# # system.prop for device # rild.libpath=/system/lib/libhtc_ril.so ro.ril.def.preferred.network = 4 ro.telephony.default_network = 4 wifi.interface = eth0 wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=15 ro.com.google.locationfeatures = 1 # density in DPI of the LCD of this board. This is used to scale the UI # appropriately. If this property is not defined, the default value is 160 dpi. ro.sf.lcd_density = 240 # ro.sf.lcd_density = 160 # For SD storage insert notification sound persist.service.mount.playsnd = 0 # For the agps default value ro.ril.def.agps.mode = 2 # For auto backlight default value settings.display.autobacklight=1 # default value of brightness settings.display.brightness=143 # For emmc phone storage ro.phone_storage = 1 # This is a high density device with more memory, so larger vm heaps for it. dalvik.vm.heapsize=32m gsm.sim.operator.numeric = 0 gsm.sim.operator.alpha = 0 gsm.sim.operator.iso-country = 0 #Modify MTU from 1500 to 1472 on 3G network ro.ril.set.mtu1472 = 1