#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bootloader.h" #include "common.h" #include "cutils/properties.h" #include "firmware.h" #include "install.h" #include "minui/minui.h" #include "minzip/DirUtil.h" #include "roots.h" #include "recovery_ui.h" #include "../../external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils/mkyaffs2image.h" #include "../../external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils/unyaffs.h" #include #include "extendedcommands.h" #include "nandroid.h" int print_and_error(const char* message) { ui_print("%s", message); return 1; } int yaffs_files_total = 0; int yaffs_files_count = 0; void yaffs_callback(char* filename) { char* justfile = basename(filename); if (strlen(justfile) < 30) ui_print("%s", justfile); yaffs_files_count++; if (yaffs_files_total != 0) ui_set_progress((float)yaffs_files_count / (float)yaffs_files_total); ui_reset_text_col(); } void compute_directory_stats(char* directory) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "find %s | wc -l > /tmp/dircount", directory); __system(tmp); char count_text[100]; FILE* f = fopen("/tmp/dircount", "r"); fread(count_text, 1, sizeof(count_text), f); fclose(f); yaffs_files_count = 0; yaffs_files_total = atoi(count_text); ui_reset_progress(); ui_show_progress(1, 0); } int nandroid_backup_partition_extended(const char* backup_path, const char* mount_point, int umount_when_finished) { int ret = 0; char* name = basename(mount_point); struct stat file_info; mkyaffs2image_callback callback = NULL; if (0 != stat("/sdcard/clockworkmod/.hidenandroidprogress", &file_info)) { callback = yaffs_callback; } ui_print("Backing up %s...\n", name); if (0 != (ret = ensure_path_mounted(mount_point) != 0)) { ui_print("Can't mount %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } compute_directory_stats(mount_point); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s.img", backup_path, name); ret = mkyaffs2image(mount_point, tmp, 0, callback); if (umount_when_finished) { ensure_path_unmounted(mount_point); } if (0 != ret) { ui_print("Error while making a yaffs2 image of %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } return 0; } int nandroid_backup_partition(const char* backup_path, char* root) { return nandroid_backup_partition_extended(backup_path, root, 1); } int nandroid_backup(const char* backup_path) { ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_INSTALLING); if (ensure_path_mounted("/sdcard") != 0) return print_and_error("Can't mount /sdcard\n"); int ret; struct statfs s; if (0 != (ret = statfs("/sdcard", &s))) return print_and_error("Unable to stat /sdcard\n"); uint64_t bavail = s.f_bavail; uint64_t bsize = s.f_bsize; uint64_t sdcard_free = bavail * bsize; uint64_t sdcard_free_mb = sdcard_free / (uint64_t)(1024 * 1024); ui_print("SD Card space free: %lluMB\n", sdcard_free_mb); if (sdcard_free_mb < 150) ui_print("There may not be enough free space to complete backup... continuing...\n"); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "mkdir -p %s", backup_path); __system(tmp); #ifndef BOARD_RECOVERY_IGNORE_BOOTABLES ui_print("Backing up boot...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", backup_path, "boot.img"); ret = backup_raw_partition("boot", tmp); if (0 != ret) return print_and_error("Error while dumping boot image!\n"); ui_print("Backing up recovery...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", backup_path, "recovery.img"); ret = backup_raw_partition("recovery", tmp); if (0 != ret) return print_and_error("Error while dumping recovery image!\n"); #endif if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "/system"))) return ret; if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "/data"))) return ret; #ifdef BOARD_HAS_DATADATA if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "/datadata"))) return ret; #endif struct stat st; if (0 != stat("/sdcard/.android_secure", &st)) { ui_print("No /sdcard/.android_secure found. Skipping backup of applications on external storage.\n"); } else { if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition_extended(backup_path, "/sdcard/.android_secure", 0))) return ret; } if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition_extended(backup_path, "/cache", 0))) return ret; Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/sd-ext"); if (vol == NULL || 0 != stat(vol->device, &st)) { ui_print("No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.\n"); } else { if (0 != ensure_path_mounted("/sd-ext")) ui_print("Could not mount sd-ext. sd-ext backup may not be supported on this device. Skipping backup of sd-ext.