lights: Add ability for dual leds and correct battery state
Show correct battery state: Android displays the battery as full even though it's only at 90%. With this patch a posix thread will be started that'll make sure the LED is amber even if android sets it to green if the battery is not full yet. Add ability for dual leds: The Leo has only native support for shortly flashing the green and amber led. With this patch the device will always have the LED on and shortly switch to the other LED color if there is a notification while the device is plugged in.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (C) 2012 milaq
* Copyright (C) 2011 The CyanogenMod Project
* Copyright (C) 2012 marc1706
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
* limitations under the License.
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "lights"
#include <cutils/log.h>
@ -27,36 +25,46 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <hardware/lights.h>
static pthread_once_t g_init = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_mutex_t g_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct light_state_t g_notification = {0,0,0,0,0};
static struct light_state_t g_battery = {0,0,0,0,0};
static struct light_state_t g_notification;
static struct light_state_t g_battery;
static int g_backlight = 255;
static char const*const GREEN_LED_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/green/brightness";
// battery state checker vars
static pthread_t t_battery_checker = 0;
static int battery_thread_check = 1;
static int last_battery_state = 0;
static int force_led_amber = 0;
static int battery_thread_running = 0;
static char const*const AMBER_LED_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/amber/brightness";
// alternate blinking led vars
static pthread_t t_alt_led = 0;
static int alt_thread_check = 1;
static int alt_thread_running = 0;
unsigned int main_led;
unsigned int alt_led;
static char const*const LCD_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness";
// sysfs files
char const*const AMBER_LED_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/amber/brightness";
char const*const GREEN_LED_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/green/brightness";
static char const*const AMBER_BLINK_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/amber/blink";
char const*const BUTTON_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness";
static char const*const GREEN_BLINK_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/green/blink";
char const*const AMBER_BLINK_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/amber/blink";
char const*const GREEN_BLINK_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/green/blink";
char const*const LCD_BACKLIGHT_FILE = "/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness";
static char const*const BUTTON_FILE
= "/sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness";
char const*const BATTERY_STATUS_FILE = "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/status";
enum {
@ -66,74 +74,41 @@ enum {
* device methods
* Aux method, write int to file
static int write_int (const char* path, int value) {
int fd;
static int already_warned = 0;
static int
write_int(char const* path, int value)
int fd;
static int already_warned = 0;
fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
if (already_warned == 0) {
LOGE("write_int failed to open %s\n", path);
already_warned = 1;
return -errno;
char buffer[20];
int bytes = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d\n",value);
int written = write (fd, buffer, bytes);
close (fd);
return written == -1 ? -errno : 0;
fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
if (fd >= 0) {
char buffer[20];
int bytes = sprintf(buffer, "%d\n", value);
int amt = write(fd, buffer, bytes);
return amt == -1 ? -errno : 0;
} else {
if (already_warned == 0) {
LOGE("write_int failed to open %s\n", path);
already_warned = 1;
return -errno;
static int
is_lit(struct light_state_t const* state)
return state->color & 0x00ffffff;
void init_globals (void) {
pthread_mutex_init (&g_lock, NULL);
static int
rgb_to_brightness(struct light_state_t const* state)
int color = state->color & 0x00ffffff;
return ((77*((color>>16)&0x00ff))
+ (150*((color>>8)&0x00ff)) + (29*(color&0x00ff))) >> 8;
static int is_lit (struct light_state_t const* state) {
return state->color & 0x00ffffff;
static int
set_light_backlight(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state)
int err = 0;
int brightness = rgb_to_brightness(state);
err = write_int(LCD_FILE, brightness);
return err;
static int
set_light_buttons(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state)
int err = 0;
int on = is_lit(state);
err = write_int(BUTTON_FILE, on?255:0);
return err;
static void
set_speaker_light_locked(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state)
unsigned int colorRGB = state->color & 0xFFFFFF;
static void set_speaker_light_locked (struct light_device_t *dev, struct light_state_t *state) {
unsigned int colorRGB = state->color & 0xFFFFFF;
