/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved. * * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef HWC_COPYBIT_H #define HWC_COPYBIT_H #include "hwc_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define LIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, true )) #define UNLIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, false )) namespace qhwc { //Feature for using Copybit to display RGB layers. typedef EGLClientBuffer (*functype_eglGetRenderBufferANDROID) ( EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw); typedef EGLSurface (*functype_eglGetCurrentSurface)(EGLint readdraw); class CopyBit { public: //Sets up members and prepares copybit if conditions are met static bool prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_list_t *list); //Draws layer if the layer is set for copybit in prepare static bool draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_list_t *list, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface sur); //Receives data from hwc static void setStats(int yuvCount, int yuvLayerIndex, bool isYuvLayerSkip); static void updateEglHandles(void*); static int drawLayerUsingCopybit(hwc_context_t *dev, hwc_layer_t *layer, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, functype_eglGetRenderBufferANDROID& LINK_eglGetRenderBufferANDROID, functype_eglGetCurrentSurface LINK_eglGetCurrentSurface); static bool canUseCopybit(hwc_context_t* ctx, const hwc_layer_list_t* list, const int numYUVBuffers); static void closeEglLib(); static void openEglLibAndGethandle(); private: //Marks layer flags if this feature is used static void markFlags(hwc_layer_t *layer); //returns yuv count static int getYuvCount(); //Number of yuv layers in this drawing round static int sYuvCount; //Index of YUV layer, relevant only if count is 1 static int sYuvLayerIndex; //Flags if a yuv layer is animating or below something that is animating static bool sIsLayerSkip; //Flags if this feature is on. static bool sIsModeOn; //handle for adreno lib static void* egl_lib; static functype_eglGetRenderBufferANDROID LINK_eglGetRenderBufferANDROID; static functype_eglGetCurrentSurface LINK_eglGetCurrentSurface; static void getLayerResolution(const hwc_layer_t* layer, int& width, int& height); }; class CopybitEngine { public: ~CopybitEngine(); // API to get copybit engine(non static) struct copybit_device_t *getEngine(); // API to get singleton static CopybitEngine* getInstance(); private: CopybitEngine(); struct copybit_device_t *sEngine; static CopybitEngine* sInstance; // singleton }; inline void CopyBit::setStats(int yuvCount, int yuvLayerIndex, bool isYuvLayerSkip) { sYuvCount = yuvCount; sYuvLayerIndex = yuvLayerIndex; sIsLayerSkip = isYuvLayerSkip; } inline int CopyBit::getYuvCount() { return sYuvCount; } }; //namespace qhwc #endif //HWC_COPYBIT_H