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2010-08-27 11:19:57 +02:00
* DHD Protocol Module for CDC and BDC.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2010, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: dhd_cdc.c,v 2010/01/21 22:08:34 Exp $
* BDC is like CDC, except it includes a header for data packets to convey
* packet priority over the bus, and flags (e.g. to indicate checksum status
* for dongle offload).
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <osl.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#include <bcmcdc.h>
#include <bcmendian.h>
#include <dngl_stats.h>
#include <dhd.h>
#include <dhd_proto.h>
#include <dhd_bus.h>
#include <dhd_dbg.h>
#include <linux/random.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
/* Packet alignment for most efficient SDIO (can change based on platform) */
#define DHD_SDALIGN 32
#error DHD_SDALIGN is not a power of 2!
#define RETRIES 2 /* # of retries to retrieve matching ioctl response */
#define BUS_HEADER_LEN (16+DHD_SDALIGN) /* Must be atleast SDPCM_RESERVE
* defined in dhd_sdio.c (amount of header tha might be added)
* plus any space that might be needed for alignment padding.
#define ROUND_UP_MARGIN 2048 /* Biggest SDIO block size possible for
* round off at the end of buffer
typedef struct dhd_prot {
uint16 reqid;
uint8 pending;
uint32 lastcmd;
uint8 bus_header[BUS_HEADER_LEN];
cdc_ioctl_t msg;
unsigned char buf[WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN + ROUND_UP_MARGIN];
} dhd_prot_t;
static int
dhdcdc_msg(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
dhd_prot_t *prot = dhd->prot;
int len = ltoh32(prot->msg.len) + sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t);
int ret;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
/* NOTE : cdc->msg.len holds the desired length of the buffer to be
* returned. Only up to CDC_MAX_MSG_SIZE of this buffer area
* is actually sent to the dongle
if (len > CDC_MAX_MSG_SIZE)
/* Send request */
ret = dhd_bus_txctl(dhd->bus, (uchar*)&prot->msg, len);
return ret;
static int
dhdcdc_cmplt(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint32 id, uint32 len)
int ret;
dhd_prot_t *prot = dhd->prot;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
do {
ret = dhd_bus_rxctl(dhd->bus, (uchar*)&prot->msg, len+sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t));
if (ret < 0)
} while (CDC_IOC_ID(ltoh32(prot->msg.flags)) != id);
return ret;
dhdcdc_query_ioctl(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int ifidx, uint cmd, void *buf, uint len)
dhd_prot_t *prot = dhd->prot;
cdc_ioctl_t *msg = &prot->msg;
void *info;
int ret = 0, retries = 0;
uint32 id, flags = 0;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
DHD_CTL(("%s: cmd %d len %d\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd, len));
/* Respond "bcmerror" and "bcmerrorstr" with local cache */
if (cmd == WLC_GET_VAR && buf)
if (!strcmp((char *)buf, "bcmerrorstr"))
strncpy((char *)buf, bcmerrorstr(dhd->dongle_error), BCME_STRLEN);
goto done;
else if (!strcmp((char *)buf, "bcmerror"))
*(int *)buf = dhd->dongle_error;
goto done;
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t));
msg->cmd = htol32(cmd);
msg->len = htol32(len);
msg->flags = (++prot->reqid << CDCF_IOC_ID_SHIFT);
CDC_SET_IF_IDX(msg, ifidx);
msg->flags = htol32(msg->flags);
if (buf)
memcpy(prot->buf, buf, len);
if ((ret = dhdcdc_msg(dhd)) < 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("dhdcdc_query_ioctl: dhdcdc_msg failed w/status %d\n", ret));
goto done;
/* wait for interrupt and get first fragment */
if ((ret = dhdcdc_cmplt(dhd, prot->reqid, len)) < 0)
goto done;
flags = ltoh32(msg->flags);
if ((id < prot->reqid) && (++retries < RETRIES))
goto retry;
if (id != prot->reqid) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: %s: unexpected request id %d (expected %d)\n",
dhd_ifname(dhd, ifidx), __FUNCTION__, id, prot->reqid));
ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
/* Check info buffer */
info = (void*)&msg[1];
/* Copy info buffer */
if (buf)
if (ret < (int)len)
len = ret;
memcpy(buf, info, len);
/* Check the ERROR flag */
if (flags & CDCF_IOC_ERROR)
