Arif Ali 77ea40b3e8 leo: update code
* move all prebuilt stuff into the prebuild folder
* Create the system.prop so that we can have spaces in the rild.args
* moved the LEOUPDATE stuff so now uses squisher
* changed the initrd.gz creating, so that everything is in init.htcleo.rc
* 01modules is now moved here, rather than cyanogen vendor files

Change-Id: I7fb7d87503e46f6a11a8228ae29b3f50187d5634
2011-10-12 11:46:10 +01:00

18 lines
462 B

sleep 2
if [[ "`grep clk= /proc/cmdline`" == "" ]]; then
sed -i 's/\/boot\t\tmtd/\/boot\t\tyaffs2/g' /etc/recovery.fstab
# Commented out as it may or may not require this
#mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd-ext | grep sd-ext | awk '{print $5}'
#FS=`mount | grep sd-ext | awk '{print $5}'`
#umount /sd-ext
#sed -i 's/\/sd-ext\ \ \ \ \ auto/\/sd-ext\t\t'$FS'/g' /etc/recovery.fstab
#cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF
#/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd-ext $FS rw