#!/bin/bash # set -x . functions.sh # Time between building VMs build_fanout=60 # Adds all the subnets, vlans and therefore bridges to the hypervisor, all # based on the configuration from hypervisor.config and/or default.config maas_assign_networks() { system_id=$1 # Get the details of the physical interface phsy_int=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces read ${system_id} | jq -c ".[] | {id:.id, name:.name,parent:.parents}" | grep "parent.*\[\]") phys_int_name=$(echo $phsy_int | jq .name | sed s/\"//g) phys_int_id=$(echo $phsy_int | jq .id | sed s/\"//g) i=0 for vlan in ${vlans[*]} do subnet_line=$(maas admin subnets read | jq -rc --arg vlan "$vlan" ".[] | select(.vlan.vid == $vlan) | select(.name | contains(\"/24\"))| {subnet_id:.id, vlan_id:.vlan.id}") maas_vlan_id=$(echo $subnet_line | jq .vlan_id | sed s/\"//g) maas_subnet_id=$(echo $subnet_line | jq .subnet_id | sed s/\"//g) ip_addr="" if [[ $i -eq 0 ]] ; then # Set the first interface to be static as per the configuration so that it # consistent over re-provisioning of the system vlan_int_id=${phys_int_id} mode="STATIC" ip_addr="ip_address=$hypervisor_ip" else # Check to see if the vlan interface already exists, otherwise create it vlan_int_id=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces read ${system_id} | jq --argjson vlan ${vlan} '.[] | select(.vlan.vid == $vlan) | select(.type == "vlan") | .id') if [[ -z "$vlan_int_id" ]] ; then vlan_int=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces create-vlan ${system_id} vlan=${maas_vlan_id} parent=$phys_int_id) vlan_int_id=$(echo $vlan_int | jq .id | sed s/\"//g) fi if [[ $vlan -eq $external_vlan ]] ; then # Set the external IP to be static as per the configuration mode="STATIC" ip_addr="ip_address=$external_ip" else # Set everything else to be auto assigned mode="AUTO" fi fi # Check to see if the bridge interface already exists, otherwise create it bridge_int=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces read ${system_id} | jq --argjson vlan ${vlan} '.[] | select(.vlan.vid == $vlan) | select(.type == "bridge")') [[ -z "${bridge_int}" ]] && bridge_int=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces create-bridge ${system_id} name=${bridges[$i]} vlan=$maas_vlan_id mac_address=${hypervisor_mac} parent=$vlan_int_id) bridge_int_id=$(echo $bridge_int | jq .id | sed s/\"//g) cur_mode=$(echo $bridge_int | jq ".links[].mode" | sed s/\"//g) # If the mode is already set correctly, then move on [[ $cur_mode == "auto" ]] && [[ $mode == "AUTO" ]] && continue #bridge_unlink=$(maas ${maas_profile} interface unlink-subnet $system_id $bridge_int_id id=$( echo $bridge_int_id | jq {maas_subnet_id}) bridge_link=$(maas ${maas_profile} interface link-subnet $system_id $bridge_int_id mode=${mode} subnet=${maas_subnet_id} ${ip_addr}) echo $bridge_link (( i++ )) done } maas_create_partitions() { system_id=$1 size=20 actual_size=$(( $size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) storage_layout=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine set-storage-layout ${system_id} storage_layout=lvm vg_name=${hypervisor_name} lv_name=root lv_size=${actual_size}) vg_device=$(echo $storage_layout | jq ".volume_groups[].id" ) remaining_space=$(maas ${maas_profile} volume-group read ${system_id} ${vg_device} | jq ".available_size" | sed s/\"//g) libvirt_lv=$(maas ${maas_profile} volume-group create-logical-volume ${system_id} ${vg_device} name=libvirt size=${remaining_space}) libvirt_block_id=$(echo ${libvirt_lv} | jq .id) stg_fs=$(maas ${maas_profile} block-device format ${system_id} ${libvirt_block_id} fstype=ext4) stg_mount=$(maas ${maas_profile} block-device mount ${system_id} ${libvirt_block_id} mount_point=${storage_path}) } maas_add_pod() { pod_create=$(maas ${maas_profile} pods create power_address="qemu+ssh://${virsh_user}@${hypervisor_ip}/system" power_user="${virsh_user}" power_pass="${qemu_password}" type="virsh") pod_id=$(echo $pod_create | jq ".id" | sed s/\"//g) pod_name=$(maas ${maas_profile} pod update ${pod_id} name=${hypervisor_name}) } # Calls the functions that destroys and cleans up all the VMs wipe_node() { install_deps maas_login destroy_node } create_node() { install_deps maas_login maas_add_node ${hypervisor_name} ${hypervisor_mac} physical } install_node() { install_deps maas_login deploy_node maas_add_pod } add_pod() { install_deps maas_login maas_add_pod } # Fixes all the networks on all the VMs network_auto() { install_deps maas_login system_id=$(maas_system_id ${hypervisor_name}) maas_assign_networks ${system_id} } # Fixes all the networks on all the VMs create_partitions() { install_deps maas_login system_id=$(maas_system_id ${hypervisor_name}) maas_create_partitions ${system_id} } # The purpose of this function is to stop, release the nodes and wipe the disks destroy_node() { pod_id=$(maas_pod_id ${hypervisor_name}) pod_delete=$(maas ${maas_profile} pod delete ${pod_id}) system_id=$(maas_system_id ${hypervisor_name}) machine_delete=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine delete ${system_id}) } deploy_node() { system_id=$(maas_system_id ${hypervisor_name}) maas ${maas_profile} machine deploy ${system_id} user_data="$(base64 user-data.yaml)" > /dev/null # Only return when the node has finised deploying ensure_machine_in_state ${system_id} "Deployed" } show_help() { echo " -a Create and Deploy -c Creates Hypervisor -d Deploy Hypervisor -k Add Hypervisor as Pod -n Assign Networks -p Update Partitioning -w Removes Hypervisor " } read_configs while getopts ":c:w:d:a:k:n:p:" opt; do case $opt in c) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" create_node ;; w) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" wipe_node ;; d) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" install_node ;; a) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" create_node install_node ;; k) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" add_pod ;; n) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" network_auto ;; p) read_config "configs/$OPTARG.config" create_partitions ;; \?) printf "Unrecognized option: -%s. Valid options are:" "$OPTARG" >&2 show_help exit 1 ;; : ) printf "Option -%s needs an argument.\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 show_help echo "" exit 1 esac done