/* * * /arch/arm/mach-msm/htc_headset_mgr.c * * HTC headset manager driver. * * Copyright (C) 2010 HTC, Inc. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/sysdev.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/mutex.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <linux/hrtimer.h> #include <linux/debugfs.h> #include <linux/jiffies.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <asm/atomic.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <mach/board.h> #include <mach/vreg.h> #include <mach/atmega_microp.h> #include <mach/htc_headset_mgr.h> #define DRIVER_NAME "HS_MGR" /* #define CONFIG_DEBUG_H2W */ /*Delay 200ms when 11pin device plug in*/ #define H2W_DETECT_DELAY msecs_to_jiffies(200) #define BUTTON_H2W_DELAY msecs_to_jiffies(10) #define H2WI(fmt, arg...) \ printk(KERN_INFO "[H2W] %s " fmt "\r\n", __func__, ## arg) #define H2WE(fmt, arg...) \ printk(KERN_ERR "[H2W] %s " fmt "\r\n", __func__, ## arg) #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_H2W #define H2W_DBG(fmt, arg...) \ printk(KERN_INFO "[H2W] %s " fmt "\r\n", __func__, ## arg) #else #define H2W_DBG(fmt, arg...) do {} while (0) #endif static struct workqueue_struct *detect_wq; static void insert_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *work); static DECLARE_WORK(insert_35mm_work, insert_35mm_do_work); static void remove_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *work); static DECLARE_WORK(remove_35mm_work, remove_35mm_do_work); static struct workqueue_struct *button_wq; static void button_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *w); static DECLARE_DELAYED_WORK(button_35mm_work, button_35mm_do_work); static int hs_mgr_rpc_call(struct msm_rpc_server *server, struct rpc_request_hdr *req, unsigned len); static struct msm_rpc_server hs_rpc_server = { .prog = HS_RPC_SERVER_PROG, .vers = HS_RPC_SERVER_VERS, .rpc_call = hs_mgr_rpc_call, }; struct button_work { struct delayed_work key_work; int key_code; }; static struct h2w_info *hi; static struct hs_notifier_func hs_mgr_notifier; void hs_notify_hpin_irq(void) { hi->hpin_jiffies = jiffies; SYS_MSG("HPIN IRQ"); } int hs_hpin_stable(void) { unsigned long last_hpin_jiffies = 0; unsigned long unstable_jiffies = 1.2 * HZ; last_hpin_jiffies = hi->hpin_jiffies; if (time_before_eq(jiffies, last_hpin_jiffies + unstable_jiffies)) return 0; return 1; } int headset_notifier_register(struct headset_notifier *notifier) { if (!notifier->func) { SYS_MSG("NULL register function"); return 0; } switch (notifier->id) { case HEADSET_REG_REMOTE_ADC: SYS_MSG("Register REMOTE_ADC notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.remote_adc = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_RPC_KEY: SYS_MSG("Register RPC_KEY notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.rpc_key = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_MIC_STATUS: SYS_MSG("Register MIC_STATUS notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_MIC_BIAS: SYS_MSG("Register MIC_BIAS notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.mic_bias_enable = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_MIC_SELECT: SYS_MSG("Register MIC_SELECT notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.mic_select = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_KEY_INT_ENABLE: SYS_MSG("Register KEY_INT_ENABLE notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.key_int_enable = notifier->func; break; case HEADSET_REG_KEY_ENABLE: SYS_MSG("Register KEY_ENABLE notifier"); hs_mgr_notifier.key_enable = notifier->func; break; default: SYS_MSG("Unknown register ID"); return 0; } return 1; } static int hs_mgr_rpc_call(struct msm_rpc_server *server, struct rpc_request_hdr *req, unsigned len) { struct hs_rpc_server_args_key *args_key; DBG_MSG(""); switch (req->procedure) { case HS_RPC_SERVER_PROC_NULL: SYS_MSG("RPC_SERVER_NULL"); break; case HS_RPC_SERVER_PROC_KEY: args_key = (struct hs_rpc_server_args_key *)(req + 1); args_key->adc = be32_to_cpu(args_key->adc); SYS_MSG("RPC_SERVER_KEY ADC = %u (0x%X)", args_key->adc, args_key->adc); if (hs_mgr_notifier.rpc_key) hs_mgr_notifier.rpc_key(args_key->adc); else SYS_MSG("RPC_KEY notify function doesn't exist"); break; default: SYS_MSG("Unknown RPC procedure"); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static ssize_t h2w_print_name(struct switch_dev *sdev, char *buf) { return sprintf(buf, "Headset\n"); } void button_pressed(int type) { printk(KERN_INFO "[H2W] button_pressed %d\n", type); atomic_set(&hi->btn_state, type); input_report_key(hi->input, type, 1); input_sync(hi->input); } void button_released(int