unsigned int color = LED_BLANK;
if (colorRGB & 0xFF)
@ -142,6 +117,17 @@ set_speaker_light_locked(struct light_device_t* dev,
color = LED_GREEN;
if ((colorRGB >> 16)&0xFF)
color = LED_AMBER;
* this is needed in order to make sure that we don't show the green led
* at first while having a battery level between 90% and 100%
* -- marc1706
if (state->flashMode == LIGHT_FLASH_NONE && color == LED_GREEN &&
force_led_amber) {
color = LED_AMBER;
force_led_amber = 0;
int amber = (colorRGB >> 16)&0xFF;
int green = (colorRGB >> 8)&0xFF;
@ -200,48 +186,285 @@ set_speaker_light_locked(struct light_device_t* dev,
static void
handle_speaker_battery_locked(struct light_device_t* dev)
* thread routine for alternating LEDs
* Copyright (C) 2012 Marc Alexander - marc1706
void *alt_led_handle(void *arg) {
struct timespec l_wait;
l_wait.tv_nsec = 0;
l_wait.tv_sec = 2;
struct timespec s_wait;
s_wait.tv_nsec = 0;
s_wait.tv_sec = 1;
struct timespec start_wait;
start_wait.tv_nsec = 500000000;
start_wait.tv_sec = 0;
unsigned int cur_led = main_led;
int i = 0;
const char* main_led_file;
const char* alt_led_file;
// wait for last thread to finish
while (alt_thread_running)
nanosleep(&start_wait, NULL);
alt_thread_running = 1;
alt_thread_check = 1;
if (main_led == LED_AMBER) {
alt_led = LED_GREEN;
main_led_file = (const char*) AMBER_LED_FILE;
alt_led_file = (const char*) GREEN_LED_FILE;
} else if (main_led == LED_GREEN) {
alt_led = LED_AMBER;
main_led_file = (const char*) GREEN_LED_FILE;
alt_led_file = (const char*) AMBER_LED_FILE;
LOGV("%s: start handle", __func__);
while (alt_thread_check) {
if (cur_led == main_led) {
write_int (main_led_file, 1);
write_int (alt_led_file, 0);
cur_led = alt_led;
nanosleep(&l_wait, NULL);
} else if (cur_led == alt_led) {
write_int (main_led_file, 0);
write_int (alt_led_file, 1);
cur_led = main_led;
nanosleep(&s_wait, NULL);
LOGV("%s: done with thread", __func__);
alt_thread_running = 0;
if (is_lit(&g_battery)) {
set_speaker_light_locked(dev, &g_battery);
} else {
set_speaker_light_locked(dev, &g_notification);
return NULL;
static int
set_light_battery(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state)
g_battery = *state;
return 0;
* start thread for alternating LEDs
* Copyright (C) 2012 Marc Alexander - marc1706
void start_alt_led_thread() {
LOGV("%s: start thread", __func__);
if (t_alt_led == 0)
pthread_create(&t_alt_led, NULL, alt_led_handle, NULL);
static int
set_light_notifications(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state)
g_notification = *state;
return 0;
static void set_speaker_light_locked_dual (struct light_device_t *dev, struct light_state_t *bstate, struct light_state_t *nstate) {
unsigned int bcolorRGB = bstate->color & 0xFFFFFF;
unsigned int bcolor = LED_BLANK;
if ((bcolorRGB >> 8)&0xFF) bcolor = LED_GREEN;
if ((bcolorRGB >> 16)&0xFF) bcolor = LED_AMBER;
if (bcolor == LED_AMBER) {
main_led = LED_AMBER;
write_int (AMBER_LED_FILE, 1);
write_int (GREEN_LED_FILE, 0);
} else if (bcolor == LED_GREEN) {
main_led = LED_GREEN;
write_int (AMBER_LED_FILE, 0);
write_int (GREEN_LED_FILE, 1);
} else {
LOGE("set_led_state (dual) unexpected color: bcolorRGB=%08x\n", bcolorRGB);
* check battery level and change LED if necessary
* Copyright (C) 2012 Marc Alexander - marc1706
* @param (int) ret: return 1 if charging, 0 if full
static int check_battery_level(int ret) {
char str[20];
int batt, battery_state;
/** Close the lights device */
static int
close_lights(struct light_device_t *dev)
memset(&str[0], 0, sizeof(str));
read(batt, str, 20);
battery_state = 0;
battery_state = sprintf(str, "%s", str);
if (battery_state != last_battery_state &&
!(is_lit (&g_battery) && is_lit (&g_notification))) {
last_battery_state = battery_state;
if (battery_state == 9) {
// Charging
write_int (AMBER_LED_FILE, 1);
write_int (GREEN_LED_FILE, 0);
if (ret)
ret = 1;
} else if (battery_state == 5) {
// Full
write_int (AMBER_LED_FILE, 0);
write_int (GREEN_LED_FILE, 1);
// cancel thread if we reached full level
battery_thread_check = 0;
if (ret)
ret = 0;
LOGV("%s: state=%s", __func__, battery_state);
} else if (ret) {
if (battery_state == 9)
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;
* thread routing for checking the battery state
* Copyright (C) 2012 Marc Alexander - marc1706
void *battery_level_check(void *arg) {
struct timespec wait;
wait.tv_nsec = 1;
wait.tv_sec = 5;
struct timespec start_wait;
start_wait.tv_nsec = 500000000;
start_wait.tv_sec = 0;
// wait for last thread to finish
while (battery_thread_running)
nanosleep(&start_wait, NULL);
battery_thread_running = 1;
battery_thread_check = 1;
while (battery_thread_check) {
nanosleep(&wait, NULL);
LOGI("%s: done with thread", __func__);
battery_thread_running = 0;
return NULL;
* start thread for checking battery state
* Copyright (C) 2012 Marc Alexander - marc1706
void start_battery_thread() {
LOGI("%s: start thread", __func__);
if (t_battery_checker == 0)
pthread_create(&t_battery_checker, NULL, battery_level_check, NULL);
static void handle_speaker_battery_locked (struct light_device_t *dev) {
