/* * Misc useful os-independent macros and functions. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2010, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * $Id: bcmutils.h,v 2009/12/10 20:19:19 Exp $ */ #ifndef _bcmutils_h_ #define _bcmutils_h_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define _BCM_U 0x01 #define _BCM_L 0x02 #define _BCM_D 0x04 #define _BCM_C 0x08 #define _BCM_P 0x10 #define _BCM_S 0x20 #define _BCM_X 0x40 #define _BCM_SP 0x80 extern const unsigned char bcm_ctype[]; #define bcm_ismask(x) (bcm_ctype[(int)(unsigned char)(x)]) #define bcm_isalnum(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D)) != 0) #define bcm_isalpha(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U|_BCM_L)) != 0) #define bcm_iscntrl(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_C)) != 0) #define bcm_isdigit(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_D)) != 0) #define bcm_isgraph(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P|_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D)) != 0) #define bcm_islower(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_L)) != 0) #define bcm_isprint(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P|_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D|_BCM_SP)) != 0) #define bcm_ispunct(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P)) != 0) #define bcm_isspace(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_S)) != 0) #define bcm_isupper(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U)) != 0) #define bcm_isxdigit(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_D|_BCM_X)) != 0) #define bcm_tolower(c) (bcm_isupper((c)) ? ((c) + 'a' - 'A') : (c)) #define bcm_toupper(c) (bcm_islower((c)) ? ((c) + 'A' - 'a') : (c)) struct bcmstrbuf { char *buf; unsigned int size; char *origbuf; unsigned int origsize; }; #ifdef BCMDRIVER #include #define GPIO_PIN_NOTDEFINED 0x20 #define SPINWAIT(exp, us) { \ uint countdown = (us) + 9; \ while ((exp) && (countdown >= 10)) {\ OSL_DELAY(10); \ countdown -= 10; \ } \ } #ifndef PKTQ_LEN_DEFAULT #define PKTQ_LEN_DEFAULT 128 #endif #ifndef PKTQ_MAX_PREC #define PKTQ_MAX_PREC 16 #endif typedef struct pktq_prec { void *head; void *tail; uint16 len; uint16 max; } pktq_prec_t; struct pktq { uint16 num_prec; uint16 hi_prec; uint16 max; uint16 len; struct pktq_prec q[PKTQ_MAX_PREC]; }; struct spktq { uint16 num_prec; uint16 hi_prec; uint16 max; uint16 len; struct pktq_prec q[1]; }; #define PKTQ_PREC_ITER(pq, prec) for (prec = (pq)->num_prec - 1; prec >= 0; prec--) struct ether_addr; extern int ether_isbcast(const void *ea); extern int ether_isnulladdr(const void *ea); #define pktq_psetmax(pq, prec, _max) ((pq)->q[prec].max = (_max)) #define pktq_plen(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].len) #define pktq_pavail(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].max - (pq)->q[prec].len) #define pktq_pfull(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].len >= (pq)->q[prec].max) #define pktq_pempty(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].len == 0) #define pktq_ppeek(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].head) #define