ret = ltoh32(msg->status);
/* Cache error from dongle */
dhd->dongle_error = ret;
return ret;
static int
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int ifidx, uint cmd, void *buf, uint len)
dhd_prot_t *prot = dhd->prot;
cdc_ioctl_t *msg = &prot->msg;
int ret = 0;
uint32 flags, id;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
DHD_CTL(("%s: cmd %d len %d\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd, len));
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t));
msg->cmd = htol32(cmd);
msg->len = htol32(len);
msg->flags = (++prot->reqid << CDCF_IOC_ID_SHIFT) | CDCF_IOC_SET;
CDC_SET_IF_IDX(msg, ifidx);
msg->flags |= htol32(msg->flags);
if (buf)
memcpy(prot->buf, buf, len);
if ((ret = dhdcdc_msg(dhd)) < 0)
goto done;
if ((ret = dhdcdc_cmplt(dhd, prot->reqid, len)) < 0)
goto done;
flags = ltoh32(msg->flags);
if (id != prot->reqid) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: %s: unexpected request id %d (expected %d)\n",
dhd_ifname(dhd, ifidx), __FUNCTION__, id, prot->reqid));
ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
/* Check the ERROR flag */
if (flags & CDCF_IOC_ERROR)
ret = ltoh32(msg->status);
/* Cache error from dongle */
dhd->dongle_error = ret;
return ret;
extern int dhd_bus_interface(struct dhd_bus *bus, uint arg, void* arg2);
dhd_prot_ioctl(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int ifidx, wl_ioctl_t * ioc, void * buf, int len)
dhd_prot_t *prot = dhd->prot;
int ret = -1;
if (dhd->busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s : bus is down. we have nothing to do\n", __FUNCTION__));
return ret;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto done;
if (prot->pending == TRUE) {
DHD_TRACE(("CDC packet is pending!!!! cmd=0x%x (%lu) lastcmd=0x%x (%lu)\n",
ioc->cmd, (unsigned long)ioc->cmd, prot->lastcmd,
(unsigned long)prot->lastcmd));
if ((ioc->cmd == WLC_SET_VAR) || (ioc->cmd == WLC_GET_VAR)) {
DHD_TRACE(("iovar cmd=%s\n", (char*)buf));
goto done;
prot->pending = TRUE;
prot->lastcmd = ioc->cmd;
if (ioc->set)
ret = dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, ifidx, ioc->cmd, buf, len);
else {
ret = dhdcdc_query_ioctl(dhd, ifidx, ioc->cmd, buf, len);
if (ret > 0)
ioc->used = ret - sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t);
/* Too many programs assume ioctl() returns 0 on success */
if (ret >= 0)
ret = 0;
else {
cdc_ioctl_t *msg = &prot->msg;
ioc->needed = ltoh32(msg->len); /* len == needed when set/query fails from dongle */
/* Intercept the wme_dp ioctl here */
if ((!ret) && (ioc->cmd == WLC_SET_VAR) && (!strcmp(buf, "wme_dp"))) {
int slen, val = 0;
slen = strlen("wme_dp") + 1;
if (len >= (int)(slen + sizeof(int)))
bcopy(((char *)buf + slen), &val, sizeof(int));
dhd->wme_dp = (uint8) ltoh32(val);
prot->pending = FALSE;
return ret;
dhd_prot_iovar_op(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, const char *name,
void *params, int plen, void *arg, int len, bool set)
dhd_prot_dump(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, struct bcmstrbuf *strbuf)
bcm_bprintf(strbuf, "Protocol CDC: reqid %d\n", dhdp->prot->reqid);
extern struct ether_addr guest_eas[MAX_GUEST];
dhd_prot_hdrpush(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int ifidx, void *pktbuf)
#ifdef BDC
struct bdc_header *h;
struct ether_header *eh;
int i;
#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
char eabuf1[ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN];
char eabuf2[ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN];
#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
#endif /* APSTA_PINGTEST */
#endif /* BDC */
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
#ifdef BDC
/* Push BDC header used to convey priority for buses that don't */
eh = (struct ether_header *)PKTDATA(dhd->osh, pktbuf);
PKTPUSH(dhd->osh, pktbuf, BDC_HEADER_LEN);
h = (struct bdc_header *)PKTDATA(dhd->osh, pktbuf);
if (PKTSUMNEEDED(pktbuf))
h->flags |= BDC_FLAG_SUM_NEEDED;
h->priority = (PKTPRIO(pktbuf) & BDC_PRIORITY_MASK);
h->flags2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUEST; ++i) {
if (!ETHER_ISNULLADDR(eh->ether_dhost) &&
