/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (c) 2011, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "overlayLibUI.h" #include "gralloc_priv.h" namespace { /* helper functions */ bool checkOVState(int w, int h, int format, int orientation, int zorder, const mdp_overlay& ov) { switch(orientation) { case OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROT_90: case OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROT_270: { int tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp; break; } default: break; } bool displayAttrsCheck = ((w == ov.src.width) && (h == ov.src.height) && (format == ov.src.format)); bool zOrderCheck = (ov.z_order == zorder); if (displayAttrsCheck && zorder == overlay::NO_INIT) return true; if (displayAttrsCheck && zorder != overlay::NO_INIT && ov.z_order == zorder) return true; return false; } void swapOVRotWidthHeight(msm_rotator_img_info& rotInfo, mdp_overlay& ovInfo) { int srcWidth = ovInfo.src.width; ovInfo.src.width = ovInfo.src.height; ovInfo.src.height = srcWidth; int srcRectWidth = ovInfo.src_rect.w; ovInfo.src_rect.w = ovInfo.src_rect.h; ovInfo.src_rect.h = srcRectWidth; int dstWidth = rotInfo.dst.width; rotInfo.dst.width = rotInfo.dst.height; rotInfo.dst.height = dstWidth; } void setupOvRotInfo(int w, int h, int format, int orientation, mdp_overlay& ovInfo, msm_rotator_img_info& rotInfo) { memset(&ovInfo, 0, sizeof(ovInfo)); memset(&rotInfo, 0, sizeof(rotInfo)); ovInfo.id = MSMFB_NEW_REQUEST; ovInfo.src.width = w; ovInfo.src.height = h; ovInfo.src.format = format; ovInfo.src_rect.w = w; ovInfo.src_rect.h = h; ovInfo.alpha = 0xff; ovInfo.transp_mask = 0xffffffff; rotInfo.src.format = format; rotInfo.dst.format = format; w = (w + 31) & ~31; h = (h + 31) & ~31; rotInfo.src.width = w; rotInfo.src.height = h; rotInfo.src_rect.w = w; rotInfo.src_rect.h = h; rotInfo.dst.width = w; rotInfo.dst.height = h; int rot = orientation; int flip = 0; switch(rot) { case 0: case HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H: case HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V: rot = 0; flip = orientation & (HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H|HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V); break; case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90: case (HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90|HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H): case (HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90|HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V): { int tmp = ovInfo.src_rect.x; ovInfo.src_rect.x = ovInfo.src.height - (ovInfo.src_rect.y + ovInfo.src_rect.h); ovInfo.src_rect.y = tmp; swapOVRotWidthHeight(rotInfo, ovInfo); rot = HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90; flip = orientation & (HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H|HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V); break; } case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180: break; case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270: { int tmp = ovInfo.src_rect.y; ovInfo.src_rect.y = ovInfo.src.width - (ovInfo.src_rect.x + ovInfo.src_rect.w); ovInfo.src_rect.x = tmp; swapOVRotWidthHeight(rotInfo, ovInfo); break; } default: break; } int mdp_rotation = overlay::get_mdp_orientation(rot, flip); if (mdp_rotation < 0) mdp_rotation = 0; ovInfo.user_data[0] = mdp_rotation; rotInfo.rotations = ovInfo.user_data[0]; if (mdp_rotation) rotInfo.enable = 1; ovInfo.dst_rect.w = ovInfo.src_rect.w; ovInfo.dst_rect.h = ovInfo.src_rect.h; } bool isRGBType(int format) { bool ret = false; switch(format) { case MDP_RGBA_8888: case MDP_BGRA_8888: case MDP_RGBX_8888: case MDP_RGB_565: ret = true; break; default: ret = false; break; } return ret; } int getRGBBpp(int format) { int ret = -1; switch(format) { case MDP_RGBA_8888: case MDP_BGRA_8888: case MDP_RGBX_8888: ret = 4; break; case MDP_RGB_565: ret = 2; break; default: ret = -1; break; } return ret; } bool turnOFFVSync() { static int swapIntervalPropVal = -1; if (swapIntervalPropVal == -1) { char pval[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("debug.gr.swapinterval", pval, "1"); swapIntervalPropVal = atoi(pval); } return (swapIntervalPropVal == 0); } }; namespace overlay { status_t Display::openDisplay(int fbnum) { if (mFD != NO_INIT) return ALREADY_EXISTS; status_t ret = NO_INIT; char const * const device_template = "/dev/graphics/fb%u"; char dev_name[64]; snprintf(dev_name, 64, device_template, fbnum); mFD = open(dev_name, O_RDWR, 0); if (mFD < 0) { LOGE("Failed to open FB %d", fbnum); return ret; } fb_var_screeninfo vinfo; if (ioctl(mFD, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo)) { LOGE("FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO on failed on FB %d", fbnum); close(mFD); mFD = NO_INIT; return ret; } mFBWidth = vinfo.xres; mFBHeight = vinfo.yres; mFBBpp = vinfo.bits_per_pixel; ret = NO_ERROR; return ret; } status_t OVHelper::startOVSession(mdp_overlay& ovInfo, int fbnum) { status_t ret = NO_INIT; if (mSessionID == NO_INIT) { ret = mobjDisplay.openDisplay(fbnum); if (ret != NO_ERROR) return ret; if (ioctl(mobjDisplay.getFD(), MSMFB_OVERLAY_SET, &ovInfo)) { LOGE("OVerlay set failed.."); mobjDisplay.closeDisplay(); ret = BAD_VALUE; } else { mSessionID = ovInfo.id; mOVInfo = ovInfo; ret = NO_ERROR; } } else ret = ALREADY_EXISTS; return ret; } status_t OVHelper::queueBuffer(msmfb_overlay_data ovData) { if (mSessionID == NO_INIT) return NO_INIT; ovData.id = mSessionID; if (ioctl(mobjDisplay.getFD(), MSMFB_OVERLAY_PLAY, &ovData)) return BAD_VALUE; return NO_ERROR; } status_t OVHelper::closeOVSession() { if (mSessionID != NO_INIT) { ioctl(mobjDisplay.getFD(), MSMFB_OVERLAY_UNSET, &mSessionID); mobjDisplay.closeDisplay(); } mSessionID = NO_INIT; return NO_ERROR; } status_t OVHelper::setPosition(int x, int y, int w, int h) { status_t ret = BAD_VALUE; if (mSessionID != NO_INIT) { int fd = mobjDisplay.getFD(); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || ((x + w) > getFBWidth())) { LOGE("set position failed, invalid argument"); return ret; } mdp_overlay ov; ov.id = mSessionID; if (!ioctl(fd, MSMFB_OVERLAY_GET, &ov)) { if (x != ov.dst_rect.x || y != ov.dst_rect.y || w != ov.dst_rect.w || h != ov.dst_rect.h) { ov.dst_rect.x = x; ov.dst_rect.y = y; ov.dst_rect.w = w; ov.dst_rect.h = h; if (ioctl(fd, MSMFB_OVERLAY_SET, &ov)) { LOGE("set position failed"); return ret; } } mOVInfo = ov; return NO_ERROR; } return ret; } return NO_INIT; } status_t OVHelper::getOVInfo(mdp_overlay& ovInfo) { if (mSessionID == NO_INIT) return NO_INIT; ovInfo = mOVInfo; return NO_ERROR; } status_t Rotator::startRotSession(msm_rotator_img_info& rotInfo, int size, int numBuffers) { status_t ret = ALREADY_EXISTS; if (mSessionID == NO_INIT && mFD == NO_INIT) { mNumBuffers = numBuffers; mFD = open("/dev/msm_rotator", O_RDWR, 0); if (mFD < 0) { LOGE("Couldnt open rotator device"); return NO_INIT; } if (int check = ioctl(mFD, MSM_ROTATOR_IOCTL_START, &rotInfo)) { close(mFD); mFD = NO_INIT; return NO_INIT; } mSessionID = rotInfo.session_id; mPmemFD = open("/dev/pmem_adsp", O_RDWR | O_SYNC); if (mPmemFD < 0) { closeRotSession(); return NO_INIT; } mSize = size; mPmemAddr = (void *) mmap(NULL, mSize* mNumBuffers, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mPmemFD, 0); if (mPmemAddr == MAP_FAILED) { closeRotSession(); return NO_INIT; } mCurrentItem = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mNumBuffers; i++) mRotOffset[i] = i * mSize; ret = NO_ERROR; } return ret; } status_t Rotator::closeRotSession() { if (mSessionID != NO_INIT && mFD != NO_INIT) { ioctl(mFD, MSM_ROTATOR_IOCTL_FINISH, &mSessionID); close(mFD); munmap(mPmemAddr, mSize * mNumBuffers); close(mPmemFD); } mFD = NO_INIT; mSessionID = NO_INIT; mPmemFD = NO_INIT; mPmemAddr = MAP_FAILED; return NO_ERROR; } status_t Rotator::rotateBuffer(msm_rotator_data_info& rotData) { status_t ret = NO_INIT; if (mSessionID != NO_INIT) { rotData.dst.memory_id = mPmemFD; rotData.dst.offset = mRotOffset[mCurrentItem]; rotData.session_id = mSessionID; mCurrentItem = (mCurrentItem + 1) % mNumBuffers; if (ioctl(mFD, MSM_ROTATOR_IOCTL_ROTATE, &rotData)) { LOGE("Rotator failed to rotate"); return BAD_VALUE; } return NO_ERROR; } return ret; } status_t OverlayUI::closeChannel() { mobjOVHelper.closeOVSession(); mobjRotator.closeRotSession(); mChannelState = CLOSED; return NO_ERROR; } status_t OverlayUI::setSource(const overlay_buffer_info& info, int orientation, bool useVGPipe, bool ignoreFB, int fbnum, int zorder) { status_t ret = NO_INIT; int format3D = FORMAT_3D(info.format); int colorFormat = COLOR_FORMAT(info.format); int format = get_mdp_format(colorFormat); if (format3D || !isRGBType(format)) return ret; if (mChannelState == PENDING_CLOSE) closeChannel(); if (mChannelState == UP) { mdp_overlay ov; if (mobjOVHelper.getOVInfo(ov) == NO_ERROR) { if (mOrientation == orientation && mFBNum == fbnum && checkOVState(info.width, info.height, format, orientation, zorder, ov)) return NO_ERROR; else mChannelState = PENDING_CLOSE; } else mChannelState = PENDING_CLOSE; return ret; } mOrientation = orientation; mdp_overlay ovInfo; msm_rotator_img_info rotInfo; setupOvRotInfo(info.width, info.height, format, orientation, ovInfo, rotInfo); int flags = 0; if (ignoreFB) ovInfo.is_fg = 1; else flags |= MDP_OV_PLAY_NOWAIT; if (turnOFFVSync()) flags |= MDP_OV_PLAY_NOWAIT; if (useVGPipe || (fbnum == FB0 && getRGBBpp(format) != mobjOVHelper.getFBBpp())) flags |= MDP_OV_PIPE_SHARE; ovInfo.flags = flags; if (zorder != NO_INIT) ovInfo.z_order = zorder; ret = startChannel(fbnum, ovInfo, rotInfo, info.size); return ret; } status_t OverlayUI::startChannel(int fbnum, mdp_overlay& ovInfo, msm_rotator_img_info& rotInfo, int size) { status_t ret = BAD_VALUE; if (mChannelState == UP) return ret; ret = mobjOVHelper.startOVSession(ovInfo, fbnum); if (ret == NO_ERROR && mOrientation) { ret = mobjRotator.startRotSession(rotInfo, size); } if (ret == NO_ERROR) { mChannelState = UP; mFBNum = fbnum; } else LOGE("start channel failed."); return ret; } status_t OverlayUI::queueBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer) { status_t ret = NO_INIT; if (mChannelState != UP) return ret; msmfb_overlay_data ovData; memset(&ovData, 0, sizeof(ovData)); private_handle_t const* hnd = reinterpret_cast (buffer); ovData.data.memory_id = hnd->fd; ovData.data.offset = hnd->offset; if (mOrientation) { msm_rotator_data_info rotData; memset(&rotData, 0, sizeof(rotData)); rotData.src.memory_id = hnd->fd; rotData.src.offset = hnd->offset; if (mobjRotator.rotateBuffer(rotData) != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Rotator failed.. "); return BAD_VALUE; } ovData.data.memory_id = rotData.dst.memory_id; ovData.data.offset = rotData.dst.offset; } ret = mobjOVHelper.queueBuffer(ovData); if (ret != NO_ERROR) LOGE("Queuebuffer failed "); return ret; } };