unsigned int colorRGB = g_battery.color & 0xFFFFFF;
int ret = 0;
// reset threads first
t_alt_led = 0;
alt_thread_check = 0;
t_battery_checker = 0;
battery_thread_check = 0;
if (is_lit (&g_battery) && is_lit (&g_notification)) {
set_speaker_light_locked_dual (dev, &g_battery, &g_notification);
} else if (is_lit (&g_battery)) {
// check if battery is below 100% and we are trying to show the green led
if ((colorRGB >> 8)&0xFF) {
ret = check_battery_level(1);
if (ret) {
force_led_amber = 1;
LOGV("%s: changing color from LED_GREEN to LED_AMBER", __func__);
set_speaker_light_locked (dev, &g_battery);
} else {
set_speaker_light_locked (dev, &g_notification);
LOGV("%s: g_battery=%d , g_notification=%d", __func__, is_lit (&g_battery),
is_lit (&g_notification));
static int set_light_buttons (struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state) {
int err = 0;
int on = is_lit (state);
pthread_mutex_lock (&g_lock);
err = write_int (BUTTON_FILE, on?255:0);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_lock);
return err;
static int rgb_to_brightness(struct light_state_t const* state)
if (dev) {
return 0;
int color = state->color & 0x00ffffff;
return ((77*((color>>16)&0x00ff))
+ (150*((color>>8)&0x00ff)) + (29*(color&0x00ff))) >> 8;
static int set_light_backlight(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state) {
int err = 0;
int brightness = rgb_to_brightness(state);
LOGV("%s: brightness=%d color=0x%08x",
__func__,brightness, state->color);
g_backlight = brightness;
err = write_int(LCD_BACKLIGHT_FILE, brightness);
return err;
static int set_light_battery (struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&g_lock);
g_battery = *state;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_lock);
return 0;
static int set_light_attention (struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state) {
/* bravo has no attention, bad bravo */
/* dito on the leo */
return 0;
static int set_light_notifications (struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&g_lock);
g_notification = *state;
handle_speaker_battery_locked (dev);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_lock);
return 0;
/* Close the lights device */
static int close_lights (struct light_device_t *dev) {
if (dev)
free (dev);
return 0;
@ -251,55 +474,58 @@ close_lights(struct light_device_t *dev)
* module methods
/** Open a new instance of a lights device using name */
static int open_lights(const struct hw_module_t* module, char const* name,
struct hw_device_t** device)
int (*set_light)(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state);
/* Open a new instance of a lights device using name */
static int open_lights (const struct hw_module_t* module, char const* name,
struct hw_device_t** device) {
int (*set_light)(struct light_device_t* dev,
struct light_state_t const* state);
if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT, name)) {
set_light = set_light_backlight;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS, name)) {
set_light = set_light_buttons;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BATTERY, name)) {
set_light = set_light_battery;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_NOTIFICATIONS, name)) {
set_light = set_light_notifications;
else {
return -EINVAL;
if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT, name)) {
set_light = set_light_backlight;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS, name)) {
set_light = set_light_buttons;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_BATTERY, name)) {
set_light = set_light_battery;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_ATTENTION, name)) {
set_light = set_light_attention;
else if (0 == strcmp(LIGHT_ID_NOTIFICATIONS, name)) {
set_light = set_light_notifications;
else {
return -EINVAL;
struct light_device_t *dev = calloc(1, sizeof(struct light_device_t));
pthread_once (&g_init, init_globals);
struct light_device_t *dev = calloc(1, sizeof(struct light_device_t));
dev->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
dev->common.version = 0;
dev->common.module = (struct hw_module_t*)module;
dev->common.close = (int (*)(struct hw_device_t*))close_lights;
dev->set_light = set_light;
dev->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
dev->common.version = 0;
dev->common.module = (struct hw_module_t*)module;
dev->common.close = (int (*)(struct hw_device_t*))close_lights;
dev->set_light = set_light;
*device = (struct hw_device_t*)dev;
return 0;
*device = (struct hw_device_t*) dev;
return 0;
static struct hw_module_methods_t lights_module_methods = {
.open = open_lights,
.open = open_lights,
* The lights Module
const struct hw_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
.version_major = 1,
.version_minor = 0,
.name = "HTC leo lights module",
.author = "Micha LaQua",
.methods = &lights_module_methods,
.version_major = 1,
.version_minor = 0,
.name = "HTC leo lights module",
.author = "Marc Alexander",
.methods = &lights_module_methods,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user