bcmp(eh->ether_dhost, guest_eas[i].octet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {
DHD_TRACE(("send on if 1; sa %s, da %s\n",
bcm_ether_ntoa((struct ether_addr *)(eh->ether_shost), eabuf1),
bcm_ether_ntoa((struct ether_addr *)(eh->ether_dhost), eabuf2)));
/* assume all guest STAs are on interface 1 */
h->flags2 = 1;
#endif /* APSTA_PINGTEST */
h->rssi = 0;
#endif /* BDC */
BDC_SET_IF_IDX(h, ifidx);
dhd_proto_fcinfo(dhd_pub_t *dhd, void *pktbuf, uint8 *fcbits)
#ifdef BDC
struct bdc_header *h;
if (PKTLEN(dhd->osh, pktbuf) < BDC_HEADER_LEN) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: rx data too short (%d < %d)\n",
__FUNCTION__, PKTLEN(dhd->osh, pktbuf), BDC_HEADER_LEN));
return BCME_ERROR;
h = (struct bdc_header *)PKTDATA(dhd->osh, pktbuf);
*fcbits = h->priority >> BDC_PRIORITY_FC_SHIFT;
if ((h->flags2 & BDC_FLAG2_FC_FLAG) == BDC_FLAG2_FC_FLAG)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
dhd_prot_hdrpull(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int *ifidx, void *pktbuf)
#ifdef BDC
struct bdc_header *h;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
#ifdef BDC
/* Pop BDC header used to convey priority for buses that don't */
if (PKTLEN(dhd->osh, pktbuf) < BDC_HEADER_LEN) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: rx data too short (%d < %d)\n", __FUNCTION__,
PKTLEN(dhd->osh, pktbuf), BDC_HEADER_LEN));
return BCME_ERROR;
h = (struct bdc_header *)PKTDATA(dhd->osh, pktbuf);
if ((*ifidx = BDC_GET_IF_IDX(h)) >= DHD_MAX_IFS) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: rx data ifnum out of range (%d)\n",
__FUNCTION__, *ifidx));
return BCME_ERROR;
DHD_ERROR(("%s: non-BDC packet received, flags 0x%x\n",
dhd_ifname(dhd, *ifidx), h->flags));
return BCME_ERROR;
if (h->flags & BDC_FLAG_SUM_GOOD) {
DHD_INFO(("%s: BDC packet received with good rx-csum, flags 0x%x\n",
dhd_ifname(dhd, *ifidx), h->flags));
PKTSETPRIO(pktbuf, (h->priority & BDC_PRIORITY_MASK));
PKTPULL(dhd->osh, pktbuf, BDC_HEADER_LEN);
#endif /* BDC */
return 0;
dhd_prot_attach(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
dhd_prot_t *cdc;
if (!(cdc = (dhd_prot_t *)MALLOC(dhd->osh, sizeof(dhd_prot_t)))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: kmalloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
if (!(cdc = (dhd_prot_t *)dhd_os_prealloc(DHD_PREALLOC_PROT, sizeof(dhd_prot_t)))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: kmalloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
#endif /* DHD_USE_STATIC_BUF */
memset(cdc, 0, sizeof(dhd_prot_t));
/* ensure that the msg buf directly follows the cdc msg struct */
if ((uintptr)(&cdc->msg + 1) != (uintptr)cdc->buf) {
DHD_ERROR(("dhd_prot_t is not correctly defined\n"));
goto fail;
dhd->prot = cdc;
#ifdef BDC
dhd->hdrlen += BDC_HEADER_LEN;
dhd->maxctl = WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN + sizeof(cdc_ioctl_t) + ROUND_UP_MARGIN;
return 0;
if (cdc != NULL)
MFREE(dhd->osh, cdc, sizeof(dhd_prot_t));
return BCME_NOMEM;
/* ~NOTE~ What if another thread is waiting on the semaphore? Holding it? */
dhd_prot_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
MFREE(dhd->osh, dhd->prot, sizeof(dhd_prot_t));
dhd->prot = NULL;
dhd_prot_dstats(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
/* No stats from dongle added yet, copy bus stats */
dhd->dstats.tx_packets = dhd->tx_packets;
dhd->dstats.tx_errors = dhd->tx_errors;
dhd->dstats.rx_packets = dhd->rx_packets;
dhd->dstats.rx_errors = dhd->rx_errors;
dhd->dstats.rx_dropped = dhd->rx_dropped;
dhd->dstats.multicast = dhd->rx_multicast;
int dhd_set_suspend(int value, dhd_pub_t *dhd)
int power_mode = PM_MAX;
wl_pkt_filter_enable_t enable_parm;
char iovbuf[32];
int bcn_li_dtim = 3;
uint roamvar = 1;
#endif /* CUSTOMER_HW2 */
#define htod32(i) i
if (dhd && dhd->up) {
if (value) {
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_PM,
(char *)&power_mode, sizeof(power_mode));
/* Enable packet filter, only allow unicast packet to send up */
enable_parm.id = htod32(100);
enable_parm.enable = htod32(1);
bcm_mkiovar("pkt_filter_enable", (char *)&enable_parm,
sizeof(wl_pkt_filter_enable_t), iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* set bcn_li_dtim */
bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_dtim", (char *)&bcn_li_dtim,
4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* Disable build-in roaming to allowed ext supplicant to take of romaing */
bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
#endif /* CUSTOMER_HW2 */
} else {
power_mode = PM_FAST;
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_PM, (char *)&power_mode,
/* disable pkt filter */
enable_parm.id = htod32(100);
enable_parm.enable = htod32(0);
bcm_mkiovar("pkt_filter_enable", (char *)&enable_parm,
sizeof(wl_pkt_filter_enable_t), iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* set bcn_li_dtim */
bcn_li_dtim = 0;
bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_dtim", (char *)&bcn_li_dtim,
4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
roamvar = 0;
bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
#endif /* CUSTOMER_HW2 */
return 0;
#define strtoul(nptr, endptr, base) bcm_strtoul((nptr), (endptr), (base))
/* Convert user's input in hex pattern to byte-size mask */
static int
wl_pattern_atoh(char *src, char *dst)
int i;
if (strncmp(src, "0x", 2) != 0 &&
strncmp(src, "0X", 2) != 0) {
printf("Mask invalid format. Needs to start with 0x\n");
return -1;
src = src + 2; /* Skip past 0x */
if (strlen(src) % 2 != 0) {
printf("Mask invalid format. Needs to be of even length\n");
return -1;
for (i = 0; *src != '\0'; i++) {
char num[3];
strncpy(num, src, 2);
num[2] = '\0';
dst[i] = (uint8)strtoul(num, NULL, 16);
src += 2;
return i;
dhd_preinit_ioctls(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
char eventmask[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN];
char iovbuf[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN + 12]; /* Room for "event_msgs" + '\0' + bitvec */
int ret;
uint up = 0;
uint roamvar = 0;
uint roamvar = 1;
uint power_mode = PM_FAST;
uint32 dongle_align = DHD_SDALIGN;
uint32 glom = 0;
uint bcn_timeout = 3;
int arpoe = 1;
int arp_ol = 0xf;
int scan_assoc_time = 40;
int scan_unassoc_time = 80;
const char *str;
wl_pkt_filter_t pkt_filter;
wl_pkt_filter_t *pkt_filterp;
int buf_len;
int str_len;
uint32 mask_size;
uint32 pattern_size;
char buf[256];
uint filter_mode = 1;
char mac_buf[16];
uint rand_mac;
/* Get the device MAC address */
strcpy(iovbuf, "cur_etheraddr");
if ((ret = dhdcdc_query_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_GET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf))) < 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: can't get MAC address , error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
return BCME_NOTUP;
memcpy(dhd->mac.octet, iovbuf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
if (strstr(fw_path, "apsta") != NULL) {
rand_mac = random32();
iovbuf[0] |= 0x02; /* locally administered bit */
iovbuf[3] = (unsigned char)rand_mac;
iovbuf[4] = (unsigned char)(rand_mac >> 8);
iovbuf[5] = (unsigned char)(rand_mac >> 16);
printk("Broadcom Dongle Host Driver mac=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
iovbuf[0], iovbuf[1], iovbuf[2], iovbuf[3], iovbuf[4], iovbuf[5]);
bcm_mkiovar("cur_etheraddr", (void *)iovbuf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf));
ret = dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (ret < 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: can't set MAC address , error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
else {
memcpy(dhd->mac.octet, iovbuf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
/* Set Country code */
if (dhd->country_code[0] != 0) {
if (dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_COUNTRY,
dhd->country_code, sizeof(dhd->country_code)) < 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: country code setting failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
/* Set PowerSave mode */
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_PM, (char *)&power_mode, sizeof(power_mode));
/* Match Host and Dongle rx alignment */
bcm_mkiovar("bus:txglomalign", (char *)&dongle_align, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* disable glom option per default */
