/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*****************************************************************************/ #define ALIGN(x, align) (((x) + ((align)-1)) & ~((align)-1)) #define LIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, true )) #define UNLIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, false )) #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS #define MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS 3 #define BYPASS_DEBUG 0 #define BYPASS_INDEX_OFFSET 4 #define DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME 2000 enum BypassState { BYPASS_ON, BYPASS_OFF, BYPASS_OFF_PENDING, }; enum BypassBufferLockState { BYPASS_BUFFER_UNLOCKED, BYPASS_BUFFER_LOCKED, }; #endif enum HWCLayerType{ HWC_SINGLE_VIDEO = 0x1, HWC_ORIG_RESOLUTION = 0x2, HWC_S3D_LAYER = 0x4, HWC_STOP_UI_MIRRORING_MASK = 0xF }; enum eHWCOverlayStatus { HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN, HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE, HWC_OVERLAY_CLOSED }; struct hwc_context_t { hwc_composer_device_t device; /* our private state goes below here */ overlay::Overlay* mOverlayLibObject; native_handle_t *previousOverlayHandle; native_handle_t *currentOverlayHandle; int yuvBufferCount; int numLayersNotUpdating; #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS overlay::OverlayUI* mOvUI[MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS]; native_handle_t* previousBypassHandle[MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS]; BypassBufferLockState bypassBufferLockState[MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS]; int layerindex[MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS]; int nPipesUsed; BypassState bypassState; IdleTimer idleTimer; bool idleTimeOut; #endif #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY external_display_type mHDMIEnabled; // Type of external display bool pendingHDMI; bool forceComposition; //Used to force composition on HDMI connection. #endif int previousLayerCount; eHWCOverlayStatus hwcOverlayStatus; int swapInterval; }; static int hwc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* name, struct hw_device_t** device); static struct hw_module_methods_t hwc_module_methods = { open: hwc_device_open }; struct private_hwc_module_t { hwc_module_t base; copybit_device_t *copybitEngine; framebuffer_device_t *fbDevice; int compositionType; bool isBypassEnabled; //from build.prop ro.sf.compbypass.enable }; struct private_hwc_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { base: { common: { tag: HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, version_major: 1, version_minor: 0, id: HWC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, name: "Hardware Composer Module", author: "The Android Open Source Project", methods: &hwc_module_methods, } }, copybitEngine: NULL, fbDevice: NULL, compositionType: 0, isBypassEnabled: false, }; //Only at this point would the compiler know all storage class sizes. //The header has hooks which need to know those beforehand. #include /*****************************************************************************/ static void dump_layer(hwc_layer_t const* l) { LOGD("\ttype=%d, flags=%08x, handle=%p, tr=%02x, blend=%04x, {%d,%d,%d,%d}, {%d,%d,%d,%d}", l->compositionType, l->flags, l->handle, l->transform & FINAL_TRANSFORM_MASK, l->blending, l->sourceCrop.left, l->sourceCrop.top, l->sourceCrop.right, l->sourceCrop.bottom, l->displayFrame.left, l->displayFrame.top, l->displayFrame.right, l->displayFrame.bottom); } static inline int min(const int& a, const int& b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static inline int max(const int& a, const int& b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } inline void getLayerResolution(const hwc_layer_t* layer, int& width, int& height) { hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame; width = displayFrame.right - displayFrame.left; height = displayFrame.bottom - displayFrame.top; } #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS static void timeout_handler(void *udata) { LOGD("Comp bypass timeout_handler..."); struct hwc_context_t* ctx = (struct hwc_context_t*)(udata); if(!ctx) { LOGE("%s: received empty data in timer callback", __FUNCTION__); return; } hwc_procs* proc = (hwc_procs*)ctx->device.reserved_proc[0]; if(!proc) { LOGE("%s: HWC proc not registered", __FUNCTION__); return; } /* Trigger SF to redraw the current frame */ ctx->idleTimeOut = true; proc->invalidate(proc); LOGD("Comp bypass timeout_handler...Done"); } void setLayerbypassIndex(hwc_layer_t* layer, const int bypass_index) { layer->flags &= ~HWC_BYPASS_INDEX_MASK; layer->flags |= bypass_index << BYPASS_INDEX_OFFSET; } int getLayerbypassIndex(hwc_layer_t* layer) { int byp_index = -1; if(layer->flags & HWC_COMP_BYPASS) { byp_index = ((layer->flags & HWC_BYPASS_INDEX_MASK) >> BYPASS_INDEX_OFFSET); byp_index = (byp_index < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS ? byp_index : -1 ); } return byp_index; } void unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(hwc_context_t* ctx) { // Unlock the previous bypass buffers. We can blindly unlock the buffers // here, because buffers will be in this list only if the lock was // successfully acquired. for(int i = 0; i < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t*) ctx->previousBypassHandle[i]; if (!hnd) continue; // Validate the handle to make sure it hasn't been deallocated. if (private_handle_t::validate(hnd)) { LOGE("%s: Unregistering invalid gralloc handle %p.", __FUNCTION__, hnd); ctx->previousBypassHandle[i] = NULL; continue; } // Check if the handle was locked previously if (private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK & hnd->flags) { if (GENLOCK_FAILURE == genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd)) { LOGE("%s: genlock_unlock_buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); } else { ctx->previousBypassHandle[i] = NULL; // Reset the lock flag hnd->flags &= ~private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK; } } } } void print_info(hwc_layer_t* layer) { hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = layer->sourceCrop; hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame; int s_l = sourceCrop.left; int s_t = sourceCrop.top; int s_r = sourceCrop.right; int s_b = sourceCrop.bottom; int d_l = displayFrame.left; int d_t = displayFrame.top; int d_r = displayFrame.right; int d_b = displayFrame.bottom; LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG, "src:[%d,%d,%d,%d] (%d x %d) dst:[%d,%d,%d,%d] (%d x %d)", s_l, s_t, s_r, s_b, (s_r - s_l), (s_b - s_t), d_l, d_t, d_r, d_b, (d_r - d_l), (d_b - d_t)); } //Crops source buffer against destination and FB boundaries void calculate_crop_rects(hwc_rect_t& crop, hwc_rect_t& dst, int hw_w, int hw_h) { int& crop_x = crop.left; int& crop_y = crop.top; int& crop_r = crop.right; int& crop_b = crop.bottom; int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left; int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top; int& dst_x = dst.left; int& dst_y = dst.top; int& dst_r = dst.right; int& dst_b = dst.bottom; int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left; int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top; if(dst_x < 0) { float scale_x = crop_w * 1.0f / dst_w; float diff_factor = (scale_x * abs(dst_x)); crop_x = crop_x + (int)diff_factor; crop_w = crop_r - crop_x; dst_x = 0; dst_w = dst_r - dst_x;; } if(dst_r > hw_w) { float scale_x = crop_w * 1.0f / dst_w; float diff_factor = scale_x * (dst_r - hw_w); crop_r = crop_r - diff_factor; crop_w = crop_r - crop_x; dst_r = hw_w; dst_w = dst_r - dst_x; } if(dst_y < 0) { float scale_y = crop_h * 1.0f / dst_h; float diff_factor = scale_y * abs(dst_y); crop_y = crop_y + diff_factor; crop_h = crop_b - crop_y; dst_y = 0; dst_h = dst_b - dst_y; } if(dst_b > hw_h) { float scale_y = crop_h * 1.0f / dst_h; float diff_factor = scale_y * (dst_b - hw_h); crop_b = crop_b - diff_factor; crop_h = crop_b - crop_y; dst_b = hw_h; dst_h = dst_b - dst_y; } LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"crop: [%d,%d,%d,%d] dst:[%d,%d,%d,%d]", crop_x, crop_y, crop_w, crop_h,dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); } /* * Configures pipe(s) for composition bypass */ static int prepareBypass(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_t *layer, int nPipeIndex, int vsync_wait, int isFG) { if (ctx && ctx->mOvUI[nPipeIndex]) { overlay::OverlayUI *ovUI = ctx->mOvUI[nPipeIndex]; private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast< private_hwc_module_t*>(ctx->device.common.module); if (!hwcModule) { LOGE("%s: NULL Module", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { LOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int hw_w = hwcModule->fbDevice->width; int hw_h = hwcModule->fbDevice->height; hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = layer->sourceCrop; hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame; const int src_w = sourceCrop.right - sourceCrop.left; const int src_h = sourceCrop.bottom - sourceCrop.top; hwc_rect_t crop = sourceCrop; int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left; int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top; hwc_rect_t dst = displayFrame; int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left; int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top; if(hnd != NULL && (hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_NONCONTIGUOUS_MEM )) { LOGE("%s: Unable to setup bypass due to non-pmem memory",__FUNCTION__); return -1; } if(dst.left < 0 || dst.top < 0 || dst.right > hw_w || dst.bottom > hw_h) { LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Destination has negative coordinates", __FUNCTION__); calculate_crop_rects(crop, dst, hw_w, hw_h); //Update calulated width and height crop_w = crop.right - crop.left; crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top; dst_w = dst.right - dst.left; dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top; } if( (dst_w > hw_w)|| (dst_h > hw_h)) { LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Destination rectangle exceeds FB resolution", __FUNCTION__); print_info(layer); dst_w = hw_w; dst_h = hw_h; } overlay_buffer_info info; info.width = src_w; info.height = src_h; info.format = hnd->format; info.size = hnd->size; int fbnum = 0; int orientation = layer->transform & FINAL_TRANSFORM_MASK; const bool useVGPipe = #ifdef NO_BYPASS_CROPPING (nPipeIndex != (MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS - 2)); #else (nPipeIndex != (MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS - 1)); #endif //only last layer should wait for vsync const bool waitForVsync = vsync_wait; const bool isFg = isFG; //Just to differentiate zorders for different layers const int zorder = nPipeIndex; ovUI->setSource(info, orientation); ovUI->setCrop(crop.left, crop.top, crop_w, crop_h); ovUI->setDisplayParams(fbnum, waitForVsync, isFg, zorder, useVGPipe); ovUI->setPosition(dst.left, dst.top, dst_w, dst_h); LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Bypass set: crop[%d,%d,%d,%d] dst[%d,%d,%d,%d] waitforVsync: %d \ isFg: %d zorder: %d VG = %d nPipe: %d",__FUNCTION__, crop.left, crop.top, crop_w, crop_h, dst.left, dst.top, dst_w, dst_h, waitForVsync, isFg, zorder, useVGPipe, nPipeIndex ); if(ovUI->commit() != overlay::NO_ERROR) { LOGE("%s: Overlay Commit failed", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } } return 0; } #ifdef NO_BYPASS_CROPPING inline bool isLayerCropped(const hwc_layer_t* layer, int hw_w, int hw_h) { int dst_w, dst_h; getLayerResolution(layer, dst_w, dst_h); hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = layer->sourceCrop; const int src_w = sourceCrop.right - sourceCrop.left; const int src_h = sourceCrop.bottom - sourceCrop.top; hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame; return dst.left < 0 || dst.top < 0 || dst.right > hw_w || dst.bottom > hw_h || src_w > dst_w || src_h > dst_h; } #endif /* * Checks if doing comp. bypass is possible. * It is possible if * 1. No MDP pipe is used * 2. Rotation is not needed * 3. We have atmost MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS */ inline static bool isBypassDoable(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, const int yuvCount, const hwc_layer_list_t* list) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); if(!ctx) { LOGE("%s: hwc context is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return false; } //Check if enabled in build.prop if(hwcModule->isBypassEnabled == false) { return false; } if(list->numHwLayers < 1) { return false; } #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY //Disable bypass when HDMI is enabled if(ctx->mHDMIEnabled || ctx->pendingHDMI) { return false; } #endif if(ExtDispOnly::isModeOn()) { return false; } if(ctx->idleTimeOut) { ctx->idleTimeOut = false; return false; } #ifdef NO_BYPASS_CROPPING int hw_w = hwcModule->fbDevice->width; int hw_h = hwcModule->fbDevice->height; #endif //Bypass is not efficient if rotation or asynchronous mode is needed. for(int i = 0; i < list->numHwLayers; ++i) { if(list->hwLayers[i].transform & FINAL_TRANSFORM_MASK) { return false; } if(list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_LAYER_ASYNCHRONOUS) { if (ctx->swapInterval > 0) return false; } #ifdef NO_BYPASS_CROPPING if (isLayerCropped(&(list->hwLayers[i]), hw_w, hw_h)) { return false; } #endif } return (yuvCount == 0) && (ctx->hwcOverlayStatus == HWC_OVERLAY_CLOSED) && (list->numHwLayers <= MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS); } void setBypassLayerFlags(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { for(int index = 0 ; index < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; index++ ) { int layer_index = ctx->layerindex[index]; if(layer_index >= 0) { hwc_layer_t* layer = &(list->hwLayers[layer_index]); layer->flags |= HWC_COMP_BYPASS; layer->compositionType = HWC_USE_OVERLAY; layer->hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; } } if( list->numHwLayers > ctx->nPipesUsed ) { list->flags &= ~HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION; //Compose to FB } else { list->flags |= HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION; // Dont } } bool setupBypass(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { int nPipeIndex, vsync_wait, isFG; int numHwLayers = list->numHwLayers; int nPipeAvailable = MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; for (int index = 0 ; (index < numHwLayers) && nPipeAvailable; index++) { hwc_layer_t* layer = &(list->hwLayers[index]); nPipeIndex = MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS - nPipeAvailable; //Set VSYNC wait is needed only for the last pipe queued vsync_wait = (nPipeIndex == (numHwLayers-1)); //Set isFG to true for layer with z-order zero isFG = !index; //Clear Bypass flags for the layer layer->flags &= ~HWC_COMP_BYPASS; layer->flags |= HWC_BYPASS_INDEX_MASK; if( prepareBypass(ctx, &(list->hwLayers[index]), nPipeIndex, vsync_wait, isFG) != 0 ) { LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG, "%s: layer %d failed to configure bypass for pipe index: %d", __FUNCTION__, index, nPipeIndex); return false; } else { ctx->layerindex[nPipeIndex] = index; setLayerbypassIndex(layer, nPipeIndex); nPipeAvailable--; } } ctx->nPipesUsed = MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS - nPipeAvailable; return true; } void unsetBypassLayerFlags(hwc_layer_list_t* list) { if (!list) return; for (int index = 0 ; index < list->numHwLayers; index++) { if(list->hwLayers[index].flags & HWC_COMP_BYPASS) { list->hwLayers[index].flags &= ~HWC_COMP_BYPASS; } } } void unsetBypassBufferLockState(hwc_context_t* ctx) { for (int i= 0; i< MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; i++) { ctx->bypassBufferLockState[i] = BYPASS_BUFFER_UNLOCKED; } } void storeLockedBypassHandle(hwc_layer_list_t* list, hwc_context_t* ctx) { if (!list) return; for(int index = 0; index < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; index++ ) { hwc_layer_t layer = list->hwLayers[ctx->layerindex[index]]; if (layer.flags & HWC_COMP_BYPASS) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t*)layer.handle; if (ctx->bypassBufferLockState[index] == BYPASS_BUFFER_LOCKED) { ctx->previousBypassHandle[index] = (native_handle_t*)layer.handle; hnd->flags |= private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK; } else { ctx->previousBypassHandle[index] = NULL; } } } } void closeExtraPipes(hwc_context_t* ctx) { int pipes_used = ctx->nPipesUsed; //Unused pipes must be of higher z-order //Note that MDP on closechannel call just marks the //pipes for closure. The pipes are actually closed //on next VSYNC for (int i = pipes_used ; i < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; i++) { ctx->mOvUI[i]->closeChannel(); ctx->layerindex[i] = -1; } } #endif //COMPOSITION_BYPASS // Returns true if external panel is connected static inline bool isExternalConnected(const hwc_context_t* ctx) { #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY return (ctx->mHDMIEnabled != EXT_TYPE_NONE); #endif return false; } // Returns true if we have a skip layer static inline bool isSkipLayer(const hwc_layer_t* layer) { return (layer && (layer->flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER)); } // Returns true if the buffer is yuv static inline bool isYuvBuffer(const private_handle_t* hnd) { return (hnd && (hnd->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO)); } //Return true if buffer is marked locked static inline bool isBufferLocked(const private_handle_t* hnd) { return (hnd && (private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK & hnd->flags)); } static int getLayerS3DFormat (hwc_layer_t &layer) { int s3dFormat = 0; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer.handle; if (hnd) s3dFormat = FORMAT_3D_INPUT(hnd->format); return s3dFormat; } //Mark layers for GPU composition but not if it is a 3D layer. static inline void markForGPUComp(const hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_list_t* list, const int limit) { for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if( getLayerS3DFormat( list->hwLayers[i] ) ) { continue; } else { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; list->hwLayers[i].hints &= ~HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; } } } static int setVideoOverlayStatusInGralloc(hwc_context_t* ctx, const int value) { #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( ctx->device.common.module); if(!hwcModule) { LOGE("%s: invalid params", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = hwcModule->fbDevice; if (!fbDev) { LOGE("%s: fbDev is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } // Inform the gralloc about the video overlay fbDev->perform(fbDev, EVENT_VIDEO_OVERLAY, value); #endif return 0; } static int hwc_closeOverlayChannels(hwc_context_t* ctx) { #ifdef USE_OVERLAY overlay::Overlay *ovLibObject = ctx->mOverlayLibObject; if(!ovLibObject) { LOGE("%s: invalid params", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE == ctx->hwcOverlayStatus) { // Video mirroring is going on, and we do not have any layers to // mirror directly. Close the current video channel and inform the // gralloc to start UI mirroring ovLibObject->closeChannel(); // Inform the gralloc that video overlay has stopped. setVideoOverlayStatusInGralloc(ctx, VIDEO_OVERLAY_ENDED); ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_CLOSED; } #endif return 0; } /* * Configures mdp pipes */ static int prepareOverlay(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_t *layer, const int flags) { int ret = 0; #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS if(ctx && (ctx->bypassState != BYPASS_OFF)) { ctx->nPipesUsed = 0; closeExtraPipes(ctx); unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); ctx->bypassState = BYPASS_OFF; } #endif if (LIKELY(ctx && ctx->mOverlayLibObject)) { private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast(ctx->device.common.module); if (UNLIKELY(!hwcModule)) { LOGE("prepareOverlay null module "); return -1; } private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; overlay::Overlay *ovLibObject = ctx->mOverlayLibObject; overlay_buffer_info info; info.width = hnd->width; info.height = hnd->height; info.format = hnd->format; info.size = hnd->size; int hdmiConnected = 0; #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY if(!ctx->pendingHDMI) //makes sure the UI channel is opened first hdmiConnected = (int)ctx->mHDMIEnabled; #endif ret = ovLibObject->setSource(info, layer->transform, hdmiConnected, flags); if (!ret) { LOGE("prepareOverlay setSource failed"); return -1; } ret = ovLibObject->setTransform(layer->transform); if (!ret) { LOGE("prepareOverlay setTransform failed transform %x", layer->transform); return -1; } hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = layer->sourceCrop; ret = ovLibObject->setCrop(sourceCrop.left, sourceCrop.top, (sourceCrop.right - sourceCrop.left), (sourceCrop.bottom - sourceCrop.top)); if (!ret) { LOGE("prepareOverlay setCrop failed"); return -1; } #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY // Send the device orientation to overlayLib