pktq_ppeek_tail(pq, prec) ((pq)->q[prec].tail) extern void *pktq_penq(struct pktq *pq, int prec, void *p); extern void *pktq_penq_head(struct pktq *pq, int prec, void *p); extern void *pktq_pdeq(struct pktq *pq, int prec); extern void *pktq_pdeq_tail(struct pktq *pq, int prec); extern bool pktq_pdel(struct pktq *pq, void *p, int prec); extern void pktq_pflush(osl_t *osh, struct pktq *pq, int prec, bool dir); extern void pktq_flush(osl_t *osh, struct pktq *pq, bool dir); extern int pktq_mlen(struct pktq *pq, uint prec_bmp); extern void *pktq_mdeq(struct pktq *pq, uint prec_bmp, int *prec_out); #define pktq_len(pq) ((int)(pq)->len) #define pktq_max(pq) ((int)(pq)->max) #define pktq_avail(pq) ((int)((pq)->max - (pq)->len)) #define pktq_full(pq) ((pq)->len >= (pq)->max) #define pktq_empty(pq) ((pq)->len == 0) #define pktenq(pq, p) pktq_penq(((struct pktq *)pq), 0, (p)) #define pktenq_head(pq, p) pktq_penq_head(((struct pktq *)pq), 0, (p)) #define pktdeq(pq) pktq_pdeq(((struct pktq *)pq), 0) #define pktdeq_tail(pq) pktq_pdeq_tail(((struct pktq *)pq), 0) #define pktqinit(pq, len) pktq_init(((struct pktq *)pq), 1, len) extern void pktq_init(struct pktq *pq, int num_prec, int max_len); extern void *pktq_deq(struct pktq *pq, int *prec_out); extern void *pktq_deq_tail(struct pktq *pq, int *prec_out); extern void *pktq_peek(struct pktq *pq, int *prec_out); extern void *pktq_peek_tail(struct pktq *pq, int *prec_out); extern uint pktcopy(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset, int len, uchar *buf); extern uint pktfrombuf(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset, int len, uchar *buf); extern uint pkttotlen(osl_t *osh, void *p); extern void *pktlast(osl_t *osh, void *p); extern uint pktsegcnt(osl_t *osh, void *p); extern uint pktsetprio(void *pkt, bool update_vtag); #define PKTPRIO_VDSCP 0x100 #define PKTPRIO_VLAN 0x200 #define PKTPRIO_UPD 0x400 #define PKTPRIO_DSCP 0x800 extern int bcm_atoi(char *s); extern ulong bcm_strtoul(char *cp, char **endp, uint base); extern char *bcmstrstr(char *haystack, char *needle); extern char *bcmstrcat(char *dest, const char *src); extern char *bcmstrncat(char *dest, const char *src, uint size); extern ulong wchar2ascii(char *abuf, ushort *wbuf, ushort wbuflen, ulong abuflen); char* bcmstrtok(char **string, const char *delimiters, char *tokdelim); int bcmstricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); int bcmstrnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, int cnt); extern char *bcm_ether_ntoa(const struct ether_addr *ea, char *buf); extern int bcm_ether_atoe(char *p, struct ether_addr *ea); struct ipv4_addr; extern char *bcm_ip_ntoa(struct ipv4_addr *ia, char *buf); extern void bcm_mdelay(uint ms); extern char *getvar(char *vars, const char *name); extern int getintvar(char *vars, const char *name); extern uint getgpiopin(char *vars, char *pin_name, uint def_pin); #define bcm_perf_enable() #define bcmstats(fmt) #define bcmlog(fmt, a1, a2) #define bcmdumplog(buf, size) *buf = '\0' #define bcmdumplogent(buf, idx) -1 #define bcmtslog(tstamp, fmt, a1, a2) #define bcmprinttslogs() #define