# config.mk # # Product-specific compile-time definitions. # # WARNING: This line must come *before* including the proprietary # variant, so that it gets overwritten by the parent (which goes # against the traditional rules of inheritance). USE_CAMERA_STUB := true # inherit from the proprietary version -include device/htc/tattoo/BoardConfigVendor.mk TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM := msm7k TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv6j TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := true TARGET_NO_RADIOIMAGE := true TARGET_NO_RECOVERY := true # Wifi related defines BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := CUSTOM BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_PRIVATE_LIB := libWifiApi BOARD_WLAN_TI_STA_DK_ROOT := system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32 WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_PATH := "/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko" WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_ARG := "" WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_NAME := "wlan" WIFI_FIRMWARE_LOADER := "wlan_loader" TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME := bahamas TARGET_BOOTLOADER_LIBS := \ libboot_board_dream_sapphire_combined \ libboot_arch_msm7k \ libboot_arch_armv6 TARGET_BOOTLOADER_LINK_SCRIPT := \ hardware/msm7k/boot/boot.ld TARGET_PROVIDES_INIT_RC := true BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := no_console_suspend=1 console=null BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x02E00000 BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true # For the FM Radio BOARD_HAVE_FM_RADIO := false BOARD_WITH_A2DP := true BOARD_HAS_LIMITED_EGL:=true BOARD_VENDOR_USE_AKMD := akm8973 BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_AMSS_VERSION := 1355 TARGET_HARDWARE_3D := false BOARD_GPS_LIBRARIES := libgps librpc # OpenGL drivers config file path BOARD_EGL_CFG := device/htc/tattoo/egl.cfg # Use libcamera2 BOARD_USES_OLD_CAMERA_HACK := true # No authoring clock for OpenCore on DS BOARD_NO_PV_AUTHORING_CLOCK := true BOARD_USES_QCOM_LIBS := true TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS := device/htc/common TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE := bahamas PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_OVERRIDES += TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME=bahamas # # cat /proc/mtd # dev: size erasesize name # mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "misc" # mtd1: 00500000 00020000 "recovery" # mtd2: 00280000 00020000 "boot" # mtd3: 05a00000 00020000 "system" # mtd4: 05000000 00020000 "cache" # mtd5: 127c0000 00020000 "userdata" # Changed for Tattoo BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_MAX_SIZE := $(call image-size-from-data-size,0x00280000) BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_MAX_SIZE := $(call image-size-from-data-size,0x00500000) BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_MAX_SIZE := $(call image-size-from-data-size,0x09600000) BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_MAX_SIZE := $(call image-size-from-data-size,0x0a520000) # The size of a block that can be marked bad. BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE := 153600 # Stagefright fully enabled BUILD_WITH_FULL_STAGEFRIGHT := true # JIT built in, but disabled by default WITH_JIT := true ENABLE_JSC_JIT := true # Stop compiling test_* binaries for eng tag #STOP_TEST_BINS := true