Naseer Ahmed 7341799797 qcom/display: Update HALs
- Update the display HAL from Code Aurora Forum
- Add updated overlay library
- Enable HWC with basic video going through overlay
- Cleanup some files

Change-Id: Ia53650759d4fe99bde395b7b4e8e02e6e65845e0
2012-07-10 02:03:45 -06:00

10 lines
299 B

#Enables the listed display HAL modules
display-hals := libqcomui
#libs to be built for QCOM targets only
#ifeq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true)
display-hals += libgralloc libgenlock libcopybit libhwcomposer liboverlay
include $(call all-named-subdir-makefiles,$(display-hals))