# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.57) AC_INIT(maui, 3.2.6p15, help@supercluster.org) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/mcom/MConst.c]) #AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC #AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S # Assign desired prefix default AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr/local/maui]) # Handle spooldir (homedir) AC_ARG_WITH(spooldir, [ --with-spooldir=DIR where config files, log and stat directories are maintained [[/usr/local/maui]]], SPOOLDIR=$withval, SPOOLDIR=/usr/local/maui) AC_SUBST(SPOOLDIR) # Machine Name MACHINENAME=`echo ${ac_hostname} | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]'` AC_ARG_WITH(machine, [ --with-machine=NAME system name (defaults to uppercased hostname)], MACHINE=$withval, MACHINE=$MACHINENAME) AC_SUBST(MACHINE) # Handle Checksum seed AC_ARG_WITH(key, [ --with-key=SEED security checksum key (defaults to a random integer)], SEED=$withval, SEED=$RANDOM) AC_SUBST(SEED) # Determine OPSYS OS=`uname` if test "$OS" = "AIX"; then if test `uname -v` = 4; then if test `uname -r` = 1; then OPSYS="AIX41" elif test `uname -r` = 2; then OPSYS="AIX42" elif test `uname -r` = 3; then OPSYS="AIX43" else OPSYS="AIX43" RELEASE=`uname -r` AC_MSG_WARN([Unexpected OS release 'AIX4$(RELEASE)', attempting build with OPSYS=$(OPSYS)]) fi else OPSYS=AIX43 OSLEVEL=`oslevel` AC_MSG_WARN([Unexpected AIX level: $(OSLEVEL), attempting build with OPSYS=$(OPSYS)]) fi elif test "$OS" = "Linux"; then OPSYS="LINUX" elif test "$OS" = "HP-UX"; then OPSYS="HPUX" elif test "$OS" = "HP-UX"; then OPSYS="HPUX" elif test "$OS" = "IRIX" -o "$OS" = "IRIX64"; then OPSYS="IRIX" OS="IRIX" elif test "$OS" = "NT"; then OPSYS="NT" OS="NT" elif test "$OS" = "OSF1"; then OPSYS="OSF" OS="OSF" else OPSYS="LINUX" OS="LINUX" AC_MSG_WARN([Unsupported OS: $(OS), attempting build with OPSYS=$(OPSYS)]) fi AC_SUBST(OPSYS) AC_SUBST(OS) # Make generic variable Substitutions AC_SUBST([PACKAGE_NAME]) AC_SUBST([PACKAGE_VERSION]) AC_SUBST([PACKAGE_TARNAME]) AC_SUBST([HOSTNAME], ${ac_hostname}) AC_SUBST([USER], `whoami`) AC_SUBST([BUILDDATE], `date`) AC_SUBST([BUILDDIR], `pwd`) # LoadLeveler AC_ARG_WITH(loadl, [ --with-loadl[[=VERSION]] use LoadLeveler Resource Manager (version [[3]])], [LLVERSION=$withval], [LLVERSION='FALSE']) if test "$LLVERSION" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$LLVERSION" = 'yes'; then LLVERSION=3; else LLVERSION=${withval%.*}; fi if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then RMTYPE=LL AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST_FILE(rm_config) rm_config=include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm else AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (LL, $RMTYPE)]) fi if test "$LLVERSION" -lt "3"; then LLDIR="/usr/lpp/LoadL/full" LLDEF="-D__MLL22" else LLDIR="/home/loadl" LLDEF="-D__MLL31" fi AC_SUBST(LLDIR) AC_SUBST(LLDEF) AC_SUBST_FILE(ll_definitions) ll_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.ll fi # SDR AC_ARG_WITH(sdr, [ --with-sdr use the IBM SP2 SDR to obtain node info], [USESDR='TRUE'], [USESDR='FALSE']) if test "$USESDR" != 'FALSE'; then AC_SUBST_FILE(sdr_definitions) sdr_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.sdr fi # PBS AC_ARG_WITH(pbs, [ --with-pbs[[=DIR]] use PBS Resource Manager (target directory (location of pbs lib dir) [[/usr/local]])], [PBSTARGETDIR=$withval], [PBSTARGETDIR='FALSE']) if