if(hwcModule) { framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = reinterpret_cast (hwcModule->fbDevice); if(fbDev) { private_module_t* m = reinterpret_cast( fbDev->common.module); if(m) ovLibObject->setDeviceOrientation(m->orientation); } } #endif if (layer->flags & HWC_USE_ORIGINAL_RESOLUTION) { framebuffer_device_t* fbDev = hwcModule->fbDevice; ret = ovLibObject->setPosition(0, 0, fbDev->width, fbDev->height); } else { hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame; ret = ovLibObject->setPosition(displayFrame.left, displayFrame.top, (displayFrame.right - displayFrame.left), (displayFrame.bottom - displayFrame.top)); } if (!ret) { LOGE("prepareOverlay setPosition failed"); return -1; } } return 0; } void unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(hwc_context_t* ctx) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t*) ctx->previousOverlayHandle; if (hnd) { // Validate the handle before attempting to use it. if (!private_handle_t::validate(hnd) && isBufferLocked(hnd)) { if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR == genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd)) { //If previous is same as current, keep locked. if(hnd != ctx->currentOverlayHandle) { hnd->flags &= ~private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK; } } else { LOGE("%s: genlock_unlock_buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); } } } ctx->previousOverlayHandle = ctx->currentOverlayHandle; ctx->currentOverlayHandle = NULL; } bool canSkipComposition(hwc_context_t* ctx, int yuvBufferCount, int currentLayerCount, int numLayersNotUpdating) { if (!ctx) { LOGE("canSkipComposition invalid context"); return false; } #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY if(ctx->forceComposition) { ctx->forceComposition = false; return false; } #endif hwc_composer_device_t* dev = (hwc_composer_device_t *)(ctx); private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); if (hwcModule->compositionType == COMPOSITION_TYPE_CPU) return false; //Video / Camera case if (ctx->yuvBufferCount == 1) { //If the previousLayerCount is anything other than the current count, it //means something changed and we need to compose atleast once to FB. if (currentLayerCount != ctx->previousLayerCount) { ctx->previousLayerCount = currentLayerCount; return false; } // We either have only one overlay layer or we have // all non-updating UI layers. // We can skip the composition of the UI layers. if ((currentLayerCount == 1) || ((currentLayerCount - 1) == numLayersNotUpdating)) { return true; } } else { ctx->previousLayerCount = -1; } return false; } static bool canUseCopybit(const framebuffer_device_t* fbDev, const hwc_layer_list_t* list) { if(!fbDev) { LOGE("ERROR: %s : fb device is invalid",__func__); return false; } if (!list) return false; int fb_w = fbDev->width; int fb_h = fbDev->height; /* * Use copybit only when we need to blit * max 2 full screen sized regions */ unsigned int renderArea = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list->numHwLayers; i++ ) { int w, h; getLayerResolution(&list->hwLayers[i], w, h); renderArea += w*h; } return (renderArea <= (2 * fb_w * fb_h)); } static void handleHDMIStateChange(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, int externaltype) { #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); //Route the event to fbdev only if we are in default mirror mode if(ExtDispOnly::isModeOn() == false) { framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = hwcModule->fbDevice; if (fbDev) { fbDev->perform(fbDev, EVENT_EXTERNAL_DISPLAY, externaltype); } if(ctx && ctx->mOverlayLibObject) { overlay::Overlay *ovLibObject = ctx->mOverlayLibObject; if (!externaltype) { // Close the external overlay channels if HDMI is disconnected ovLibObject->closeExternalChannel(); } } } #endif } /* * Save callback functions registered to HWC */ static void hwc_registerProcs(struct hwc_composer_device* dev, hwc_procs_t const* procs) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if(!ctx) { LOGE("%s: Invalid context", __FUNCTION__); return; } ctx->device.reserved_proc[0] = (void*)procs; } /* * function to set the status of external display in hwc * Just mark flags and do stuff after eglSwapBuffers * externaltype - can be HDMI, WIFI or OFF */ static void hwc_enableHDMIOutput(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, int externaltype) { #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = hwcModule->fbDevice; overlay::Overlay *ovLibObject = ctx->mOverlayLibObject; if(externaltype && ctx->mHDMIEnabled && (externaltype != ctx->mHDMIEnabled)) { // Close the current external display - as the SF will // prioritize and send the correct external display HDMI/WFD handleHDMIStateChange(dev, 0); } // Store the external display ctx->mHDMIEnabled = (external_display_type)externaltype; if(ctx->mHDMIEnabled) { //On connect, allow bypass to draw once to FB ctx->pendingHDMI = true; } else { //On disconnect, close immediately (there will be no bypass) handleHDMIStateChange(dev, ctx->mHDMIEnabled); } #endif } /* function to handle the custom events to hwc. * event - type of event * value - value associated with the event */ static void hwc_perform(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, int event, int value) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); switch(event) { #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY case EVENT_EXTERNAL_DISPLAY: hwc_enableHDMIOutput(dev, value); break; #endif default: LOGE("In hwc:perform UNKNOWN EVENT = %d!!", event); break; } return; } static bool isValidDestination(const framebuffer_device_t* fbDev, const hwc_rect_t& rect) { if (!fbDev) { LOGE("%s: fbDev is null", __FUNCTION__); return false; } int dest_width = (rect.right - rect.left); int dest_height = (rect.bottom - rect.top); if (rect.left < 0 || rect.right < 0 || rect.top < 0 || rect.bottom < 0 || dest_width <= 0 || dest_height <= 0) { LOGE("%s: destination: left=%d right=%d top=%d bottom=%d width=%d" "height=%d", __FUNCTION__, rect.left, rect.right, rect.top, rect.bottom, dest_width, dest_height); return false; } if ((rect.left+dest_width) > fbDev->width || (rect.top+dest_height) > fbDev->height) { LOGE("%s: destination out of bound params", __FUNCTION__); return false; } return true; } static int getS3DVideoFormat (const hwc_layer_list_t* list) { int s3dFormat = 0; if (list) { for (size_t i=0; inumHwLayers; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[i].handle; if (hnd && (hnd->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO)) s3dFormat = FORMAT_3D_INPUT(hnd->format); if (s3dFormat) break; } } return s3dFormat; } static int getS3DFormat (const hwc_layer_list_t* list) { int s3dFormat = 0; if (list) { for (size_t i=0; inumHwLayers; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[i].handle; if (hnd) s3dFormat = FORMAT_3D_INPUT(hnd->format); if (s3dFormat) break; } } return s3dFormat; } static bool isS3DCompositionRequired() { #ifdef HDMI_AS_PRIMARY return overlay::is3DTV(); #endif return false; } static void markUILayerForS3DComposition (hwc_layer_t &layer, int s3dVideoFormat) { #ifdef HDMI_AS_PRIMARY layer.compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; switch(s3dVideoFormat) { case HAL_3D_IN_SIDE_BY_SIDE_L_R: case HAL_3D_IN_SIDE_BY_SIDE_R_L: layer.hints |= HWC_HINT_DRAW_S3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE; break; case HAL_3D_IN_TOP_BOTTOM: layer.hints |= HWC_HINT_DRAW_S3D_TOP_BOTTOM; break; default: LOGE("%s: Unknown S3D input format 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, s3dVideoFormat); break; } #endif return; } /* * This function loops thru the list of hwc layers and caches the * layer details - such as yuvBuffer count, secure layer count etc.,(can * add more in future) * */ static void statCount(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { int yuvBufCount = 0; int secureLayerCnt = 0; int layersNotUpdatingCount = 0; if (list) { for (size_t i=0 ; inumHwLayers; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[i].handle; if (hnd && (hnd->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO) && !