/* * Header file describing the internal (inter-module) DHD interfaces. * * Provides type definitions and function prototypes used to link the * DHD OS, bus, and protocol modules. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2010, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * * $Id: dhd.h,v 2010/02/23 06:58:21 Exp $ */ /**************** * Common types * */ #ifndef _dhd_h_ #define _dhd_h_ #if defined(LINUX) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* The kernel threading is sdio-specific */ #else /* LINUX */ #define ENOMEM 1 #define EFAULT 2 #define EINVAL 3 #define EIO 4 #define ETIMEDOUT 5 #define ERESTARTSYS 6 #endif /* LINUX */ #include /* Forward decls */ struct dhd_bus; struct dhd_prot; struct dhd_info; /* The level of bus communication with the dongle */ enum dhd_bus_state { DHD_BUS_DOWN, /* Not ready for frame transfers */ DHD_BUS_LOAD, /* Download access only (CPU reset) */ DHD_BUS_DATA /* Ready for frame transfers */ }; enum dhd_bus_wake_state { WAKE_LOCK_OFF, WAKE_LOCK_PRIV, WAKE_LOCK_DPC, WAKE_LOCK_IOCTL, WAKE_LOCK_DOWNLOAD, WAKE_LOCK_TMOUT, WAKE_LOCK_WATCHDOG, WAKE_LOCK_LINK_DOWN_TMOUT, WAKE_LOCK_SOFTAP_SET, WAKE_LOCK_SOFTAP_STOP, WAKE_LOCK_SOFTAP_START, WAKE_LOCK_MAX }; enum dhd_prealloc_index { DHD_PREALLOC_PROT = 0, DHD_PREALLOC_RXBUF, DHD_PREALLOC_DATABUF, DHD_PREALLOC_OSL_BUF }; #ifdef DHD_USE_STATIC_BUF extern void * dhd_os_prealloc(int section, unsigned long size); #endif /* Common structure for module and instance linkage */ typedef struct dhd_pub { /* Linkage ponters */ osl_t *osh; /* OSL handle */ struct dhd_bus *bus; /* Bus module handle */ struct dhd_prot *prot; /* Protocol module handle */ struct dhd_info *info; /* Info module handle */ /* Internal dhd items */ bool up; /* Driver up/down (to OS) */ bool txoff; /* Transmit flow-controlled */ bool dongle_reset; /* TRUE = DEVRESET put dongle into reset */ enum dhd_bus_state busstate; uint hdrlen; /* Total DHD header length (proto + bus) */ uint maxctl; /* Max size rxctl request from proto to bus */ uint rxsz; /* Rx buffer size bus module should use */ uint8 wme_dp; /* wme discard priority */ /* Dongle media info */ bool iswl; /* Dongle-resident driver is wl */ ulong drv_version; /* Version of dongle-resident driver */ struct ether_addr mac; /* MAC address obtained from dongle */ dngl_stats_t dstats; /* Stats for dongle-based data */ /* Additional stats for the bus level */ ulong tx_packets; /* Data packets sent to dongle */ ulong tx_multicast; /* Multicast data packets sent to dongle */ ulong tx_errors; /* Errors in sending data to dongle */ ulong tx_ctlpkts; /* Control packets sent to dongle */ ulong tx_ctlerrs; /* Errors sending control frames to dongle */ ulong rx_packets; /* Packets sent up the network interface */ ulong rx_multicast; /* Multicast packets sent up the network interface */ ulong rx_errors; /* Errors processing rx data packets */ ulong rx_ctlpkts; /* Control frames processed from dongle */ ulong rx_ctlerrs; /* Errors in processing rx control frames */ ulong rx_dropped; /* Packets dropped locally (no memory) */ ulong rx_flushed; /* Packets flushed due to unscheduled sendup thread */ ulong wd_dpc_sched; /* Number of times dhd dpc scheduled by watchdog timer */ ulong rx_readahead_cnt; /* Number of packets where header read-ahead was used. */ ulong tx_realloc; /* Number of tx packets we had to realloc for headroom */ ulong fc_packets; /* Number of flow control pkts recvd */ /* Last error return */ int bcmerror; uint tickcnt; /* Last error from dongle */ int dongle_error; uint8 country_code[WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ]; } dhd_pub_t; #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT_INIT(a) DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(a); #define _DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT(a, b) do {\ int retry = 0; \ while (dhd_mmc_suspend && retry++ != b) { \ wait_event_interruptible_timeout(a, FALSE, HZ/100); \ } \ } while (0) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT(a) _DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT(a, 30) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT_FOREVER(a) _DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT(a, ~0) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_RETURN_ERROR(a) do { if (dhd_mmc_suspend) return a; } while (0) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_RETURN do { if (dhd_mmc_suspend) return; } while (0) #define DHD_SPINWAIT_SLEEP_INIT(a) DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(a); #define SPINWAIT_SLEEP(a, exp, us) do { \ uint countdown = (us) + 9; \ while ((exp) && (countdown >= 10)) { \ wait_event_interruptible_timeout(a, FALSE, HZ/100); \ countdown -= 10; \ } \ } while (0) #else #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT_INIT(a) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT(a) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_WAIT_FOREVER(a) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_RETURN_ERROR(a) #define DHD_PM_RESUME_RETURN #define DHD_SPINWAIT_SLEEP_INIT(a) #define SPINWAIT_SLEEP(a, exp, us) do { \ uint countdown = (us) + 9; \ while ((exp) && (countdown >= 10)) { \ OSL_DELAY(10); \ countdown -= 10; \ } \ } while (0) #endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */ #define DHD_IF_VIF 0x01 /* Virtual IF (Hidden from user) */ /* Wakelock Functions */ extern int dhd_os_wake_lock(dhd_pub_t *pub); extern int dhd_os_wake_unlock(dhd_pub_t *pub); extern int dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout(dhd_pub_t *pub); extern int dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout_enable(dhd_pub_t *pub); typedef struct dhd_if_event { uint8 ifidx; uint8 action; uint8 flags; uint8 bssidx; } dhd_if_event_t; /* * Exported from dhd OS modules (dhd_linux/dhd_ndis) */ /* To allow osl_attach/detach calls from os-independent modules */ osl_t *dhd_osl_attach(void *pdev, uint bustype); void dhd_osl_detach(osl_t *osh); /* Indication from bus module regarding presence/insertion of dongle. * Return dhd_pub_t pointer, used as handle to OS module in later calls. * Returned structure should have bus and prot pointers filled in. * bus_hdrlen specifies required headroom for bus module header. */ extern dhd_pub_t *dhd_attach(osl_t *osh, struct dhd_bus *bus, uint bus_hdrlen); extern int dhd_net_attach(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int idx); /* Indication from bus module regarding removal/absence of dongle */ extern void dhd_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhdp); /* Indication from bus module to change flow-control state */ extern void dhd_txflowcontrol(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, bool on); extern bool dhd_prec_enq(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, struct pktq *q, void *pkt, int prec); /* Receive frame for delivery to OS. Callee disposes of rxp. */ extern void dhd_rx_frame(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, void *rxp, int numpkt); /* Return pointer to interface name */ extern char *dhd_ifname(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int idx); /* Request scheduling of the bus dpc */ extern void dhd_sched_dpc(dhd_pub_t *dhdp); /* Notify tx completion */ extern void dhd_txcomplete(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *txp, bool success); /* Query ioctl */ extern int dhdcdc_query_ioctl(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int ifidx, uint cmd, void *buf, uint len); /* OS independent layer functions */ extern int dhd_os_proto_block(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern int dhd_os_proto_unblock(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern int dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wait(dhd_pub_t * pub, uint * condition, bool * pending); extern int dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wake(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern unsigned int dhd_os_get_ioctl_resp_timeout(void); extern void dhd_os_set_ioctl_resp_timeout(unsigned int timeout_msec); extern void * dhd_os_open_image(char * filename); extern int dhd_os_get_image_block(char * buf, int len, void * image); extern void dhd_os_close_image(void * image); extern void dhd_os_wd_timer(void *bus, uint