on early-init device mtd@misc 0460 radio diag on boot # unmap left alt to avoid console switch setkey 0x0 0x38 0x0 # device reset SEND+MENU+END setkey 0x0 0xe7 0x706 setkey 0x0 0x8b 0x707 setkey 0x40 0xe7 0x706 setkey 0x40 0x8b 0x707 setkey 0x80 0xe7 0x706 setkey 0x80 0x8b 0x707 setkey 0xc0 0xe7 0x706 setkey 0xc0 0x8b 0x707 setkey 0xc0 0x6b 0x20c mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp # bluetooth power up/down interface chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/type chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state chown bluetooth bluetooth /sys/devices/platform/msm_serial_hs.0/serial_lock_cpu chmod 0660 /sys/devices/platform/msm_serial_hs.0/serial_lock_cpu on property:init.svc.wpa_supplicant=stopped start dhcp-release on property:init.svc.dhcp-release=stopped stop dhcpcd # compass/accelerometer daemon service akm8973 /system/bin/akm8973 user compass group compass misc input service wlan_loader /system/bin/wlan_loader \ -f /system/etc/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin -e /proc/calibration \ -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan.ini disabled oneshot service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -Dtiwlan0 -itiwlan0 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf user wifi group wifi inet socket wpa_tiwlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot service dhcpcd /system/bin/dhcpcd -BKL -d tiwlan0 disabled oneshot service dhcp-release /system/bin/dhcpcd -k tiwlan0 disabled oneshot service hciattach /system/bin/hciattach \ -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyHS0 texasalt 4000000 flow user bluetooth group bluetooth net_bt_admin disabled # bugreport is triggered by the KEY_BACK and KEY_MENU keycodes service bugreport /system/bin/bugreport -d -v -z -o /sdcard/bugreports/bugreport disabled oneshot keycodes 158 139 # for USB internet sharing service udhcpd /system/bin/udhcpd disabled oneshot service netsharing_on /system/bin/netsharing net on disabled oneshot service netsharing_off /system/bin/netsharing net off disabled oneshot service zchgd /system/bin/zchgd user root group root graphics oneshot