test "$PBSTARGETDIR" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$PBSTARGETDIR" = 'yes'; then if pbs-config --prefix 1>/dev/null 2>&1;then PBSTARGETDIR=`pbs-config --prefix` else PBSTARGETDIR='/usr/local'; fi fi if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then RMTYPE=PBS AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST_FILE(rm_config) rm_config=include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm else AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (PBS, $RMTYPE)]) fi if test "$OS" = "OSF"; then PBSLIBS="$PBSTARGETDIR/ilib/libnet.a -lpbs" else PBSLIBS="-lnet -lpbs" fi AC_SUBST(PBSTARGETDIR) AC_SUBST(PBSLIBS) AC_SUBST_FILE(pbs_definitions) pbs_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.pbs fi # RMS AC_ARG_WITH(rms, [ --with-rms[[=standalone]] use Quadrics RMS (default is not as a standalone Resource Manager [[]])], [USERMS=$withval], [USERMS='FALSE']) if test "$USERMS" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$USERMS" = 'yes'; then USERMS='supporting'; fi if test "$USERMS" = 'standalone'; then if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then RMTYPE=RMS else AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (RMS, $RMTYPE)]) fi #AC_SUBST_FILE(rms_definitions) #rms_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.rms fi fi # SGE AC_ARG_WITH(sge, [ --with-sge[[=DIR]] use SGE Resource Manager (build directory (location of SGE include and lib directories) [[/usr/local/sge/source]])], [SGEBUILDDIR=$withval], [SGEBUILDDIR='FALSE']) if test "$SGEBUILDDIR" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$SGEBUILDDIR" = 'yes'; then SGEBUILDDIR='/usr/local/sge/source'; fi if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then RMTYPE=SGE AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST_FILE(rm_config) rm_config=include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm else AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (SGE, $RMTYPE)]) fi SGEOSDIR=`(cd $SGEBUILDDIR; ./aimk -no-mk)` AC_SUBST(SGEBUILDDIR) AC_SUBST(SGEOSDIR) AC_SUBST_FILE(sge_definitions) sge_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.sge fi # LSF AC_ARG_WITH(lsf, [ --with-lsf[[=DIR]] use LSF Resource Manager (install directory (location of LSF include and lib directories) [[/usr/local/lsf]])], [LSFDIR=$withval], [LSFDIR='FALSE']) if test "$LSFDIR" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$LSFDIR" = 'yes'; then LSFDIR='/usr/local/lsf'; fi if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then RMTYPE=LSF AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST_FILE(rm_config) rm_config=include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm else AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (LSF, $RMTYPE)]) fi if test "$USERMS" = 'supporting'; then LSFLIBS="-lextsch -lbat -llsf -lrmsemu -lnsl -ldl" LSFDEFS="-D__MLSF -D__MLSFRMS" else LSFLIBS="-lextsch -lbat -llsf -lnsl -ldl" LSFDEFS="-D__MLSF" fi AC_SUBST(LSFDIR) AC_SUBST(LSFLIBS) AC_SUBST(LSFDEFS) AC_SUBST_FILE(lsf_definitions) lsf_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.lsf fi # Wiki AC_ARG_WITH(wiki, [ --with-wiki use Wiki Resource Manager], [USEWIKI='TRUE'], [USEWIKI='FALSE']) if test "$USEWIKI" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$RMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (WIKI, $RMTYPE)]) fi RMTYPE=WIKI fi # Bamboo Job Manager AC_ARG_WITH(bamboo, [ --with-bamboo use Bamboo Resource Manager], [USEBAMBOO='TRUE'], [USEBAMBOO='FALSE']) if test "$USEBAMBOO" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$RMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (BAMBOO, $RMTYPE)]) fi RMTYPE=SSS RMPORT=" PORT=4204" RMHOST=" HOST=$HOSTNAME" RMSOCKETPROTOCOL=" SOCKETPROTOCOL=HTTP" RMWIREPROTOCOL=" WIREPROTOCOL=SSS2" RMVERSION=" VERSION=SSS2.0" fi # Other SSS Resource Manager AC_ARG_WITH(sss-rm, [ --with-sss-rm[[=PORT]] use SSS Resource Manager (default port [[7865]])], [SSSRMPORT=$withval], [SSSRMPORT='FALSE']) if test "$SSSRMPORT" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$SSSRMPORT" = 'yes'; then SSSRMPORT='7865'; fi if test "$RMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Resource Manager can be specified (SSS-RM, $RMTYPE)]) fi RMTYPE=SSS RMPORT=" PORT=$SSSRMPORT" RMHOST=" HOST=$HOSTNAME" RMSOCKETPROTOCOL=" SOCKETPROTOCOL=HTTP" RMWIREPROTOCOL=" WIREPROTOCOL=SSS2" RMVERSION=" VERSION=SSS2.0" fi if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then AC_MSG_WARN([Resource Manager not specified - attempting build with pbs]) RMTYPE=PBS AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST_FILE(rm_config) rm_config=include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm if pbs-config --prefix 1>/dev/null 2>&1;then PBSTARGETDIR=`pbs-config --prefix` else PBSTARGETDIR='/usr/local'; fi if $PBSTARGETDIR/bin/pbs-config --cflags 1>/dev/null 2>&1;then PBSCFLAGS=`$PBSTARGETDIR/bin/pbs-config --cflags` else PBSCFLAGS=-I$PBSTARGETDIR/include fi if $PBSTARGETDIR/bin/pbs-config --libs 1>/dev/null 2>&1;then PBSLDFLAGS=`$PBSTARGETDIR/bin/pbs-config --libs` else PBSLDFLAGS="-L$PBSTARGETDIR/lib -lnet -lpbs" fi AC_SUBST(PBSCFLAGS) AC_SUBST(PBSLDFLAGS) AC_SUBST_FILE(pbs_definitions) pbs_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.pbs fi # Warehouse Node Monitor AC_ARG_WITH(warehouse, [ --with-warehouse use Warehouse System Monitor], [USEWAREHOUSE='TRUE'], [USEWAREHOUSE='FALSE']) if test "$USEWAREHOUSE" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$NMTYPE" = ''; then RMNMPORT=" NMPORT=12321" RMNMSERVER=" NMSERVER=$HOSTNAME" fi fi AC_SUBST(RMTYPE) AC_SUBST(RMPORT) AC_SUBST(RMHOST) AC_SUBST(RMSOCKETPROTOCOL) AC_SUBST(RMWIREPROTOCOL) AC_SUBST(RMVERSION) AC_SUBST(RMNMPORT) AC_SUBST(RMNMSERVER) # END RM CONFIG -------------------------------------- # START AM CONFIG ------------------------------------ # QBank AC_ARG_WITH(qbank, [ --with-qbank use QBank Allocation Manager], [USEQBANK='TRUE'], [USEQBANK='FALSE']) if test "$USEQBANK" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$AMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Allocation Manager can be specified (QBANK, $AMTYPE)]) fi AMTYPE=QBANK AMHOST=" HOST=$HOSTNAME" AMPORT=" PORT=7111" AMOTHER=" CHARGEPOLICY=DEBITALLWC JOBFAILUREACTION=NONE TIMEOUT=15" fi # Gold AC_ARG_WITH(gold, [ --with-gold use Gold Allocation Manager], [USEGOLD='TRUE'], [USEGOLD='FALSE']) if test "$USEGOLD" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$AMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Allocation Manager can be specified (GOLD, $AMTYPE)]) fi AMTYPE=GOLD AMHOST=" HOST=$HOSTNAME" AMPORT=" PORT=7112" AMSOCKETPROTOCOL=" SOCKETPROTOCOL=HTTP" AMWIREPROTOCOL=" WIREPROTOCOL=XML" AMOTHER=" CHARGEPOLICY=DEBITALLWC JOBFAILUREACTION=NONE TIMEOUT=15" fi # Other SSS Allocation Manager AC_ARG_WITH(sss-am, [ --with-sss-am[[=PORT]] use SSS Allocation Manager (default port [[8865]])], [SSSAMPORT=$withval], [SSSAMPORT='FALSE']) if test "$SSSAMPORT" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$SSSAMPORT" = 'yes'; then SSSAMPORT='8865'; fi if test "$AMTYPE" != ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Only one Allocation Manager can be specified (SSS-AM, $AMTYPE)]) fi AMTYPE=SSS AMHOST=" HOST=$HOSTNAME" AMPORT=" PORT=$SSSAMPORT" AMOTHER=" CHARGEPOLICY=DEBITALLWC JOBFAILUREACTION=NONE TIMEOUT=15" fi if test "$AMTYPE" = ''; then AMTYPE=NONE fi AC_SUBST(AMTYPE) AC_SUBST(AMHOST) AC_SUBST(AMPORT) AC_SUBST(AMSOCKETPROTOCOL) AC_SUBST(AMWIREPROTOCOL) AC_SUBST(AMOTHER) # END AM CONFIG --------------------------------- # MX AC_ARG_WITH(mx, [ --with-mx use MX], [USEMX='TRUE'], [USEMX='FALSE']) if test "$USEMX" != 'FALSE'; then AC_SUBST_FILE(mx_definitions) mx_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.mx fi # PCRE AC_ARG_WITH(pcre, [ --with-pcre[[=DIR]] use PCRE (pcre dir (location of PCRE include and lib directories) [[/path/to/pcre]]], [PCREDIR=$withval], [PCREDIR='FALSE']) if test "$PCREDIR" != 'FALSE'; then if test "$PCREDIR" = 'yes'; then PCREDIR='/path/to/pcre'; fi AC_SUBST(PCREDIR) AC_SUBST_FILE(pcre_definitions) pcre_definitions=include/Makefile.inc.pcre fi # Make sure one RM was specified if test "$RMTYPE" = ''; then AC_MSG_ERROR([At least one Resource Manager must be specified]) fi # Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [sqrt]) # Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h fcntl.h locale.h netdb.h netinet/in.h stdlib.h string.h strings.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h syslog.h unistd.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_HEADER_STAT AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_HEADER_TIME AC_STRUCT_TM # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_FORK AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_MEMCMP AC_FUNC_MKTIME AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_FUNC_SELECT_ARGTYPES AC_FUNC_SETPGRP AC_FUNC_SETVBUF_REVERSED AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_FUNC_STAT AC_FUNC_STRFTIME AC_FUNC_STRTOD AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostname gettimeofday inet_ntoa memchr memset pow putenv regcmp regcomp select setlocale socket strchr strdup strerror strrchr strstr strtol strtoul]) # Configure the output files, and generate them. AC_CONFIG_FILES([include/Makefile.inc.ll include/Makefile.inc.sdr include/Makefile.inc.pbs include/Makefile.inc.sge include/Makefile.inc.lsf include/Makefile.inc.mx include/Makefile.inc.pcre]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile], [chmod 700 Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([include/maui.cfg.dist.inc.rm maui.cfg.dist maui-private.cfg.dist]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([etc/maui.sh etc/maui.csh]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([include/moab-local.h], [chmod 600 include/moab-local.h]) AC_OUTPUT # Do miscellaneous configure steps touch maui.ck touch maui-private.cfg # Display final messages if test -z "`echo $PATH | grep \"$prefix\" 2>/dev/null`"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Remember to add $prefix/bin to your PATH]) fi AC_MSG_NOTICE([NOTE: link 'docs/mauidocs.html' to your local website for access to user and admin documentation NOTE: latest downloads, patches, etc are available at 'http://supercluster.org/maui' configure successful.])