wdtick); extern void dhd_os_sdlock(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdunlock(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdlock_txq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdunlock_txq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdlock_rxq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdunlock_rxq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdlock_sndup_rxq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(int onoff); extern void dhd_os_sdunlock_sndup_rxq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdlock_eventq(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdunlock_eventq(dhd_pub_t * pub); #if defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY) extern int dhd_customer_oob_irq_map(unsigned long *irq_flags_ptr); #endif /* defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY) */ extern void dhd_os_sdtxlock(dhd_pub_t * pub); extern void dhd_os_sdtxunlock(dhd_pub_t * pub); int setScheduler(struct task_struct *p, int policy, struct sched_param *param); typedef struct { uint32 limit; /* Expiration time (usec) */ uint32 increment; /* Current expiration increment (usec) */ uint32 elapsed; /* Current elapsed time (usec) */ uint32 tick; /* O/S tick time (usec) */ } dhd_timeout_t; extern void dhd_timeout_start(dhd_timeout_t *tmo, uint usec); extern int dhd_timeout_expired(dhd_timeout_t *tmo); extern int dhd_ifname2idx(struct dhd_info *dhd, char *name); extern uint8 *dhd_bssidx2bssid(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int idx); extern int wl_host_event(struct dhd_info *dhd, int *idx, void *pktdata, wl_event_msg_t *, void **data_ptr); extern void wl_event_to_host_order(wl_event_msg_t * evt); extern void dhd_common_init(void); extern int dhd_add_if(struct dhd_info *dhd, int ifidx, void *handle, char *name, uint8 *mac_addr, uint32 flags, uint8 bssidx); extern void dhd_del_if(struct dhd_info *dhd, int ifidx); extern void dhd_vif_add(struct dhd_info *dhd, int ifidx, char * name); extern void dhd_vif_del(struct dhd_info *dhd, int ifidx); extern void dhd_event(struct dhd_info *dhd, char *evpkt, int evlen, int ifidx); extern void dhd_vif_sendup(struct dhd_info *dhd, int ifidx, uchar *cp, int len); /* Send packet to dongle via data channel */ extern int dhd_sendpkt(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, void *pkt); /* Send event to host */ extern void dhd_sendup_event(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, wl_event_msg_t *event, void *data); extern int dhd_bus_devreset(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, uint8 flag); extern uint dhd_bus_status(dhd_pub_t *dhdp); extern int dhd_bus_start(dhd_pub_t *dhdp); typedef enum cust_gpio_modes { WLAN_RESET_ON, WLAN_RESET_OFF, WLAN_POWER_ON, WLAN_POWER_OFF } cust_gpio_modes_t; extern int wl_iw_iscan_set_scan_broadcast_prep(struct net_device *dev, uint flag); /* * Insmod parameters for debug/test */ /* Watchdog timer interval */ extern uint dhd_watchdog_ms; /* Use interrupts */ extern uint dhd_intr; /* Use polling */ extern uint dhd_poll; /* Initial idletime ticks (may be -1 for immediate idle, 0 for no idle) */ extern int dhd_idletime; #define DHD_IDLETIME_TICKS 1 /* SDIO Drive Strength */ extern uint dhd_sdiod_drive_strength; /* Override to force tx queueing all the time */ extern uint dhd_force_tx_queueing; #ifdef SDTEST /* Echo packet generator (SDIO), pkts/s */ extern uint dhd_pktgen; /* Echo packet len (0 => sawtooth, max 1800) */ extern uint dhd_pktgen_len; #define MAX_PKTGEN_LEN 1800 #endif /* optionally set by a module_param_string() */ #define MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN 2048 extern char fw_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN]; extern char nv_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN]; /* For supporting multiple interfaces */ #define DHD_MAX_IFS 16 #define DHD_DEL_IF -0xe #define DHD_BAD_IF -0xf #ifdef APSTA_PINGTEST #define MAX_GUEST 8 #endif extern void dhd_wait_for_event(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool *lockvar); extern void dhd_wait_event_wakeup(dhd_pub_t*dhd); #endif /* _dhd_h_ */