#!/bin/bash # set -x . functions.sh # Storage type storage_format="raw" # Models for nic and storage nic_model="virtio" stg_bus="scsi" # Time between building VMs build_fanout=60 maas_assign_networks() { maas_auto_assign_networks $1 } # Attempts to auto assign all the networks for a host # Note: This only works straight after a commissioning of a machine maas_auto_assign_networks() { system_id=$1 # Grabs all the interfaces that are attached to the system node_interfaces=$(maas ${maas_profile} interfaces read ${system_id} \ | jq -c ".[] | {id:.id, name:.name, mode:.links[].mode, subnet:.links[].subnet.id, vlan:.vlan.vid }") # This for loop will go through all the interfaces and enable Auto-Assign # on all ports for interface in ${node_interfaces} do int_id=$(echo $interface | jq ".id" | sed s/\"//g) subnet_id=$(echo $interface | jq ".subnet" | sed s/\"//g) mode=$(echo $interface | jq ".mode" | sed s/\"//g) vlan=$(echo $interface | jq ".vlan" | sed s/\"//g) # Although the vlan would have been set the discovered vlan wouldn't, # and therefore link[] and discovery[] list won't exist. So we grab # the subnet details from subnets that have the vlan assigned/discovered # at commissioning stage if [[ $subnet_id == null ]] ; then subnet_line=$(maas admin subnets read | jq -c ".[] | {subnet_id:.id, vlan:.vlan.vid, vlan_id:.vlan.id}" | grep "vlan\":$vlan,") subnet_id=$(echo $subnet_line | jq -r .subnet_id) fi # If vlan is the external network, then we want to grab IP via DHCP # from the external network. Other networks would be auto mode if [[ $vlan -eq $external_vlan ]] && [[ $mode != "dhcp" ]]; then new_mode="DHCP" elif [[ $mode != "auto" ]] && [[ $mode != "dhcp" ]] ; then new_mode="AUTO" fi # Then finally set link details for all the interfaces that haven't # been configured already if [[ $new_mode != "AUTO" ]] || [[ $new_mode != "DHCP" ]]; then assign_network=$(maas ${maas_profile} interface link-subnet ${system_id} ${int_id} mode=${new_mode} subnet=${subnet_id}) fi done } maas_create_partitions() { system_id=$1 vg_name="vg0" declare -A parts parts=( ["tmp"]="/tmp" ["var-tmp"]="/var/tmp" ["root"]="/" ) declare -A part_size part_size=( ["tmp"]=2 ["var-tmp"]=2 ["root"]="remaining" ) # Wipe everything first storage_layout=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine set-storage-layout ${system_id} storage_layout=blank) # Grab the first disk, typically /dev/sda blk_device=$(maas ${maas_profile} block-devices read ${system_id} | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"sda\")") blk_device_id=$(echo $blk_device | jq -r .id) # create /boot/efi partition, just in-case we are using a uEFI based VM boot_size=512 size=$(( ${boot_size} * 1024 * 1024 )) boot_part=$(maas ${maas_profile} partitions create ${system_id} ${blk_device_id} size=$size) boot_part_id=$(echo $boot_part | jq -r .id) boot_format=$(maas ${maas_profile} partition format ${system_id} ${blk_device_id} ${boot_part_id} fstype=fat32) boot_mount=$(maas ${maas_profile} partition mount ${system_id} ${blk_device_id} ${boot_part_id} mount_point=/boot/efi) # Create the volume group for the rest of the partitions vg_part=$(maas ${maas_profile} partitions create ${system_id} ${blk_device_id}) vg_part_id=$(echo $vg_part | jq -r .id) vg_create=$(maas ${maas_profile} volume-groups create ${system_id} name=${vg_name} partitions=${vg_part_id}) vg_id=$(echo $vg_create | jq -r .id) for part in ${!parts[@]}; do if [[ ${part_size[$part]} == "remaining" ]] ; then size=$(maas ${maas_profile} volume-group read ${system_id} ${vg_id} | jq -r ".available_size") else size=$(( ${part_size[$part]} * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) fi lv_create=$(maas ${maas_profile} volume-group create-logical-volume ${system_id} ${vg_id} name=${part} size=${size}) lv_block_id=$(echo ${lv_create} | jq -r .id) stg_fs=$(maas ${maas_profile} block-device format ${system_id} ${lv_block_id} fstype=ext4) stg_mount=$(maas ${maas_profile} block-device