Big pile-o-updates to allow cleaner, more automated provisioning. Added zswap, pointed to LXD squid proxy container and other pieces.

This commit is contained in:
desrod 2020-04-29 16:11:40 -04:00
parent a517a0f8b9
commit db917520e2

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
required_bins=( ip jq sudo uuid )
required_bins=( ip jq sudo uuid debconf-set-selections ifdata )
check_bins() {
@ -30,12 +30,17 @@ init_variables() {
maas_system_ip="$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')"
# This is an ugly hack, but it works to get the IP of the primary virtual bridge interface
maas_bridge_ip="$(ip a s virbr0 | awk '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)"
maas_bridge_ip=$(ifdata -pa virbr0)
# maas_bridge_ip="$(ip -json a | jq -r '.[] | select(.ifname | tostring | contains("virbr0")) | .addr_info[].local')"
# maas_bridge_ip="$(ip a s virbr0 | awk '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)"
# This is the proxy that MAAS itself uses (the "internal" MAAS proxy)
no_proxy="localhost,,$maas_system_ip,$(echo $maas_ip_range.{100..200} | sed 's/ /,/g')"
echo "MAAS Endpoint: $maas_endpoint"
echo "MAAS Proxy: $maas_local_proxy"
@ -55,8 +60,8 @@ remove_maas() {
sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database maasdb"
# Remove everything, start clean and clear from the top
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y remove --purge "${maas_packages[@]}" "${pg_packages[@]}" && \
sudo apt-get -fuy autoremove
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive eatmydata apt-get -y remove --purge "${maas_packages[@]}" "${pg_packages[@]}" && \
sudo eatmydata apt-get -fuy autoremove
# Yes, they're removed but we want them PURGED, so this becomes idempotent
for package in "${maas_packages[@]}" "${pg_packages[@]}"; do
@ -66,8 +71,8 @@ remove_maas() {
install_maas() {
# This is separate from the removal, so we can handle them atomically
# sudo apt -fuy --reinstall install maas maas-cli jq tinyproxy htop vim-common
sudo apt-get -fuy --reinstall install "${maas_packages[@]}" "${pg_packages[@]}"
sudo eatmydata apt-get -fuy --reinstall install "${maas_packages[@]}" "${pg_packages[@]}"
sudo sed -i 's/DISPLAY_LIMIT=5/DISPLAY_LIMIT=100/' /usr/share/maas/web/static/js/bundle/maas-min.js
purge_admin_user() {
@ -105,32 +110,41 @@ build_maas() {
maas $maas_profile sshkeys create "key=$maas_ssh_key"
# Update settings to match our needs
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=default_storage_layout value=lvm
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=network_discovery value=disabled
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=active_discovery_interval value=0
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=kernel_opts value="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0,115200 elevator=cfq intel_iommu=on iommu=pt debug nosplash scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=1 dm_mod.use_blk_mq=1 enable_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_spare_reg_nr=1 systemd.log_level=debug"
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=kernel_opts value="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0,115200 elevator=noop clocksource=tsc zswap.enabled=1 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt debug nosplash scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=1 dm_mod.use_blk_mq=1 enable_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_spare_reg_nr=1 systemd.log_level=debug"
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=maas_name value=us-east
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=upstream_dns value="$maas_upstream_dns"
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=dnssec_validation value=no
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=enable_analytics value=false
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=enable_http_proxy value=true
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=http_proxy value=
# maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=http_proxy value="$squid_proxy"
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=enable_third_party_drivers value=false
maas $maas_profile maas set-config name=curtin_verbose value=true
maas $maas_profile boot-source update 1 url=http://$maas_bridge_ip:8765/maas/images/ephemeral-v3/daily/
maas $maas_profile package-repository update 1 name='main_archive' url=http://$maas_bridge_ip:8765/mirror/ubuntu
# maas $maas_profile package-repository update 1 name='main_archive' url=http://$maas_bridge_ip:8765/mirror/ubuntu
maas $maas_profile subnet update 2 gateway_ip=$maas_bridge_ip
# This is hacky, but it's the only way I could find to reliably get the
# correct subnet for the maas bridge interface
maas $maas_profile subnet update $(maas admin subnets read | jq -rc '.[] | select(.name | contains("192.168.100")) | "\(.id)"') gateway_ip=$maas_bridge_ip
sleep 3
maas $maas_profile ipranges create type=dynamic start_ip= end_ip= comment='This is the reserved range for MAAS nodes'
sleep 3
maas $maas_profile vlan update fabric-2 0 dhcp_on=True primary_rack="$maas_system_id"
maas $maas_profile vlan update fabric-1 0 dhcp_on=True primary_rack="$maas_system_id"
# This is needed, because it points to localhost by default and will fail to
# commission/deploy in this state
echo "DEBUG: http://$maas_bridge_ip:5240/MAAS/"
sudo maas-rack config --region-url "http://$maas_bridge_ip:5240/MAAS/" && sudo service maas-rackd restart
sudo debconf-set-selections maas.debconf
sleep 2
# sudo maas-rack config --region-url "http://$maas_bridge_ip:5240/MAAS/" && sudo service maas-rackd restart
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure maas-rack-controller
sleep 2
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller
sudo service maas-rackd restart
bootstrap_maas() {
@ -148,14 +162,14 @@ bootstrap_maas() {
sleep 10
# Commission those nodes (requires that image import step has completed)
maas "$maas_profile" machines accept-all
maas $maas_profile machines accept-all
# Grab the first node in the chassis and commission it
# maas_node=$(maas $maas_profile machines read | jq -r '.[0].system_id')
# maas "$maas_profile" machine commission -d "$maas_node"
# Acquire all images marked "Ready"
maas "$maas_profile" machines allocate
maas $maas_profile machines allocate
# Deploy the node you just commissioned and acquired
# maas "$maas_profile" machine deploy $maas_node
@ -176,12 +190,12 @@ clouds:
# endpoint: ${maas_endpoint:0:-8}
endpoint: $maas_endpoint
# apt-mirror:
apt-http-proxy: $squid_proxy
apt-https-proxy: $squid_proxy
snap-http-proxy: $squid_proxy
snap-https-proxy: $squid_proxy
snap-store-proxy: $squid_proxy
enable-os-refresh-update: true
enable-os-upgrade: false
logging-config: <root>=DEBUG
@ -197,36 +211,44 @@ EOF
cat > config-"$rand_uuid".yaml <<EOF
automatically-retry-hooks: true
mongo-memory-profile: default
default-series: bionic
http-proxy: $maas_local_proxy
https-proxy: $maas_local_proxy
apt-http-proxy: $maas_local_proxy
apt-https-proxy: $maas_local_proxy
juju-ftp-proxy: $squid_proxy
juju-http-proxy: $squid_proxy
juju-https-proxy: $squid_proxy
apt-http-proxy: $squid_proxy
apt-https-proxy: $squid_proxy
transmit-vendor-metrics: false
echo "Adding cloud............: $cloud_name"
juju add-cloud --replace "$cloud_name" clouds-"$rand_uuid".yaml
# juju add-cloud --replace "$cloud_name" clouds-"$rand_uuid".yaml
juju update-cloud "$cloud_name" -f clouds-"$rand_uuid".yaml
echo "Adding credentials for..: $cloud_name"
juju add-credential --replace "$cloud_name" -f credentials-"$rand_uuid".yaml
#juju add-credential --replace "$cloud_name" -f credentials-"$rand_uuid".yaml
juju add-credential "$cloud_name" -f credentials-"$rand_uuid".yaml
echo "Details for cloud.......: $cloud_name..."
juju clouds --format json | jq --arg cloud "$cloud_name" '.[$cloud]'
juju bootstrap "$cloud_name" --debug --config=config-"$rand_uuid".yaml
# Since we created ephemeral files, let's wipe them out. Comment if you want to keep them around
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
rm -f clouds-"$rand_uuid".yaml credentials-"$rand_uuid".yaml config-"$rand_uuid".yaml
juju enable-ha
juju machines -m controller
# Let's get rid of that cloud and clean up after ourselves
destroy_cloud() {
juju clouds --format json | jq --arg cloud "$cloud_name" '.[$cloud]'
juju remove-cloud "$cloud_name"
juju --debug clouds --format json | jq --arg cloud "$cloud_name" '.[$cloud]'
juju --debug remove-cloud "$cloud_name"
@ -265,7 +287,7 @@ while getopts ":a:bc:ij:nt:r" opt; do
b )
echo "Building out a new MAAS server"
# install_maas