\n"); else if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "SDEXT:"))) return ret; } ui_print("Generating md5 sum...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "nandroid-md5.sh %s", backup_path); if (0 != (ret = __system(tmp))) { ui_print("Error while generating md5 sum!\n"); return ret; } sync(); ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_NONE); ui_reset_progress(); ui_print("\nBackup complete!\n"); return 0; } typedef int (*format_function)(char* root); static void ensure_directory(const char* dir) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "mkdir -p %s", dir); __system(tmp); } int nandroid_restore_partition_extended(const char* backup_path, const char* mount_point, int umount_when_finished) { int ret = 0; char* name = basename(mount_point); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s.img", backup_path, name); struct stat file_info; if (0 != (ret = statfs(tmp, &file_info))) { ui_print("%s.img not found. Skipping restore of %s.\n", name, mount_point); return 0; } ensure_directory(mount_point); unyaffs_callback callback = NULL; if (0 != stat("/sdcard/clockworkmod/.hidenandroidprogress", &file_info)) { callback = yaffs_callback; } ui_print("Restoring %s...\n", name); /* if (0 != (ret = ensure_root_path_unmounted(root))) { ui_print("Can't unmount %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } */ if (0 != (ret = format_device(mount_point))) { ui_print("Error while formatting %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } if (0 != (ret = ensure_path_mounted(mount_point))) { ui_print("Can't mount %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } if (0 != (ret = unyaffs(tmp, mount_point, callback))) { ui_print("Error while restoring %s!\n", mount_point); return ret; } if (umount_when_finished) { ensure_path_unmounted(mount_point); } return 0; } int nandroid_restore_partition(const char* backup_path, const char* root) { return nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, root, 1); } int nandroid_restore(const char* backup_path, int restore_boot, int restore_system, int restore_data, int restore_cache, int restore_sdext) { ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_INSTALLING); ui_show_indeterminate_progress(); yaffs_files_total = 0; if (ensure_path_mounted("/sdcard") != 0) return print_and_error("Can't mount /sdcard\n"); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; ui_print("Checking MD5 sums...\n"); sprintf(tmp, "cd %s && md5sum -c nandroid.md5", backup_path); if (0 != __system(tmp)) return print_and_error("MD5 mismatch!\n"); int ret; #ifndef BOARD_RECOVERY_IGNORE_BOOTABLES if (restore_boot) { ui_print("Erasing boot before restore...\n"); if (0 != (ret = format_device("boot"))) return print_and_error("Error while formatting BOOT:!\n"); sprintf(tmp, "%s/boot.img", backup_path); ui_print("Restoring boot image...\n"); if (0 != (ret = restore_raw_partition("boot", tmp))) { ui_print("Error while flashing boot image!"); return ret; } } #endif if (restore_system && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/system"))) return ret; if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/data"))) return ret; #ifdef BOARD_HAS_DATADATA if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/datadata"))) return ret; #endif if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/sdcard/.android_secure", 0))) return ret; if (restore_cache && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/cache", 0))) return ret; if (restore_sdext && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/sd-ext"))) return ret; sync(); ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_NONE); ui_reset_progress(); ui_print("\nRestore complete!\n"); return 0; } void nandroid_generate_timestamp_path(char* backup_path) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t); if (tmp == NULL) { struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); sprintf(backup_path, "/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/%d", tp.tv_sec); } else { strftime(backup_path, PATH_MAX, "/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/%F.%H.%M.%S", tmp); } } int nandroid_usage() { printf("Usage: nandroid backup\n"); printf("Usage: nandroid restore \n"); return 1; } int nandroid_main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 3 || argc < 2) return nandroid_usage(); if (strcmp("backup", argv[1]) == 0) { if (argc != 2) return nandroid_usage(); char backup_path[PATH_MAX]; nandroid_generate_timestamp_path(backup_path); return nandroid_backup(backup_path); } if (strcmp("restore", argv[1]) == 0) { if (argc != 3) return nandroid_usage(); return nandroid_restore(argv[2], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); } return nandroid_usage(); }