Merged some of Ed Hope-Morley's work into generic novarc

This commit is contained in:
David A. Desrosiers 2019-07-10 13:11:10 +00:00
parent 3f6cffe6d5
commit a517a0f8b9

admin-openrc Executable file → Normal file
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@ -1,62 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# To use an OpenStack cloud you need to authenticate against the Identity
# service named keystone, which returns a **Token** and **Service Catalog**.
# The catalog contains the endpoints for all services the user/tenant has
# access to - such as Compute, Image Service, Identity, Object Storage,
# Block Storage, and Networking (code-named nova, glance, keystone, swift,
# cinder, and neutron).
# *NOTE*: Using the 3 *Identity API* does not necessarily mean any other
# OpenStack API is version 3. For example, your cloud provider may
# implement Image API v1.1, Block Storage API v2, and Compute API v2.0.
# OS_AUTH_URL is only for the Identity API served through keystone.
# Unset any previous variables
unset $(printenv | awk 'BEGIN{FS="=";} /^OS_/ {print $1;}')
# Name of the model where you've deployed your openstack-base charm
# Let's get the IP of the keystone unit, so we can use it to auth
OS_AUTH_IP=$(juju status -m "$juju_model" --format json | jq -r '.applications[] | select(."charm-name" == "keystone").units."keystone/0"."public-address"')
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://${OS_AUTH_IP}:5000/v3
# With the addition of Keystone we have standardized on the term **project**
# as the entity that owns the resources.
export OS_PROJECT_NAME="admin"
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME="admin_domain"
# Extract MySQL password, for use in extracting PROJECT_ID and
mysql_cmd_prefix="mysql -ss -N -u root"
mysql_auth="$(juju run -m "$juju_model" --unit mysql/0 leader-get root-password)"
# If the variable is empty, let's unset it vs. leaving it around with an
# empty value.
if [ -z "$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
keystone_addr=$(juju config keystone vip)
if [ -z "$keystone_addr" ]; then
keystone_addr=$(juju run --unit keystone/0 unit-get private-address)
# These are toothy, but we grab the OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME from unit mysql/0,
# then use that as the key to the OS_PROJECT_ID field by querying the db
# again. The original method used 'juju ssh', which was a bit slow, so
# switched to using 'juju run' instead.
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=$(juju run -m "$juju_model" --unit mysql/0 MYSQL_PWD="$mysql_auth $mysql_cmd_prefix -e 'select id from project where name=\"$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME\";' keystone" | tr -d \\r)
export OS_PROJECT_ID=$(juju run -m "$juju_model" --unit mysql/0 MYSQL_PWD="$mysql_auth $mysql_cmd_prefix -e 'select id from project where domain_id=\"$OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID\";' keystone" | tr -d \\r)
# Unset potential empty variable
if [ -z "$OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID" ]; then
ssl_cert=$(juju config keystone ssl_cert)
if [ -n "$ssl_cert" ]; then
export OS_AUTH_PROTOCOL=https
export OS_USERNAME="admin"
export OS_PASSWORD=$(juju run -m "$juju_model" --unit keystone/0 leader-get admin_passwd)
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=$(juju run --unit keystone/0 leader-get admin_passwd)
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne
# If your configuration has multiple regions, we set that information here.
# OS_REGION_NAME is optional and only valid in certain environments.
export OS_REGION_NAME="RegionOne"
# Unset potential empty variable
if [ -z "$OS_REGION_NAME" ]; then
export OS_INTERFACE=public
api_ver="$(juju config keystone preferred-api-version)"
rel="$(juju config keystone openstack-origin| sed -r 's/.+-(.+)/\1/g')"
rel="$(echo -e "$rel\nqueens"| sort | head -n 1)"
series=$(juju status keystone --format=json | jq -r '.machines[].series')
if [ "$api_ver" = "3" ] || [[ "${rel%%/*}" > "pike" ]] || \
{ [[ "$series" > "artful" ]] && [[ "$series" < "trusty" ]]; }; then
export OS_AUTH_URL=${OS_AUTH_PROTOCOL:-http}://${keystone_addr}:5000/v3
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=admin_domain
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=admin_domain
export OS_AUTH_URL=${OS_AUTH_PROTOCOL:-http}://${keystone_addr}:5000/v2.0