/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "hwc_utils.h" #include "mdp_version.h" #include "hwc_video.h" #include "hwc_pip.h" #include "hwc_qbuf.h" #include "hwc_copybit.h" #include "hwc_external.h" #include "hwc_mdpcomp.h" #include "hwc_extonly.h" #include "hwc_service.h" namespace qhwc { // Opens Framebuffer device static void openFramebufferDevice(hwc_context_t *ctx) { hw_module_t const *module; if (hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module) == 0) { framebuffer_open(module, &(ctx->mFbDev)); } } void initContext(hwc_context_t *ctx) { openFramebufferDevice(ctx); ctx->mOverlay = overlay::Overlay::getInstance(); ctx->mHwcService = hwcService::HWComposerService::getInstance(); ctx->mHwcService->setHwcContext(ctx); ctx->qbuf = new QueuedBufferStore(); ctx->mMDP.version = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMDPVersion(); ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().hasOverlay(); ctx->mMDP.panel = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getPanelType(); ctx->mCopybitEngine = CopybitEngine::getInstance(); ctx->mExtDisplay = new ExternalDisplay(ctx); MDPComp::init(ctx); char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("debug.egl.swapinterval", value, "1"); ctx->swapInterval = atoi(value); //Initialize dyn threshold to 2.0 //system property can override this value ctx->dynThreshold = 2.0; property_get("debug.hwc.dynThreshold", value, "2"); ctx->dynThreshold = atof(value); ALOGI("Initializing Qualcomm Hardware Composer"); ALOGI("MDP version: %d", ctx->mMDP.version); ALOGI("DYN composition threshold : %f", ctx->dynThreshold); } void closeContext(hwc_context_t *ctx) { if(ctx->mOverlay) { delete ctx->mOverlay; ctx->mOverlay = NULL; } if(ctx->mCopybitEngine) { delete ctx->mCopybitEngine; ctx->mCopybitEngine = NULL; } if(ctx->mFbDev) { framebuffer_close(ctx->mFbDev); ctx->mFbDev = NULL; } if(ctx->qbuf) { delete ctx->qbuf; ctx->qbuf = NULL; } if(ctx->mExtDisplay) { delete ctx->mExtDisplay; ctx->mExtDisplay = NULL; } free(const_cast(ctx->device.methods)); } void dumpLayer(hwc_layer_t const* l) { ALOGD("\ttype=%d, flags=%08x, handle=%p, tr=%02x, blend=%04x, {%d,%d,%d,%d}" ", {%d,%d,%d,%d}", l->compositionType, l->flags, l->handle, l->transform, l->blending, l->sourceCrop.left, l->sourceCrop.top, l->sourceCrop.right, l->sourceCrop.bottom, l->displayFrame.left, l->displayFrame.top, l->displayFrame.right, l->displayFrame.bottom); } void getLayerStats(hwc_context_t *ctx, const hwc_layer_list_t *list) { //Video specific stats int yuvCount = 0; int yuvLayerIndex = -1; int pipLayerIndex = -1; //2nd video in pip scenario bool isYuvLayerSkip = false; int skipCount = 0; int ccLayerIndex = -1; //closed caption int extLayerIndex = -1; //ext-only or block except closed caption int extCount = 0; //ext-only except closed caption bool isExtBlockPresent = false; //is BLOCK layer present bool yuvSecure = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < list->numHwLayers; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[i].handle; if (UNLIKELY(isYuvBuffer(hnd))) { yuvCount++; if(yuvCount==1) { //Set the primary video to the video layer in //lower z-order yuvLayerIndex = i; } if(yuvCount == 2) { //In case of two videos, set the pipLayerIndex to the //second video pipLayerIndex = i; } yuvLayerIndex = i; yuvSecure = isSecureBuffer(hnd); //Animating //Do not mark as SKIP if it is secure buffer if (isSkipLayer(&list->hwLayers[i]) && !yuvSecure) { isYuvLayerSkip = true; } } else if(UNLIKELY(isExtCC(hnd))) { ccLayerIndex = i; } else if(UNLIKELY(isExtBlock(hnd))) { extCount++; extLayerIndex = i; isExtBlockPresent = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(isExtOnly(hnd))) { extCount++; //If BLOCK layer present, dont cache index, display BLOCK only. if(isExtBlockPresent == false) extLayerIndex = i; } else if (isSkipLayer(&list->hwLayers[i])) { //Popups //If video layer is below a skip layer if(yuvLayerIndex != -1 && yuvLayerIndex < (ssize_t)i) { //Do not mark as SKIP if it is secure buffer if (!yuvSecure) { isYuvLayerSkip = true; skipCount++; } } } } VideoOverlay::setStats(yuvCount, yuvLayerIndex, isYuvLayerSkip, ccLayerIndex); VideoPIP::setStats(yuvCount, yuvLayerIndex, isYuvLayerSkip, pipLayerIndex); ExtOnly::setStats(extCount, extLayerIndex, isExtBlockPresent); CopyBit::setStats(yuvCount, yuvLayerIndex, isYuvLayerSkip); MDPComp::setStats(skipCount); ctx->numHwLayers = list->numHwLayers; return; } //Crops source buffer against destination and FB boundaries void calculate_crop_rects(hwc_rect_t& crop, hwc_rect_t& dst, const int fbWidth, const int fbHeight) { int& crop_x = crop.left; int& crop_y = crop.top; int& crop_r = crop.right; int& crop_b = crop.bottom; int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left; int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top; int& dst_x = dst.left; int& dst_y = dst.top; int& dst_r = dst.right; int& dst_b = dst.bottom; int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left; int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top; if(dst_x < 0) { float scale_x = crop_w * 1.0f / dst_w; float diff_factor = (scale_x * abs(dst_x)); crop_x = crop_x + (int)diff_factor; crop_w = crop_r - crop_x; dst_x = 0; dst_w = dst_r - dst_x;; } if(dst_r > fbWidth) { float scale_x = crop_w * 1.0f / dst_w; float diff_factor = scale_x * (dst_r - fbWidth); crop_r = crop_r - diff_factor; crop_w = crop_r - crop_x; dst_r = fbWidth; dst_w = dst_r - dst_x; } if(dst_y < 0) { float scale_y = crop_h * 1.0f / dst_h; float diff_factor = scale_y * abs(dst_y); crop_y = crop_y + diff_factor; crop_h = crop_b - crop_y; dst_y = 0; dst_h = dst_b - dst_y; } if(dst_b > fbHeight) { float scale_y = crop_h * 1.0f / dst_h; float diff_factor = scale_y * (dst_b - fbHeight); crop_b = crop_b - diff_factor; crop_h = crop_b - crop_y; dst_b = fbHeight; dst_h = dst_b - dst_y; } } void wait4fbPost(hwc_context_t* ctx) { framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = ctx->mFbDev; if(fbDev) { private_module_t* m = reinterpret_cast( fbDev->common.module); //wait for the fb_post to be called pthread_mutex_lock(&m->fbPostLock); while(m->fbPostDone == false) { pthread_cond_wait(&(m->fbPostCond), &(m->fbPostLock)); } m->fbPostDone = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->fbPostLock); } } void wait4Pan(hwc_context_t* ctx) { framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = ctx->mFbDev; if(fbDev) { private_module_t* m = reinterpret_cast( fbDev->common.module); //wait for the fb_post's PAN to finish pthread_mutex_lock(&m->fbPanLock); while(m->fbPanDone == false) { pthread_cond_wait(&(m->fbPanCond), &(m->fbPanLock)); } m->fbPanDone = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->fbPanLock); } } };//namespace