bcm_mkiovar("bus:txglom", (char *)&glom, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* Setup timeout if Beacons are lost and roam is off to report link down */
if (roamvar) {
bcm_mkiovar("bcn_timeout", (char *)&bcn_timeout, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* Enable/Disable build-in roaming to allowed ext supplicant to take of romaing */
bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* Force STA UP */
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_UP, (char *)&up, sizeof(up));
/* Setup event_msgs */
bcm_mkiovar("event_msgs", eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_query_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_GET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
bcopy(iovbuf, eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_SET_SSID);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PRUNE);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_AUTH);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_REASSOC);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_REASSOC_IND);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DISASSOC);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_JOIN);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ASSOC_IND);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PSK_SUP);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_LINK);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_NDIS_LINK);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_MIC_ERROR);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PMKID_CACHE);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_TXFAIL);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_JOIN_START);
setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE);
bcm_mkiovar("event_msgs", eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_SCAN_CHANNEL_TIME, (char *)&scan_assoc_time,
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_SCAN_UNASSOC_TIME, (char *)&scan_unassoc_time,
/* Set ARP offload */
bcm_mkiovar("arpoe", (char *)&arpoe, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
bcm_mkiovar("arp_ol", (char *)&arp_ol, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
/* add a default packet filter pattern */
str = "pkt_filter_add";
str_len = strlen(str);
strncpy(buf, str, str_len);
buf[ str_len ] = '\0';
buf_len = str_len + 1;
pkt_filterp = (wl_pkt_filter_t *) (buf + str_len + 1);
/* Parse packet filter id. */
pkt_filter.id = htod32(100);
/* Parse filter polarity. */
pkt_filter.negate_match = htod32(0);
/* Parse filter type. */
pkt_filter.type = htod32(0);
/* Parse pattern filter offset. */
pkt_filter.u.pattern.offset = htod32(0);
/* Parse pattern filter mask. */
mask_size = htod32(wl_pattern_atoh("0xffffffffffff",
(char *) pkt_filterp->u.pattern.mask_and_pattern));
/* Parse pattern filter pattern. */
sprintf( mac_buf, "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
dhd->mac.octet[0], dhd->mac.octet[1], dhd->mac.octet[2],
dhd->mac.octet[3], dhd->mac.octet[4], dhd->mac.octet[5]
pattern_size = htod32(wl_pattern_atoh(mac_buf,
(char *) &pkt_filterp->u.pattern.mask_and_pattern[mask_size]));
if (mask_size != pattern_size) {
DHD_ERROR(("Mask and pattern not the same size\n"));
return -EINVAL;
pkt_filter.u.pattern.size_bytes = mask_size;
buf_len += (WL_PKT_FILTER_PATTERN_FIXED_LEN + 2 * mask_size);
/* Keep-alive attributes are set in local variable (keep_alive_pkt), and
** then memcpy'ed into buffer (keep_alive_pktp) since there is no
** guarantee that the buffer is properly aligned.
memcpy((char *)pkt_filterp, &pkt_filter,
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, buf_len);
/* set mode to allow pattern */
bcm_mkiovar("pkt_filter_mode", (char *)&filter_mode, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
dhdcdc_set_ioctl(dhd, 0, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
return 0;
dhd_prot_init(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
int ret = 0;
DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
ret = dhd_preinit_ioctls(dhd);
/* Always assumes wl for now */
dhd->iswl = TRUE;
return ret;
dhd_prot_stop(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
/* Nothing to do for CDC */