(list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_DO_NOT_USE_OVERLAY)) { yuvBufCount++; } if (hnd && (hnd->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO) && (hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_SECURE_BUFFER) ) { secureLayerCnt++; } if (hnd && (hnd->bufferType != BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO) && list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_LAYER_NOT_UPDATING) { layersNotUpdatingCount++; } } } ctx->yuvBufferCount = yuvBufCount; ctx->numLayersNotUpdating = layersNotUpdatingCount; return; } static int hwc_prepare(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); ctx->currentOverlayHandle = NULL; if(!ctx) { LOGE("hwc_prepare invalid context"); return -1; } private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); if (!hwcModule) { LOGE("hwc_prepare invalid module"); #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); #endif unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(ctx); ExtDispOnly::close(); return -1; } int layerType = 0; bool isS3DCompositionNeeded = false; int s3dVideoFormat = 0; bool useCopybit = false; bool isSkipLayerPresent = false; bool skipComposition = false; if (list) { useCopybit = canUseCopybit(hwcModule->fbDevice, list); // cache the number of layer(like YUV, SecureBuffer, notupdating etc.,) statCount(ctx, list); skipComposition = canSkipComposition(ctx, ctx->yuvBufferCount, list->numHwLayers, ctx->numLayersNotUpdating); if ((ctx->yuvBufferCount == 0) && (ctx->hwcOverlayStatus == HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN)) { ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE; } if (ctx->yuvBufferCount == 1) { s3dVideoFormat = getS3DVideoFormat(list); if (s3dVideoFormat) isS3DCompositionNeeded = isS3DCompositionRequired(); } else if((s3dVideoFormat = getS3DFormat(list))){ if (s3dVideoFormat) isS3DCompositionNeeded = isS3DCompositionRequired(); } for (size_t i=0 ; inumHwLayers ; i++) { private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[i].handle; // If there is a single Fullscreen layer, we can bypass it - TBD // If there is only one video/camera buffer, we can bypass itn if (isSkipLayer(&list->hwLayers[i])) { isSkipLayerPresent = true; skipComposition = false; //Reset count, so that we end up composing once after animation //is over, in case of overlay. ctx->previousLayerCount = -1; //If YUV layer is marked as SKIP, close pipes. //If External is connected we still want to pump data to it, //so keep the pipes open. if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) && !isExternalConnected(ctx)) { if (ctx->hwcOverlayStatus == HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN) ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE; } // During the animaton UI layers are marked as SKIP // need to still mark the layer for S3D composition if (isS3DCompositionNeeded) markUILayerForS3DComposition(list->hwLayers[i], s3dVideoFormat); list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; list->hwLayers[i].hints &= ~HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; markForGPUComp(ctx, list, i); } else if (hnd && (hnd->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO) && (ctx->yuvBufferCount == 1)) { int flags = skipComposition ? WAIT_FOR_VSYNC : 0; flags |= (hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_SECURE_BUFFER)? SECURE_OVERLAY_SESSION : 0; flags |= (1 == list->numHwLayers) ? DISABLE_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH : 0; int videoStarted = VIDEO_2D_OVERLAY_STARTED; setVideoOverlayStatusInGralloc(ctx, videoStarted); if (!isValidDestination(hwcModule->fbDevice, list->hwLayers[i].displayFrame)) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; list->hwLayers[i].hints &= ~HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; //Even though there are no skip layers, animation is still //ON and in its final stages. //Reset count, so that we end up composing once after animation //is done, if overlay is used. ctx->previousLayerCount = -1; skipComposition = false; if (ctx->hwcOverlayStatus == HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN) ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE; #ifdef USE_OVERLAY } else if(prepareOverlay(ctx, &(list->hwLayers[i]), flags) == 0) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_OVERLAY; list->hwLayers[i].hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; // We've opened the channel. Set the state to open. ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN; #endif } else if (hwcModule->compositionType & (COMPOSITION_TYPE_C2D| COMPOSITION_TYPE_MDP)) { //Fail safe path: If drawing with overlay fails, //Use C2D if available. list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_COPYBIT; } else { //If C2D is not enabled fall back to GPU. list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; } if (HWC_USE_OVERLAY != list->hwLayers[i].compositionType) { skipComposition = false; } } else if (getLayerS3DFormat(list->hwLayers[i])) { int flags = skipComposition ? WAIT_FOR_VSYNC : 0; flags |= (1 == list->numHwLayers) ? DISABLE_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH : 0; flags |= (hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_SECURE_BUFFER)? SECURE_OVERLAY_SESSION : 0; int videoStarted = VIDEO_3D_OVERLAY_STARTED; setVideoOverlayStatusInGralloc(ctx, videoStarted); #ifdef USE_OVERLAY if(prepareOverlay(ctx, &(list->hwLayers[i]), flags) == 0) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_OVERLAY; list->hwLayers[i].hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; // We've opened the channel. Set the state to open. ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN; } #endif } else if (isS3DCompositionNeeded) { markUILayerForS3DComposition(list->hwLayers[i], s3dVideoFormat); } else if (list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_USE_ORIGINAL_RESOLUTION) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_OVERLAY; list->hwLayers[i].hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; layerType |= HWC_ORIG_RESOLUTION; } else if (hnd && hnd->flags & private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_EXTERNAL_ONLY) { //handle later after other layers are handled } else if (hnd && (hwcModule->compositionType & (COMPOSITION_TYPE_C2D|COMPOSITION_TYPE_MDP))) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_COPYBIT; } else if ((hwcModule->compositionType == COMPOSITION_TYPE_DYN) && useCopybit) { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_USE_COPYBIT; } else { list->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; } } //Update the stats and pipe config for external-only layers ExtDispOnly::update(ctx, list); if (skipComposition) { list->flags |= HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION; } else { list->flags &= ~HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION; } #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS bool isBypassUsed = true; bool isDoable = isBypassDoable(dev, ctx->yuvBufferCount, list); //Check if bypass is feasible if(isDoable && !isSkipLayerPresent) { if(setupBypass(ctx, list)) { setBypassLayerFlags(ctx, list); ctx->bypassState = BYPASS_ON; } else { LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Bypass setup Failed",__FUNCTION__); isBypassUsed = false; } } else { LOGE_IF( BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Bypass not possible[%d,%d]",__FUNCTION__, isDoable, !isSkipLayerPresent ); isBypassUsed = false; } //Reset bypass states if(!isBypassUsed) { ctx->nPipesUsed = 0; unsetBypassLayerFlags(list); if(ctx->bypassState == BYPASS_ON) { ctx->bypassState = BYPASS_OFF_PENDING; } } #endif } else { #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); #endif unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(ctx); } return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct range { int current; int end; }; struct region_iterator : public copybit_region_t { region_iterator(hwc_region_t region) { mRegion = region; r.end = region.numRects; r.current = 0; this->next = iterate; } private: static int iterate(copybit_region_t const * self, copybit_rect_t* rect) { if (!self || !rect) { LOGE("iterate invalid parameters"); return 0; } region_iterator const* me = static_cast(self); if (me->r.current != me->r.end) { rect->l = me->mRegion.rects[me->r.current].left; rect->t = me->mRegion.rects[me->r.current].top; rect->r = me->mRegion.rects[me->r.current].right; rect->b = me->mRegion.rects[me->r.current].bottom; me->r.current++; return 1; } return 0; } hwc_region_t mRegion; mutable range r; }; static int drawLayerUsingCopybit(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, hwc_layer_t *layer, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if(!ctx) { LOGE("%s: null context ", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast(dev->common.module); if(!hwcModule) { LOGE("%s: null module ", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { LOGE("%s: invalid handle", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } // Lock this buffer for read. genlock_lock_type lockType = GENLOCK_READ_LOCK; int err = genlock_lock_buffer(hnd, lockType, GENLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT); if (GENLOCK_FAILURE == err) { LOGE("%s: genlock_lock_buffer(READ) failed", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } //render buffer android_native_buffer_t *renderBuffer = (android_native_buffer_t *)eglGetRenderBufferANDROID(dpy, surface); if (!renderBuffer) { LOGE("%s: eglGetRenderBufferANDROID returned NULL buffer", __FUNCTION__); genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); return -1; } private_handle_t *fbHandle = (private_handle_t *)renderBuffer->handle; if(!fbHandle) { LOGE("%s: Framebuffer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__); genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); return -1; } // Set the copybit source: copybit_image_t src; src.w = hnd->width; src.h = hnd->height; src.format = hnd->format; src.base = (void *)hnd->base; src.handle = (native_handle_t *)layer->handle; src.horiz_padding = src.w - hnd->width; // Initialize vertical padding to zero for now, // this needs to change to accomodate vertical stride // if needed in the future src.vert_padding = 0; // Remove the srcBufferTransform if any layer->transform = (layer->transform & FINAL_TRANSFORM_MASK); // Copybit source rect hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = layer->sourceCrop; copybit_rect_t srcRect = {sourceCrop.left, sourceCrop.top, sourceCrop.right, sourceCrop.bottom}; // Copybit destination rect hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame; copybit_rect_t dstRect = {displayFrame.left, displayFrame.top, displayFrame.right, displayFrame.bottom}; // Copybit dst copybit_image_t dst; dst.w = ALIGN(fbHandle->width,32); dst.h = fbHandle->height; dst.format = fbHandle->format; dst.base = (void *)fbHandle->base; dst.handle = (native_handle_t *)renderBuffer->handle; copybit_device_t *copybit = hwcModule->copybitEngine; int32_t screen_w = displayFrame.right - displayFrame.left; int32_t screen_h = displayFrame.bottom - displayFrame.top; int32_t src_crop_width = sourceCrop.right - sourceCrop.left; int32_t src_crop_height = sourceCrop.bottom -sourceCrop.top; float copybitsMaxScale = (float)copybit->get(copybit,COPYBIT_MAGNIFICATION_LIMIT); float copybitsMinScale = (float)copybit->get(copybit,COPYBIT_MINIFICATION_LIMIT); if((layer->transform == HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) || (layer->transform == HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_270)) { //swap screen width and height int tmp = screen_w; screen_w = screen_h; screen_h = tmp; } private_handle_t *tmpHnd = NULL; if(screen_w <=0 || screen_h<=0 ||src_crop_width<=0 || src_crop_height<=0 ) { LOGE("%s: wrong params for display screen_w=%d src_crop_width=%d screen_w=%d \ src_crop_width=%d", __FUNCTION__, screen_w, src_crop_width,screen_w,src_crop_width); genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); return -1; } float dsdx = (float)screen_w/src_crop_width; float dtdy = (float)screen_h/src_crop_height; float scaleLimitMax = copybitsMaxScale * copybitsMaxScale; float scaleLimitMin = copybitsMinScale * copybitsMinScale; if(dsdx > scaleLimitMax || dtdy > scaleLimitMax || dsdx < 1/scaleLimitMin || dtdy < 1/scaleLimitMin) { LOGE("%s: greater than max supported size dsdx=%f dtdy=%f scaleLimitMax=%f scaleLimitMin=%f", __FUNCTION__,dsdx,dtdy,scaleLimitMax,1/scaleLimitMin); genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); return -1; } if(dsdx > copybitsMaxScale || dtdy > copybitsMaxScale || dsdx < 1/copybitsMinScale || dtdy < 1/copybitsMinScale){ // The requested scale is out of the range the hardware // can support. LOGD("%s:%d::Need to scale twice dsdx=%f, dtdy=%f,copybitsMaxScale=%f,copybitsMinScale=%f,screen_w=%d,screen_h=%d \ src_crop_width=%d src_crop_height=%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__, dsdx,dtdy,copybitsMaxScale,1/copybitsMinScale,screen_w,screen_h,src_crop_width,src_crop_height); //Driver makes width and height as even //that may cause wrong calculation of the ratio //in display and crop.Hence we make //crop width and height as