type) { printk(KERN_INFO "[H2W] button_released %d\n", type); atomic_set(&hi->btn_state, 0); input_report_key(hi->input, type, 0); input_sync(hi->input); } void headset_button_event(int is_press, int type) { if (!hs_hpin_stable()) { H2WI("The HPIN is unstable, SKIP THE BUTTON EVENT."); return; } if (!is_press) { if (hi->ignore_btn) hi->ignore_btn = 0; else button_released(type); } else { if (!hi->ignore_btn && !atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)) button_pressed(type); } } static void set_35mm_hw_state(int state) { if (hi->mic_bias_state != state && hs_mgr_notifier.mic_bias_enable) { hs_mgr_notifier.mic_bias_enable(state); hi->mic_bias_state = state; if (state) /* Wait for MIC bias stable */ msleep(HS_DELAY_MIC_BIAS); } if (hs_mgr_notifier.mic_select) hs_mgr_notifier.mic_select(state); if (hs_mgr_notifier.key_enable) hs_mgr_notifier.key_enable(state); if (hs_mgr_notifier.key_int_enable) hs_mgr_notifier.key_int_enable(state); } static void insert_11pin_35mm(int *state) { int mic = HEADSET_NO_MIC; SYS_MSG("Insert USB 3.5mm headset"); set_35mm_hw_state(1); if (hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status) mic = hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status(); if (mic == HEADSET_NO_MIC) { /* without microphone */ *state |= BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC; hi->h2w_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_NO_MIC; printk(KERN_INFO "11pin_3.5mm without microphone\n"); } else { /* with microphone */ *state |= BIT_HEADSET; hi->h2w_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_MIC; printk(KERN_INFO "11pin_3.5mm with microphone\n"); } } static void remove_11pin_35mm(void) { SYS_MSG("Remove USB 3.5mm headset"); set_35mm_hw_state(0); if (atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)) button_released(atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)); hi->h2w_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_UNPLUG; } static void button_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *w) { int key; struct button_work *work; work = container_of(w, struct button_work, key_work.work); hi->key_level_flag = work->key_code; if (!hi->is_ext_insert && !hi->h2w_35mm_status) { kfree(work); H2WI("3.5mm headset is plugged out, skip report key event"); return; } if (hi->key_level_flag) { switch (hi->key_level_flag) { case 1: H2WI("3.5mm RC: Play Pressed"); key = HS_MGR_KEYCODE_MEDIA; break; case 2: H2WI("3.5mm RC: BACKWARD Pressed"); key = HS_MGR_KEYCODE_BACKWARD; break; case 3: H2WI("3.5mm RC: FORWARD Pressed"); key = HS_MGR_KEYCODE_FORWARD; break; default: H2WI("3.5mm RC: WRONG Button Pressed"); return; } headset_button_event(1, key); } else { /* key release */ if (atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)) headset_button_event(0, atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)); else H2WI("3.5mm RC: WRONG Button Release"); } wake_lock_timeout(&hi->headset_wake_lock, 1.5 * HZ); kfree(work); } static void enable_metrico_headset(int enable) { if (enable && !hi->metrico_status) { #if 0 enable_mos_test(1); #endif hi->metrico_status = 1; printk(KERN_INFO "Enable metrico headset\n"); } if (!enable && hi->metrico_status) { #if 0 enable_mos_test(0); #endif hi->metrico_status = 0; printk(KERN_INFO "Disable metrico headset\n"); } } static void remove_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *work) { int state; wake_lock_timeout(&hi->headset_wake_lock, 2.5 * HZ); H2W_DBG(""); /*To solve the insert, remove, insert headset problem*/ if (time_before_eq(jiffies, hi->insert_jiffies)) msleep(800); if (hi->is_ext_insert) { H2WI("Skip 3.5mm headset plug out!!!"); return; } SYS_MSG("Remove 3.5mm headset"); set_35mm_hw_state(0); /* For HW Metrico lab test */ if (hi->metrico_status) enable_metrico_headset(0); if (atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)) button_released(atomic_read(&hi->btn_state)); hi->ext_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_UNPLUG; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); if (hi->usb_dev_type == USB_HEADSET) { hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_CONNECTED_ENABLED; state &= ~(BIT_35MM_HEADSET | BIT_HEADSET); state |= BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); } else if (hi->usb_dev_type == H2W_TVOUT) { state &= ~(BIT_HEADSET | BIT_35MM_HEADSET); state |= BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); #if 0 } else if (hi->cable_in1 && !gpio_get_value(hi->cable_in1)) { state &= ~BIT_35MM_HEADSET; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); queue_delayed_work(detect_wq, &detect_h2w_work, HS_DELAY_ZERO_JIFFIES); #endif } else { state &= ~(BIT_HEADSET | BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC | BIT_35MM_HEADSET); switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); } mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); } static void insert_35mm_do_work(struct work_struct *work) { int state; int i, mic1, mic2; H2W_DBG(""); hi->insert_jiffies = jiffies + HZ; wake_lock_timeout(&hi->headset_wake_lock, 1.5 * HZ); #if 0 if (hi->usb_dev_type && hi->is_ext_insert && hi->usb_dev_type != H2W_TVOUT && hi->usb_dev_type != USB_HEADSET) remove_headset(); else if (hi->usb_dev_type == USB_HEADSET) hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_CONNECTED_DISABLED; #endif if (hi->usb_dev_type == USB_HEADSET) hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_CONNECTED_DISABLED; if (hi->is_ext_insert) { SYS_MSG("Insert 3.5mm headset"); set_35mm_hw_state(1); hi->ignore_btn = 0; mic1 = mic2 = HEADSET_NO_MIC; if (hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status) { if (hi->ext_35mm_status == HTC_35MM_NO_MIC || hi->h2w_35mm_status == HTC_35MM_NO_MIC) for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mic1 = hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status(); msleep(HS_DELAY_MIC_DETECT); mic2 = hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status(); if (mic1 == mic2) break; } else mic1 = mic2 = hs_mgr_notifier.mic_status(); } /* For HW Metrico lab test */ if (mic2 == HEADSET_METRICO && !hi->metrico_status) enable_metrico_headset(1); mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); state &= ~(BIT_HEADSET | BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC); if (mic2 == HEADSET_NO_MIC || mic1 != mic2) { state |= BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC; printk(KERN_INFO "3.5mm_headset without microphone\n"); } else { state |= BIT_HEADSET; printk(KERN_INFO "3.5mm_headset with microphone\n"); } state |= BIT_35MM_HEADSET; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); if (state & BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC) hi->ext_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_NO_MIC; else hi->ext_35mm_status = HTC_35MM_MIC; mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); } } int htc_35mm_remote_notify_insert_ext_headset(int insert) { if (hi) { mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); hi->is_ext_insert = insert; mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); H2WI(" %d", hi->is_ext_insert); if (!hi->is_ext_insert) queue_work(detect_wq, &remove_35mm_work); else queue_work(detect_wq, &insert_35mm_work); } return 1; } int htc_35mm_remote_notify_microp_ready(void) { if (hi) { if (hi->is_ext_insert) queue_work(detect_wq, &insert_35mm_work); #if 0 if (hi->h2w_35mm_status) insert_headset(NORMAL_HEARPHONE); #endif } return 1; } int htc_35mm_remote_notify_button_status(int key_level) { struct button_work *work; if (hi->ext_35mm_status == HTC_35MM_NO_MIC || hi->h2w_35mm_status == HTC_35MM_NO_MIC) { SYS_MSG("MIC re-detection"); msleep(HS_DELAY_MIC_DETECT); queue_work(detect_wq, &insert_35mm_work); } else if (!hs_hpin_stable()) { H2WI("The HPIN is unstable, SKIP THE BUTTON EVENT."); return 1; } else { work = kzalloc(sizeof(struct button_work), GFP_KERNEL); if (!work) { printk(KERN_INFO "Failed to allocate button memory\n"); return 1; } work->key_code = key_level; INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&work->key_work, button_35mm_do_work); queue_delayed_work(button_wq, &work->key_work, HS_JIFFIES_BUTTON); } return 1; } static void usb_headset_detect(int type) { int state; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); switch (type) { case NO_DEVICE: if (hi->usb_dev_type == USB_HEADSET) { printk(KERN_INFO "Remove USB headset\n"); hi->usb_dev_type = NO_DEVICE; hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_DISCONNECTED; state &= ~BIT_USB_HEADSET; if (!hi->is_ext_insert) state &= ~BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC; } break; case USB_HEADSET: printk(KERN_INFO "Insert USB headset\n"); hi->usb_dev_type = USB_HEADSET; if (hi->is_ext_insert) { printk(KERN_INFO "Disable USB headset\n"); hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_CONNECTED_DISABLED; state |= BIT_USB_HEADSET; } else { printk(KERN_INFO "Enable USB headset\n"); hi->usb_dev_status = STATUS_CONNECTED_ENABLED; state |= (BIT_USB_HEADSET | BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC); } break; default: printk(KERN_INFO "Unknown headset type\n"); } switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); } void headset_ext_detect(int