nl, h4($date), nl, hr({-noshade}); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print h3("Node Reservations:"); open(NODERES, "${MAUIPATH}/showres -n | ${CGIPATH}/mauireswww |") or die; @restbl = ; close(NODERES); print @restbl; print p, <Note: All advance job reservation is target for rescheduling every scheduling iteration (60 seconds) and whenever new jobs enter the batch system.

Description of the graph EOF #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print hr({-noshade}), nl, h3("Job Status:"); open(SHOWQ, "${MAUIPATH}/showq |") or die; while () { if (/ACTIVE JOBS/) { print h4("Active Jobs"), "

    if (/IDLE JOBS/) { 
	print "
", h4("Idle Jobs"), "
    if (/NON-QUEUED JOBS/) { 
	print "
", h4("Non-Queued Jobs"), "
    if (/JOBNAME/) { 
	print b($_); 
print "
"; close(SHOWQ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print hr({-noshade}), nl, address(a({-href=>'/~nican/'}, "Niclas Andersson")), end_html, nl;