even. src_crop_width = (src_crop_width/2)*2; src_crop_height = (src_crop_height/2)*2; int tmp_w = src_crop_width; int tmp_h = src_crop_height; if (dsdx > copybitsMaxScale || dtdy > copybitsMaxScale ){ tmp_w = src_crop_width*copybitsMaxScale; tmp_h = src_crop_height*copybitsMaxScale; }else if (dsdx < 1/copybitsMinScale ||dtdy < 1/copybitsMinScale ){ tmp_w = src_crop_width/copybitsMinScale; tmp_h = src_crop_height/copybitsMinScale; tmp_w = (tmp_w/2)*2; tmp_h = (tmp_h/2)*2; } LOGD("%s:%d::tmp_w = %d,tmp_h = %d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,tmp_w,tmp_h); int usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_ADSP_HEAP | GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_MM_HEAP; if (0 == alloc_buffer(&tmpHnd, tmp_w, tmp_h, fbHandle->format, usage)){ copybit_image_t tmp_dst; copybit_rect_t tmp_rect; tmp_dst.w = tmp_w; tmp_dst.h = tmp_h; tmp_dst.format = tmpHnd->format; tmp_dst.handle = tmpHnd; tmp_dst.horiz_padding = src.horiz_padding; tmp_dst.vert_padding = src.vert_padding; tmp_rect.l = 0; tmp_rect.t = 0; tmp_rect.r = tmp_dst.w; tmp_rect.b = tmp_dst.h; //create one clip region hwc_rect tmp_hwc_rect = {0,0,tmp_rect.r,tmp_rect.b}; hwc_region_t tmp_hwc_reg = {1,(hwc_rect_t const*)&tmp_hwc_rect}; region_iterator tmp_it(tmp_hwc_reg); copybit->set_parameter(copybit,COPYBIT_TRANSFORM,0); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE) ? -1 : layer->alpha); err = copybit->stretch(copybit,&tmp_dst, &src, &tmp_rect, &srcRect, &tmp_it); if(err < 0){ LOGE("%s:%d::tmp copybit stretch failed",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); if(tmpHnd) free_buffer(tmpHnd); genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); return err; } // copy new src and src rect crop src = tmp_dst; srcRect = tmp_rect; } } // Copybit region hwc_region_t region = layer->visibleRegionScreen; region_iterator copybitRegion(region); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH, renderBuffer->width); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT, renderBuffer->height); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_TRANSFORM, layer->transform); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE) ? -1 : layer->alpha); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_PREMULT)? COPYBIT_ENABLE : COPYBIT_DISABLE); copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_DITHER, (dst.format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565)? COPYBIT_ENABLE : COPYBIT_DISABLE); err = copybit->stretch(copybit, &dst, &src, &dstRect, &srcRect, ©bitRegion); if(tmpHnd) free_buffer(tmpHnd); if(err < 0) LOGE("%s: copybit stretch failed",__FUNCTION__); // Unlock this buffer since copybit is done with it. err = genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); if (GENLOCK_FAILURE == err) { LOGE("%s: genlock_unlock_buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); } return err; } static int drawLayerUsingOverlay(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_t *layer) { if (ctx && ctx->mOverlayLibObject) { private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast(ctx->device.common.module); if (!hwcModule) { LOGE("drawLayerUsingLayer null module "); return -1; } private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; overlay::Overlay *ovLibObject = ctx->mOverlayLibObject; int ret = 0; // Lock this buffer for read. if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_lock_buffer(hnd, GENLOCK_READ_LOCK, GENLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT)) { LOGE("%s: genlock_lock_buffer(READ) failed", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } ret = ovLibObject->queueBuffer(hnd); if (!ret) { LOGE("drawLayerUsingOverlay queueBuffer failed"); // Unlock the buffer handle genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd); } else { // Store the current buffer handle as the one that is to be unlocked after // the next overlay play call. hnd->flags |= private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_HWC_LOCK; ctx->currentOverlayHandle = hnd; } return ret; } return -1; } #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS static int drawLayerUsingBypass(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_t *layer, int layer_index) { int index = getLayerbypassIndex(layer); if(index < 0) { LOGE("%s: Invalid bypass index (%d)", __FUNCTION__, index); return -1; } if (ctx && ctx->mOvUI[index]) { overlay::OverlayUI *ovUI = ctx->mOvUI[index]; int ret = 0; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { LOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } ctx->bypassBufferLockState[index] = BYPASS_BUFFER_UNLOCKED; if (ctx->swapInterval > 0) { if (GENLOCK_FAILURE == genlock_lock_buffer(hnd, GENLOCK_READ_LOCK, GENLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT)) { LOGE("%s: genlock_lock_buffer(READ) failed", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } ctx->bypassBufferLockState[index] = BYPASS_BUFFER_LOCKED; } LOGE_IF(BYPASS_DEBUG,"%s: Bypassing layer: %p using pipe: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, index ); ret = ovUI->queueBuffer(hnd); if (ret) { // Unlock the locked buffer if (ctx->swapInterval > 0) { if (GENLOCK_FAILURE == genlock_unlock_buffer(hnd)) { LOGE("%s: genlock_unlock_buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); } } ctx->bypassBufferLockState[index] = BYPASS_BUFFER_UNLOCKED; return -1; } } return 0; } #endif static int hwc_set(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, hwc_display_t dpy, hwc_surface_t sur, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if(!ctx) { LOGE("hwc_set invalid context"); ExtDispOnly::close(); return -1; } private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( dev->common.module); framebuffer_device_t *fbDev = hwcModule->fbDevice; if (!hwcModule) { LOGE("hwc_set invalid module"); #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); #endif ExtDispOnly::close(); unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(ctx); return -1; } #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS if(!list){ //Device in suspended state. Close all the MDP pipes ctx->nPipesUsed = 0; } closeExtraPipes(ctx); #endif int ret = 0; if (list) { bool bDumpLayers = needToDumpLayers(); // Check need for debugging dumps for (size_t i=0; inumHwLayers; i++) { if (bDumpLayers) dumpLayer(hwcModule->compositionType, list->flags, i, list->hwLayers); if (list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER) { continue; #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS } else if (list->hwLayers[i].flags & HWC_COMP_BYPASS) { ctx->idleTimer.reset(); drawLayerUsingBypass(ctx, &(list->hwLayers[i]), i); #endif } else if (list->hwLayers[i].compositionType == HWC_USE_OVERLAY) { drawLayerUsingOverlay(ctx, &(list->hwLayers[i])); } else if (list->flags & HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION) { continue; } else if (list->hwLayers[i].compositionType == HWC_USE_COPYBIT) { drawLayerUsingCopybit(dev, &(list->hwLayers[i]), (EGLDisplay)dpy, (EGLSurface)sur); } } } else { if (ctx->hwcOverlayStatus == HWC_OVERLAY_OPEN) ctx->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_PREPARE_TO_CLOSE; } bool canSkipComposition = list && list->flags & HWC_SKIP_COMPOSITION; //Draw External-only layers if(ExtDispOnly::draw(ctx, list) != overlay::NO_ERROR) { ExtDispOnly::close(); } #if BYPASS_DEBUG if(canSkipComposition) LOGE("%s: skipping eglSwapBuffer call", __FUNCTION__); #endif // Do not call eglSwapBuffers if we the skip composition flag is set on the list. if (dpy && sur && !canSkipComposition) { //Wait for closing pipes and unlocking buffers until FB is done posting //buffers, only if MDP pipes are in use. (Video, Comp.Bypass) //For future releases we might wait even for UI updates. TBD. bool waitForFBPost = false; #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS if(ctx->bypassState == BYPASS_OFF_PENDING) waitForFBPost = true; #endif if(ctx->hwcOverlayStatus != HWC_OVERLAY_CLOSED) waitForFBPost = true; //Reset FB post status before doing eglSwap if(waitForFBPost) fbDev->perform(fbDev, EVENT_RESET_POSTBUFFER, NULL); EGLBoolean sucess = eglSwapBuffers((EGLDisplay)dpy, (EGLSurface)sur); if (!sucess) { ret = HWC_EGL_ERROR; } else { //If swap succeeds, wait till FB posts buffer for display. if(waitForFBPost) fbDev->perform(fbDev, EVENT_WAIT_POSTBUFFER, NULL); #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS if(ctx->bypassState == BYPASS_OFF_PENDING) ctx->bypassState = BYPASS_OFF; #endif CALC_FPS(); } } #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); storeLockedBypassHandle(list, ctx); // We have stored the handles, unset the current lock states in the context. unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); #endif #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY if(ctx->pendingHDMI) { handleHDMIStateChange(dev, ctx->mHDMIEnabled); ctx->pendingHDMI = false; hwc_procs* proc = (hwc_procs*)ctx->device.reserved_proc[0]; if(!proc) { LOGE("%s: HWC proc not registered", __FUNCTION__); } else { /* Trigger SF to redraw the current frame * Used when the video is paused and external * display is connected */ ctx->forceComposition = true; proc->invalidate(proc); } } #endif hwc_closeOverlayChannels(ctx); // Unlock the previously locked vdeo buffer, since the overlay has completed // reading the buffer. Should be done only after closing channels, if // applicable. unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(ctx); return ret; } static int hwc_device_close(struct hw_device_t *dev) { if(!dev) { LOGE("hwc_device_close null device pointer"); return -1; } struct hwc_context_t* ctx = (struct hwc_context_t*)dev; private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast( ctx->device.common.module); // Close the overlay and copybit modules if(hwcModule->copybitEngine) { copybit_close(hwcModule->copybitEngine); hwcModule->copybitEngine = NULL; } if(hwcModule->fbDevice) { framebuffer_close(hwcModule->fbDevice); hwcModule->fbDevice = NULL; } unlockPreviousOverlayBuffer(ctx); if (ctx) { delete ctx->mOverlayLibObject; ctx->mOverlayLibObject = NULL; #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS for(int i = 0; i < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; i++) { delete ctx->mOvUI[i]; } unlockPreviousBypassBuffers(ctx); unsetBypassBufferLockState(ctx); #endif ExtDispOnly::close(); ExtDispOnly::destroy(); free(ctx); } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int hwc_module_initialize(struct private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule) { // Open the overlay and copybit modules hw_module_t const *module; if (hw_get_module(COPYBIT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module) == 0) { copybit_open(module, &(hwcModule->copybitEngine)); } if (hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module) == 0) { framebuffer_open(module, &(hwcModule->fbDevice)); } // get the current composition type char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("debug.sf.hw", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) == 0) { //debug.sf.hw = 0 hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_CPU; } else { //debug.sf.hw = 1 // Get the composition type property_get("debug.composition.type", property, NULL); if (property == NULL) { hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_GPU; } else if ((strncmp(property, "mdp", 3)) == 0) { hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_MDP; } else if ((strncmp(property, "c2d", 3)) == 0) { hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_C2D; } else if ((strncmp(property, "dyn", 3)) == 0) { hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_DYN; } else { hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_GPU; } if(!hwcModule->copybitEngine) hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_GPU; } } else { //debug.sf.hw is not set. Use cpu composition hwcModule->compositionType = COMPOSITION_TYPE_CPU; } //Check if composition bypass is enabled if(property_get("ro.sf.compbypass.enable", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) == 1) { hwcModule->isBypassEnabled = true; } } CALC_INIT(); return 0; } static int hwc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* name, struct hw_device_t** device) { int status = -EINVAL; if (!strcmp(name, HWC_HARDWARE_COMPOSER)) { private_hwc_module_t* hwcModule = reinterpret_cast (const_cast(module)); hwc_module_initialize(hwcModule); struct hwc_context_t *dev; dev = (hwc_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev)); /* initialize our state here */ memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); #ifdef USE_OVERLAY dev->mOverlayLibObject = new overlay::Overlay(); if(overlay::initOverlay() == -1) LOGE("overlay::initOverlay() ERROR!!"); #else dev->mOverlayLibObject = NULL; #endif #ifdef COMPOSITION_BYPASS for(int i = 0; i < MAX_BYPASS_LAYERS; i++) { dev->mOvUI[i] = new overlay::OverlayUI(); dev->previousBypassHandle[i] = NULL; } unsetBypassBufferLockState(dev); dev->bypassState = BYPASS_OFF; char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; unsigned long idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME; if (property_get("debug.bypass.idletime", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) != 0) idle_timeout = atoi(property); } dev->idleTimer.create(timeout_handler, dev); dev->idleTimer.setFreq(idle_timeout); dev->idleTimeOut = false; #endif ExtDispOnly::init(); #if defined HDMI_DUAL_DISPLAY dev->mHDMIEnabled = EXT_TYPE_NONE; dev->pendingHDMI = false; #endif dev->previousOverlayHandle = NULL; dev->currentOverlayHandle = NULL; dev->hwcOverlayStatus = HWC_OVERLAY_CLOSED; dev->previousLayerCount = -1; char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("debug.egl.swapinterval", value, "1") > 0) { dev->swapInterval = atoi(value); } /* initialize the procs */ dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; dev->device.common.version = 0; dev->device.common.module = const_cast(module); dev->device.common.close = hwc_device_close; dev->device.prepare = hwc_prepare; dev->device.set = hwc_set; dev->device.registerProcs = hwc_registerProcs; dev->device.perform = hwc_perform; *device = &dev->device.common; status = 0; } return status; }