bcmprinttstamp(us) typedef struct bcm_iovar { const char *name; uint16 varid; uint16 flags; uint16 type; uint16 minlen; } bcm_iovar_t; #define IOV_GET 0 #define IOV_SET 1 #define IOV_GVAL(id) ((id)*2) #define IOV_SVAL(id) (((id)*2)+IOV_SET) #define IOV_ISSET(actionid) ((actionid & IOV_SET) == IOV_SET) extern const bcm_iovar_t *bcm_iovar_lookup(const bcm_iovar_t *table, const char *name); extern int bcm_iovar_lencheck(const bcm_iovar_t *table, void *arg, int len, bool set); #endif #define IOVT_VOID 0 #define IOVT_BOOL 1 #define IOVT_INT8 2 #define IOVT_UINT8 3 #define IOVT_INT16 4 #define IOVT_UINT16 5 #define IOVT_INT32 6 #define IOVT_UINT32 7 #define IOVT_BUFFER 8 #define BCM_IOVT_VALID(type) (((unsigned int)(type)) <= IOVT_BUFFER) #define BCM_IOV_TYPE_INIT { \ "void", \ "bool", \ "int8", \ "uint8", \ "int16", \ "uint16", \ "int32", \ "uint32", \ "buffer", \ "" } #define BCM_IOVT_IS_INT(type) (\ (type == IOVT_BOOL) || \ (type == IOVT_INT8) || \ (type == IOVT_UINT8) || \ (type == IOVT_INT16) || \ (type == IOVT_UINT16) || \ (type == IOVT_INT32) || \ (type == IOVT_UINT32)) #define BCME_STRLEN 64 #define VALID_BCMERROR(e) ((e <= 0) && (e >= BCME_LAST)) #define BCME_OK 0 #define BCME_ERROR -1 #define BCME_BADARG -2 #define BCME_BADOPTION -3 #define BCME_NOTUP -4 #define BCME_NOTDOWN -5 #define BCME_NOTAP -6 #define BCME_NOTSTA -7 #define BCME_BADKEYIDX -8 #define BCME_RADIOOFF -9 #define BCME_NOTBANDLOCKED -10 #define BCME_NOCLK -11 #define BCME_BADRATESET -12 #define BCME_BADBAND -13 #define BCME_BUFTOOSHORT -14 #define BCME_BUFTOOLONG -15 #define BCME_BUSY -16 #define BCME_NOTASSOCIATED -17 #define BCME_BADSSIDLEN -18 #define BCME_OUTOFRANGECHAN -19 #define BCME_BADCHAN -20 #define BCME_BADADDR -21 #define BCME_NORESOURCE -22 #define BCME_UNSUPPORTED -23 #define BCME_BADLEN -24 #define BCME_NOTREADY -25 #define BCME_EPERM -26 #define BCME_NOMEM -27 #define BCME_ASSOCIATED -28 #define BCME_RANGE -29 #define BCME_NOTFOUND -30 #define BCME_WME_NOT_ENABLED -31 #define BCME_TSPEC_NOTFOUND -32 #define BCME_ACM_NOTSUPPORTED -33 #define BCME_NOT_WME_ASSOCIATION -34 #define BCME_SDIO_ERROR -35 #define BCME_DONGLE_DOWN -36 #define BCME_VERSION -37 #define BCME_TXFAIL -38 #define BCME_RXFAIL -39 #define BCME_NODEVICE -40 #define BCME_UNFINISHED -41 #define BCME_LAST BCME_UNFINISHED #define BCMERRSTRINGTABLE { \ "OK", \ "Undefined error", \ "Bad Argument", \ "Bad Option", \ "Not up", \ "Not down", \ "Not AP", \ "Not STA", \ "Bad Key Index", \ "Radio Off", \ "Not band locked", \ "No clock", \ "Bad Rate valueset", \ "Bad Band", \ "Buffer too short", \ "Buffer too long", \ "Busy", \ "Not Associated", \ "Bad SSID len", \ "Out of Range Channel", \ "Bad Channel", \ "Bad Address", \ "Not Enough Resources", \ "Unsupported", \ "Bad length", \ "Not Ready", \ "Not Permitted", \ "No Memory", \ "Associated", \ "Not In Range", \ "Not Found", \ "WME Not Enabled", \ "TSPEC Not Found", \ "ACM Not Supported", \ "Not WME Association", \ "SDIO Bus Error", \ "Dongle Not Accessible", \ "Incorrect version", \ "TX Failure", \ "RX Failure", \ "Device Not Present", \ "Command not finished", \ } #ifndef ABS #define ABS(a) (((a) < 0)?