type) { switch (type) { case NO_DEVICE: if (hi->usb_dev_type == USB_HEADSET) usb_headset_detect(type); break; case USB_HEADSET: usb_headset_detect(type); break; default: printk(KERN_INFO "Unknown headset type\n"); } } int switch_send_event(unsigned int bit, int on) { unsigned long state; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); state &= ~(bit); if (on) state |= bit; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); return 0; } static ssize_t tty_flag_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { char *s = buf; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); s += sprintf(s, "%d\n", hi->tty_enable_flag); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); return (s - buf); } static ssize_t tty_flag_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { int state; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); state &= ~(BIT_TTY_FULL | BIT_TTY_VCO | BIT_TTY_HCO); if (count == (strlen("enable") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "enable", strlen("enable")) == 0) { hi->tty_enable_flag = 1; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state | BIT_TTY_FULL); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); printk(KERN_INFO "Enable TTY FULL\n"); return count; } if (count == (strlen("vco_enable") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "vco_enable", strlen("vco_enable")) == 0) { hi->tty_enable_flag = 2; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state | BIT_TTY_VCO); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); printk(KERN_INFO "Enable TTY VCO\n"); return count; } if (count == (strlen("hco_enable") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "hco_enable", strlen("hco_enable")) == 0) { hi->tty_enable_flag = 3; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state | BIT_TTY_HCO); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); printk(KERN_INFO "Enable TTY HCO\n"); return count; } if (count == (strlen("disable") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "disable", strlen("disable")) == 0) { hi->tty_enable_flag = 0; switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); printk(KERN_INFO "Disable TTY\n"); return count; } printk(KERN_ERR "tty_enable_flag_store: invalid argument\n"); return -EINVAL; } static DEVICE_ACCESSORY_ATTR(tty, 0666, tty_flag_show, tty_flag_store); static ssize_t fm_flag_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { int state; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); state = switch_get_state(&hi->sdev); state &= ~(BIT_FM_HEADSET | BIT_FM_SPEAKER); if (count == (strlen("fm_headset") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "fm_headset", strlen("fm_headset")) == 0) { hi->fm_flag = 1; state |= BIT_FM_HEADSET; printk(KERN_INFO "Enable FM HEADSET\n"); } else if (count == (strlen("fm_speaker") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "fm_speaker", strlen("fm_speaker")) == 0) { hi->fm_flag = 2; state |= BIT_FM_SPEAKER; printk(KERN_INFO "Enable FM SPEAKER\n"); } else if (count == (strlen("disable") + 1) && strncmp(buf, "disable", strlen("disable")) == 0) { hi->fm_flag = 0 ; printk(KERN_INFO "Disable FM\n"); } else { mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); printk(KERN_ERR "fm_enable_flag_store: invalid argument\n"); return -EINVAL; } switch_set_state(&hi->sdev, state); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); return count; } static ssize_t fm_flag_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { char *s = buf; char *show_str; mutex_lock(&hi->mutex_lock); if (hi->fm_flag == 0) show_str = "disable"; if (hi->fm_flag == 1) show_str = "fm_headset"; if (hi->fm_flag == 2) show_str = "fm_speaker"; s += sprintf(s, "%s\n", show_str); mutex_unlock(&hi->mutex_lock); return (s - buf); } static DEVICE_ACCESSORY_ATTR(fm, 0666, fm_flag_show, fm_flag_store); static int register_common_headset(struct h2w_info *h2w, int create_attr) { int ret = 0; hi = h2w; hi->htc_accessory_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "htc_accessory"); if (IS_ERR(hi->htc_accessory_class)) { ret = PTR_ERR(hi->htc_accessory_class); hi->htc_accessory_class = NULL; goto err_create_class; } hi->tty_dev = device_create(hi->htc_accessory_class, NULL, 0, "%s", "tty"); if (unlikely(IS_ERR(hi->tty_dev))) { ret = PTR_ERR(hi->tty_dev); hi->tty_dev = NULL; goto err_create_tty_device; } /* register the attributes */ ret = device_create_file(hi->tty_dev, &dev_attr_tty); if (ret) goto err_create_tty_device_file; hi->fm_dev = device_create(hi->htc_accessory_class, NULL, 0, "%s", "fm"); if (unlikely(IS_ERR(hi->fm_dev))) { ret = PTR_ERR(hi->fm_dev); hi->fm_dev = NULL; goto err_create_fm_device; } /* register the attributes */ ret = device_create_file(hi->fm_dev, &dev_attr_fm); if (ret) goto err_create_fm_device_file; return 0; err_create_fm_device_file: device_unregister(hi->fm_dev); err_create_fm_device: device_remove_file(hi->tty_dev, &dev_attr_tty); err_create_tty_device_file: device_unregister(hi->tty_dev); err_create_tty_device: class_destroy(hi->htc_accessory_class); err_create_class: return ret; } static void unregister_common_headset(struct h2w_info *h2w) { hi = h2w; device_remove_file(hi->tty_dev, &dev_attr_tty); device_unregister(hi->tty_dev); device_remove_file(hi->fm_dev, &dev_attr_fm); device_unregister(hi->fm_dev); class_destroy(hi->htc_accessory_class); } static int htc_35mm_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { int ret; struct htc_headset_mgr_platform_data *pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data; SYS_MSG("++++++++++++++++++++"); hi = kzalloc(sizeof(struct h2w_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (!hi) return -ENOMEM; hi->driver_flag = pdata->driver_flag; hi->hpin_jiffies = jiffies; hi->ext_35mm_status = 0; hi->h2w_35mm_status = 0; hi->is_ext_insert = 0; hi->mic_bias_state = 0; hi->key_level_flag = -1; atomic_set(&hi->btn_state, 0); hi->ignore_btn = 0; hi->usb_dev_type = NO_DEVICE; hi->tty_enable_flag = 0; hi->fm_flag = 0; hi->mic_switch_flag = 1; hi->rc_flag = 0; hi->insert_11pin_35mm = insert_11pin_35mm; hi->remove_11pin_35mm = remove_11pin_35mm; mutex_init(&hi->mutex_lock); mutex_init(&hi->mutex_rc_lock); wake_lock_init(&hi->headset_wake_lock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "headset"); hi->sdev.name = "h2w"; hi->sdev.print_name = h2w_print_name; ret = switch_dev_register(&hi->sdev); if (ret < 0) goto err_switch_dev_register; detect_wq = create_workqueue("detection"); if (detect_wq == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_create_detect_work_queue; } button_wq = create_workqueue("button"); if (button_wq == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_create_button_work_queue; } hi->input = input_allocate_device(); if (!hi->input) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_request_input_dev; } hi->input->name = "h2w headset"; set_bit(EV_SYN, hi->input->evbit); set_bit(EV_KEY, hi->input->evbit); set_bit(KEY_END, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_MUTE, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_VOLUMEUP, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_NEXTSONG, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_PLAYPAUSE, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_PREVIOUSSONG, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_MEDIA, hi->input->keybit); set_bit(KEY_SEND, hi->input->keybit); ret = input_register_device(hi->input); if (ret < 0) goto err_register_input_dev; ret = register_common_headset(hi, 0); if (ret) goto err_register_common_headset; if (hi->driver_flag & DRIVER_HS_MGR_RPC_SERVER) { /* Create RPC server */ ret = msm_rpc_create_server(&hs_rpc_server); if (ret < 0) { SYS_MSG("Failed to create RPC server"); goto err_create_rpc_server; } SYS_MSG("Create RPC server successfully"); } SYS_MSG("--------------------"); return 0; err_create_rpc_server: err_register_common_headset: input_unregister_device(hi->input); err_register_input_dev: input_free_device(hi->input); err_request_input_dev: destroy_workqueue(button_wq); err_create_button_work_queue: destroy_workqueue(detect_wq); err_create_detect_work_queue: switch_dev_unregister(&hi->sdev); err_switch_dev_register: printk(KERN_ERR "H2W: Failed to register driver\n"); return ret; } static int htc_35mm_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { H2W_DBG(""); #if 0 if ((switch_get_state(&hi->sdev) & (BIT_HEADSET | BIT_HEADSET_NO_MIC)) != 0) remove_headset(); #endif unregister_common_headset(hi); input_unregister_device(hi->input); destroy_workqueue(detect_wq); destroy_workqueue(button_wq); switch_dev_unregister(&hi->sdev); return 0; } static struct platform_driver htc_35mm_driver = { .probe = htc_35mm_probe, .remove = htc_35mm_remove, .driver = { .name = "HTC_HEADSET_MGR", .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, }; static int __init htc_35mm_init(void) { H2W_DBG(""); return platform_driver_register(&htc_35mm_driver); } static void __exit htc_35mm_exit(void) { platform_driver_unregister(&htc_35mm_driver); } module_init(htc_35mm_init); module_exit(htc_35mm_exit); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("HTC headset manager driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");