#!/bin/bash # set -x . hypervisor.config . maas.config # Storage type storage_format="raw" # Models for nic and storage nic_model="virtio" stg_bus="scsi" # Sizes of disks for each of the VMs d1=50 d2=20 d3=20 # how long you want to wait for commissioning # default is 1200, i.e. 20 mins commission_timeout=1200 # Time between building VMs build_timeout=60 # This logs in to maas, and sets up the admin profile maas_login() { sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install jq bc sudo snap install maas --channel=2.8/stable echo ${maas_api_key} | maas login admin ${maas_url} - } # Grabs the unique system)id for the host human readable hostname maas_machine_id() { node_name=$1 maas admin machines read hostname=${node_name} | jq ".[].system_id" | sed s/\"//g } # Adds the VM into MAAS maas_add_node() { node_name=$1 mac_addr=$2 node_type=$3 maas admin machines create \ hostname=${node_name} \ mac_addresses=${mac_addr} \ architecture=amd64/generic \ power_type=virsh \ power_parameters_power_id=${node_name} \ power_parameters_power_address=${qemu_connection} \ power_parameters_power_pass=${qemu_password} system_id=$(maas_machine_id ${node_name}) time_start=$(date +%s) time_end=${time_start} status_name=$(maas admin machine read ${system_id} | jq ".status_name" | sed s/\"//g) while [[ ${status_name} != "Ready" ]] && [[ $( echo ${time_end} - ${time_start} | bc ) -le ${commission_timeout} ]] do sleep 20 status_name=$(maas admin machine read ${system_id} | jq ".status_name" | sed s/\"//g) time_end=$(date +%s) done # If the tag doesn't exist, then create it if [[ $(maas admin tag read ${node_type}) == "Not Found" ]] ; then maas admin tags create name=${node_type} fi # Assign the tag to the machine maas admin tag update-nodes ${node_type} add=${system_id} maas_auto_assign_networks ${system_id} } # Attempts to auto assign all the networks for a host maas_auto_assign_networks() { system_id=$1 node_interfaces=$(maas admin interfaces read ${system_id} | jq ".[] | {id:.id, name:.name, mode:.links[].mode, subnet:.links[].subnet.id }" --compact-output) for interface in ${node_interfaces} do int_id=$(echo $interface | jq ".id" | sed s/\"//g) subnet_id=$(echo $interface | jq ".subnet" | sed s/\"//g) mode=$(echo $interface | jq ".mode" | sed s/\"//g) if [[ $mode != "auto" ]] ; then maas admin interface link-subnet ${system_id} ${int_id} mode="AUTO" subnet=${subnet_id} fi done } create_vms() { maas_login create_storage build_vms } wipe_vms() { maas_login destroy_vms } create_storage() { for ((machine="$node_start"; machine<=node_count; machine++)); do printf -v maas_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$machine" mkdir -p "$storage_path/$maas_node" /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f "$storage_format" "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d1.img" "$d1"G & /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f "$storage_format" "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d2.img" "$d2"G & /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f "$storage_format" "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d3.img" "$d3"G & done wait } wipe_disks() { for ((machine="$node_start"; machine<=node_count; machine++)); do printf -v maas_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$machine" virsh --connect qemu:///system shutdown "$maas_node" rm -rf "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d1.img" & rm -rf "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d2.img" & rm -rf "$storage_path/$maas_node/$maas_node-d3.img" & done create_storage wait } # Builds the VMs from scratch, and then adds them to MAAS build_vms() { for ((virt="$node_start"; virt<=node_count; virt++)); do printf -v virt_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$virt" ram="$node_ram" vcpus="$node_cpus" node_type="compute" if [[ $virt -le $control_count ]] ; then ram="$control_ram" vcpus="$control_cpus" node_type="control" fi bus=$stg_bus macaddr=() network_spec="" for ((mac=0;mac "$virt_node.xml" && virsh define "$virt_node.xml" virsh start "$virt_node" & maas_add_node ${virt_node} ${macaddr[0]} ${node_type} & # Wait some time before building the next, this helps with a lot of DHCP requests # and ensures that all VMs are commissioned and deployed. sleep ${build_timeout} done wait } destroy_vms() { for ((node="$node_start"; node<=node_count; node++)); do printf -v compute_node %s-%02d "$compute" "$node" # If the domain is running, this will complete, else throw a warning virsh --connect qemu:///system destroy "$compute_node" # Actually remove the VM virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine "$compute_node" # Remove the three storage volumes from disk for disk in {1..3}; do virsh vol-delete --pool "$compute_node" "$compute_node-d${disk}.img" done rm -rf "$storage_path/$compute_node/" sync rm -f "$compute_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/qemu/$compute_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/storage/$compute_node.xml" \ "/etc/libvirt/storage/autostart/$compute_node.xml" machine_id=$(maas_machine_id ${compute_node}) maas admin machine delete ${machine_id} done } while getopts ":cwd" opt; do case $opt in c) create_vms ;; w) wipe_vms ;; d) wipe_disks ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 ;; esac done