-(a):(a)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b))?(a):(b)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b))?(a):(b)) #endif #define CEIL(x, y) (((x) + ((y)-1)) / (y)) #define ROUNDUP(x, y) ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y)) #define ISALIGNED(a, x) (((a) & ((x)-1)) == 0) #define ALIGN_ADDR(addr, boundary) (void *)(((uintptr)(addr) + (boundary) - 1) \ & ~((boundary) - 1)) #define ISPOWEROF2(x) ((((x)-1)&(x)) == 0) #define VALID_MASK(mask) !((mask) & ((mask) + 1)) #ifndef OFFSETOF #define OFFSETOF(type, member) ((uint)(uintptr)&((type *)0)->member) #endif #ifndef ARRAYSIZE #define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) #endif #ifndef setbit #ifndef NBBY #define NBBY 8 #endif #define setbit(a, i) (((uint8 *)a)[(i)/NBBY] |= 1<<((i)%NBBY)) #define clrbit(a, i) (((uint8 *)a)[(i)/NBBY] &= ~(1<<((i)%NBBY))) #define isset(a, i) (((const uint8 *)a)[(i)/NBBY] & (1<<((i)%NBBY))) #define isclr(a, i) ((((const uint8 *)a)[(i)/NBBY] & (1<<((i)%NBBY))) == 0) #endif #define NBITS(type) (sizeof(type) * 8) #define NBITVAL(nbits) (1 << (nbits)) #define MAXBITVAL(nbits) ((1 << (nbits)) - 1) #define NBITMASK(nbits) MAXBITVAL(nbits) #define MAXNBVAL(nbyte) MAXBITVAL((nbyte) * 8) #define MUX(pred, true, false) ((pred) ? (true) : (false)) #define MODDEC(x, bound) MUX((x) == 0, (bound) - 1, (x) - 1) #define MODINC(x, bound) MUX((x) == (bound) - 1, 0, (x) + 1) #define MODDEC_POW2(x, bound) (((x) - 1) & ((bound) - 1)) #define MODINC_POW2(x, bound) (((x) + 1) & ((bound) - 1)) #define MODADD(x, y, bound) \ MUX((x) + (y) >= (bound), (x) + (y) - (bound), (x) + (y)) #define MODSUB(x, y, bound) \ MUX(((int)(x)) - ((int)(y)) < 0, (x) - (y) + (bound), (x) - (y)) #define MODADD_POW2(x, y, bound) (((x) + (y)) & ((bound) - 1)) #define MODSUB_POW2(x, y, bound) (((x) - (y)) & ((bound) - 1)) #define CRC8_INIT_VALUE 0xff #define CRC8_GOOD_VALUE 0x9f #define CRC16_INIT_VALUE 0xffff #define CRC16_GOOD_VALUE 0xf0b8 #define CRC32_INIT_VALUE 0xffffffff #define CRC32_GOOD_VALUE 0xdebb20e3 typedef struct bcm_bit_desc { uint32 bit; const char* name; } bcm_bit_desc_t; typedef struct bcm_tlv { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 data[1]; } bcm_tlv_t; #define bcm_valid_tlv(elt, buflen) ((buflen) >= 2 && (int)(buflen) >= (int)(2 + (elt)->len)) #define ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN 18 #ifdef IL_BIGENDIAN static INLINE uint32 load32_ua(uint8 *a) { return ((a[0] << 24) | (a[1] << 16) | (a[2] << 8) | a[3]); } static INLINE void store32_ua(uint8 *a, uint32 v) { a[0] = (v >> 24) & 0xff; a[1] = (v >> 16) & 0xff; a[2] = (v >> 8) & 0xff; a[3] = v & 0xff; } static INLINE uint16 load16_ua(uint8 *a) { return ((a[0] << 8) | a[1]); } static INLINE void store16_ua(uint8 *a, uint16 v) { a[0] = (v >> 8) & 0xff; a[1] = v & 0xff; } #else static INLINE uint32 load32_ua(uint8 *a) { return ((a[3] << 24) | (a[2] << 16) | (a[1] << 8) | a[0]); } static INLINE void store32_ua(uint8 *a, uint32 v) { a[3] = (v >> 24) & 0xff; a[2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff; a[1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff; a[0] = v & 