mount ${system_id} ${lv_block_id} mount_point=${parts[$part]}) done } # Calls the 3 functions that creates the VMs create_vms() { install_deps maas_login create_storage build_vms } # Calls the 3 functions that creates the VMs create_juju() { install_deps maas_login create_storage "juju" build_vms "juju" } # Calls the functions that destroys and cleans up all the VMs wipe_vms() { install_deps maas_login destroy_vms } # Fixes all the networks on all the VMs do_nodes() { install_deps maas_login function=$1 juju_total=1 for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do node_type="compute" if [[ $virt -le $control_count ]] ; then node_type="control" fi if [[ $juju_total -le $juju_count ]] ; then printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$hypervisor_name-juju" "$juju_total" doing_juju="true" node_type="juju" (( virt-- )) (( juju_total++ )) else printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" fi system_id=$(maas_system_id ${virt_node}) status_name=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine read ${system_id} | jq -r ".status_name") if [[ ${status_name} == "Deployed" ]] ; then case $function in "network"|"commission"|"partition") echo "Skipping ${virt_node} ..." continue ;; esac fi echo "Setting up $function for $virt_node ..." if [[ $function == "network" ]] ; then maas_auto_assign_networks ${system_id} & elif [[ $function == "zone" ]] ; then machine_set_zone ${system_id} ${hypervisor_name} & elif [[ $function == "commission" ]] ; then commission_node ${system_id} & sleep ${build_fanout} elif [[ $function == "partition" ]] ; then [[ $node_type == "juju" ]] && continue maas_create_partitions ${system_id} & elif [[ $function == "tag" ]] ; then machine_add_tag ${system_id} ${node_type} machine_add_tag ${system_id} ${hypervisor_name} machine_add_tag ${system_id} ${hypervisor_tag} fi done wait } # Creates the disks for all the nodes create_storage() { # To keep a track of how many juju VMs we have created only_juju="false" node_count_bak=$node_count if [[ $1 == "juju" ]] ; then node_count=0 if [[ $juju_count -lt 1 ]] ; then echo "WARNING: requested only create juju, but juju_count = ${juju_count}" return 0 fi fi for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" # Create the directory where the storage files will be located mkdir -p "$storage_path/$virt_node" mkdir -p "$ceph_storage_path/$virt_node" # For all the disks that are defined in the array, create a disk for ((disk=0;disk<${#disks[@]};disk++)); do if [[ $disk -eq 0 ]] ; then final_storage_path=$storage_path else final_storage_path=$ceph_storage_path fi file_name="$final_storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node-d$((${disk} + 1)).img" if [[ ! -f $file_name ]] ; then /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f "$storage_format" "${file_name}" "${disks[$disk]}"G & fi done done for ((juju=1; juju<=juju_count; juju++)); do printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$hypervisor_name-juju" "$juju" # Create th directory where the storage files will be located mkdir -p "$storage_path/$virt_node" file_name="$storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node.img" if [[ ! -f $file_name ]] ; then /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f "$storage_format" ${file_name} "${juju_disk}"G & fi done node_count=$node_count_bak wait } # The purpose of this function is to stop, release the nodes and wipe the disks # to save space, and then so that the machines in MAAS can be re-used wipe_disks() { juju_total=1 doing_juju="false" for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do if [[ $juju_total -le $juju_count ]] ; then printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$hypervisor_name-juju" "$juju_total" doing_juju="true" (( virt-- )) (( juju_total++ )) else printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" doing_juju="false" fi system_id=$(maas_system_id ${virt_node}) # Release the machine in MAAS release_machine=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine release ${system_id}) # Ensure that the machine is in ready state before the next step ensure_machine_in_state ${system_id} "Ready" # Stop the machine if it is running # It's probably stopped anyway as per the release above virsh --connect qemu:///system shutdown "$virt_node" # Remove the disks if [[ $doing_juju == "true" ]] ; then rm -rf "$storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node.img" rm -rf "$ceph_storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node.img" else for ((disk=0;disk<${#disks[@]};disk++)); do rm -rf "$storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node-d$((${disk} + 1)).img" & rm -rf "$ceph_storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node-d$((${disk} + 1)).img" & done fi done # Re-create the storage again from scratch create_storage wait } machine_exists() { node_name=$1 virsh_machine=$(virsh list --all --name | grep ${node_name}) if [[ $virsh_machine != "" ]] ; then macaddr=$(virsh domiflist ${node_name} | tail +3 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $5}') echo $macaddr else echo "false" fi } get_mac() { machine_exists $* } # Builds the VMs from scratch, and then adds them to MAAS build_vms() { # To keep a track of how many juju VMs we have created juju_total=1 only_juju="false" if [[ $1 == "juju" ]] ; then only_juju="true" if [[ $juju_count -lt 1 ]] ; then echo "WARNING: requested only create juju, but juju_count = ${juju_count}" return 0 fi fi for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do # Based on the bridges array, it will generate these amount of MAC # addresses and then create the network definitions to add to # virt-install network_spec="" extra_args="" # Based on the type of network we are using we will assign variables # such that this can be either bridge or network type if [[ $network_type == "bridge" ]] ; then net_prefix="bridge" net_type=(${bridges[@]}) elif [[ $network_type == "network" ]] ; then net_prefix="network" net_type=(${networks[@]}) fi if [[ $juju_total -le $juju_count ]] ; then printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$hypervisor_name-juju" "$juju_total" ram="$juju_ram" vcpus="$juju_cpus" node_type="juju" # Now define the network definition network_spec="--network=$net_prefix="${net_type[0]}",model=$nic_model" if [[ "${bridge_type}" == "ovs" ]] ; then network_spec+=",virtualport_type=openvswitch" fi disk_spec="--disk path=$storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node.img" disk_spec+=",format=$storage_format,size=${juju_disk},bus=$stg_bus,io=native,cache=directsync" # So that we have the right amount of VMs (( virt-- )) (( juju_total++ )) # This will ensure that we only create the juju VMs [[ $only_juju == "true" ]] && [[ $juju_total -gt $juju_count ]] && virt=$(( $node_count + 1 )) else printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" # Based on the variables in hypervisor.config, we define the variables # for ram and cpus. This also allows a number of control nodes that # can be defined as part of full set of nodes. ram="$node_ram" vcpus="$node_cpus" node_type="compute" disk_count=${#disks[@]} if [[ $virt -le $control_count ]] ; then ram="$control_ram" vcpus="$control_cpus" node_type="control" disk_count=1 fi # Now define the network definition for ((net=0;net<${#net_type[@]};net++)); do network_spec+=" --network=$net_prefix="${net_type[$net]}",model=$nic_model" if [[ "${bridge_type}" == "ovs" ]] ; then network_spec+=",virtualport_type=openvswitch" fi done # Based on the disks array, it will create a definition to add these # disks to the VM disk_spec="" for ((disk=0;disk<${disk_count};disk++)); do if [[ $disk -eq 0 ]] ; then final_storage_path=$storage_path else final_storage_path=$ceph_storage_path fi disk_spec+=" --disk path=$final_storage_path/$virt_node/$virt_node-d$((${disk} + 1)).img" disk_spec+=",format=$storage_format,size=${disks[$disk]},bus=$stg_bus,io=native,cache=directsync" done fi # Check to see if the libvirt machine already exists. If it exists # then just use the same one again and commission in MAAS check_machine=$(machine_exists ${virt_node}) if [[ $check_machine != "false" ]] ; then macaddr=$check_machine maas_add_node ${virt_node} ${macaddr} ${node_type} & sleep ${build_fanout} continue fi # For testing and WIP/POC if [[ ${enable_secureboot} == "true" ]] ; then extra_args+=" --boot loader_secure=yes" #extra_args+=",loader=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd" #extra_args+=",nvram_template=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd" #extra_args+=",loader_ro=yes" #extra_args+=",loader_type=pflash" extra_args+=" --machine q35" extra_args+=" --features smm=on" enable_uefi="true" fi # Flags required to enable uEFI [[ ${enable_uefi} == "true" ]] && extra_args+=" --boot uefi" # Creates the VM with all the attributes given virt-install -v --noautoconsole \ --print-xml \ --autostart \ --boot network,hd,menu=on \ --video qxl,vram=256 \ --channel spicevmc \ --name "$virt_node" \ --memory "memory=$(( $ram * 6 / 4 )),currentMemory=$ram" \ --vcpus "$vcpus" \ --console pty,target_type=serial \ --graphics spice,clipboard_copypaste=no,mouse_mode=client,filetransfer_enable=off \ --cpu host-passthrough,cache.mode=passthrough \ --controller "$stg_bus",model=virtio-scsi,index=0 \ $extra_args $disk_spec \ $network_spec > "$virt_node.xml" && # Create the Vm based on the XML file defined in the above command virsh define "$virt_node.xml" macaddr=$(get_mac ${virt_node}) # Call the maas_add_node function, this will add the node to MAAS maas_add_node ${virt_node} ${macaddr} ${node_type} & # Wait some time before building the next, this helps with a lot of DHCP requests # and ensures that all VMs are commissioned and deployed. sleep ${build_fanout} done wait } destroy_vms() { juju_total=1 doing_juju="false" for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do if [[ $juju_total -le $juju_count ]] ; then printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$hypervisor_name-juju" "$juju_total" doing_juju="true" (( virt-- )) (( juju_total++ )) else printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" doing_juju="false" fi # If the domain is running, this will complete, else throw a warning virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy "$virt_node" # Actually remove the VM virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine "$virt_node" --nvram # Remove the three storage volumes from disk if [[ $doing_juju = "true" ]] ; then virsh vol-delete --pool "$virt_node" "$virt_node.img" else for ((disk=0;disk<${#disks[@]};disk++)); do virsh vol-delete --pool "$virt_node" "$virt_node-d$((${disk} + 1)).img" done fi # Remove the folder storage is located rm -rf "$storage_path/$virt_node/" sync # Remove the XML definitions for the VM rm -f "$virt_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/qemu/$virt_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/storage/$virt_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/storage/autostart/$virt_node.xml" # Now remove the VM from MAAS system_id=$(maas_system_id ${virt_node}) delete_machine=$(maas ${maas_profile} machine delete ${system_id}) done } show_help() { echo " -c Creates everything -d Releases VMs, Clears Disk -j Only create juju VM -n Updates all the networks on all VMs -p Update the partitioning of the nodes -r Recommission all VMs -t Re-tag all VMS -w Removes everything -z Add nodes to availability zones " } # Initialise the configs read_configs while getopts ":cdjnprtwz" opt; do case $opt in c) create_vms do_nodes tag ;; d) install_deps maas_login wipe_disks ;; j) create_juju ;; n) do_nodes network ;; p) do_nodes partition ;; r) do_nodes commission ;; t) do_nodes tag ;; w) wipe_vms ;; z) do_nodes zone ;; \?) printf "Unrecognized option: -%s. Valid options are:" "$OPTARG" >&2 show_help exit 1 ;; esac done # Cleanup pkg_cleanup