0xff; } static INLINE uint16 load16_ua(uint8 *a) { return ((a[1] << 8) | a[0]); } static INLINE void store16_ua(uint8 *a, uint16 v) { a[1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff; a[0] = v & 0xff; } #endif static INLINE void xor_128bit_block(const uint8 *src1, const uint8 *src2, uint8 *dst) { if ( #ifdef __i386__ 1 || #endif (((uintptr)src1 | (uintptr)src2 | (uintptr)dst) & 3) == 0) { ((uint32 *)dst)[0] = ((uint32 *)src1)[0] ^ ((uint32 *)src2)[0]; ((uint32 *)dst)[1] = ((uint32 *)src1)[1] ^ ((uint32 *)src2)[1]; ((uint32 *)dst)[2] = ((uint32 *)src1)[2] ^ ((uint32 *)src2)[2]; ((uint32 *)dst)[3] = ((uint32 *)src1)[3] ^ ((uint32 *)src2)[3]; } else { int k; for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) dst[k] = src1[k] ^ src2[k]; } } extern uint8 hndcrc8(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint8 crc); extern uint16 hndcrc16(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint16 crc); extern uint32 hndcrc32(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint32 crc); #if defined(DHD_DEBUG) || defined(WLMSG_PRHDRS) || defined(WLMSG_PRPKT) || \ defined(WLMSG_ASSOC) extern int bcm_format_flags(const bcm_bit_desc_t *bd, uint32 flags, char* buf, int len); extern int bcm_format_hex(char *str, const void *bytes, int len); extern void prhex(const char *msg, uchar *buf, uint len); #endif extern char *bcm_brev_str(uint32 brev, char *buf); extern void printbig(char *buf); extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_next_tlv(bcm_tlv_t *elt, int *buflen); extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_tlvs(void *buf, int buflen, uint key); extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_ordered_tlvs(void *buf, int buflen, uint key); extern const char *bcmerrorstr(int bcmerror); typedef uint32 mbool; #define mboolset(mb, bit) ((mb) |= (bit)) #define mboolclr(mb, bit) ((mb) &= ~(bit)) #define mboolisset(mb, bit) (((mb) & (bit)) != 0) #define mboolmaskset(mb, mask, val) ((mb) = (((mb) & ~(mask)) | (val))) extern uint16 bcm_qdbm_to_mw(uint8 qdbm); extern uint8 bcm_mw_to_qdbm(uint16 mw); struct fielddesc { const char *nameandfmt; uint32 offset; uint32 len; }; extern void bcm_binit(struct bcmstrbuf *b, char *buf, uint size); extern int bcm_bprintf(struct bcmstrbuf *b, const char *fmt, ...); extern void bcm_inc_bytes(uchar *num, int num_bytes, uint8 amount); extern int bcm_cmp_bytes(uchar *arg1, uchar *arg2, uint8 nbytes); extern void bcm_print_bytes(char *name, const uchar *cdata, int len); typedef uint32 (*bcmutl_rdreg_rtn)(void *arg0, uint arg1, uint32 offset); extern uint bcmdumpfields(bcmutl_rdreg_rtn func_ptr, void *arg0, uint arg1, struct fielddesc *str, char *buf, uint32 bufsize); extern uint bcm_mkiovar(char *name, char *data, uint datalen, char *buf, uint len); extern uint bcm_bitcount(uint8 *bitmap, uint bytelength); #if defined(WLTINYDUMP) || defined(WLMSG_INFORM) || defined(WLMSG_ASSOC) || \ defined(WLMSG_PRPKT) || defined(WLMSG_WSEC) extern int bcm_format_ssid(char* buf, const uchar ssid[], uint ssid_len); #endif #define SSID_FMT_BUF_LEN ((4 * DOT11_MAX_SSID_LEN) + 1) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif