#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bootloader.h" #include "common.h" #include "cutils/properties.h" #include "firmware.h" #include "install.h" #include "minui/minui.h" #include "minzip/DirUtil.h" #include "roots.h" #include "recovery_ui.h" #include "../../external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils/mkyaffs2image.h" #include "../../external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils/unyaffs.h" #include "extendedcommands.h" #include "nandroid.h" #include "mounts.h" #include "flashutils/flashutils.h" #include "edify/expr.h" #include #include "mtdutils/mtdutils.h" int signature_check_enabled = 1; int script_assert_enabled = 1; static const char *SDCARD_UPDATE_FILE = "/sdcard/update.zip"; void toggle_signature_check() { signature_check_enabled = !signature_check_enabled; ui_print("Signature Check: %s\n", signature_check_enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); } void toggle_script_asserts() { script_assert_enabled = !script_assert_enabled; ui_print("Script Asserts: %s\n", script_assert_enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); } int install_zip(const char* packagefilepath) { ui_print("\n-- Installing: %s\n", packagefilepath); if (device_flash_type() == MTD) { set_sdcard_update_bootloader_message(); } int status = install_package(packagefilepath); ui_reset_progress(); if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) { ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_ERROR); ui_print("Installation aborted.\n"); return 1; } ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_NONE); ui_print("\nInstall from sdcard complete.\n"); return 0; } char* INSTALL_MENU_ITEMS[] = { "choose zip from sdcard", "apply /sdcard/update.zip", "toggle signature verification", "toggle script asserts", "choose zip from internal sdcard", NULL }; #define ITEM_CHOOSE_ZIP 0 #define ITEM_APPLY_SDCARD 1 #define ITEM_SIG_CHECK 2 #define ITEM_ASSERTS 3 #define ITEM_CHOOSE_ZIP_INT 4 void show_install_update_menu() { static char* headers[] = { "Apply update from .zip file on SD card", "", NULL }; if (volume_for_path("/emmc") == NULL) INSTALL_MENU_ITEMS[ITEM_CHOOSE_ZIP_INT] = NULL; for (;;) { int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, INSTALL_MENU_ITEMS, 0, 0); switch (chosen_item) { case ITEM_ASSERTS: toggle_script_asserts(); break; case ITEM_SIG_CHECK: toggle_signature_check(); break; case ITEM_APPLY_SDCARD: { if (confirm_selection("Confirm install?", "Yes - Install /sdcard/update.zip")) install_zip(SDCARD_UPDATE_FILE); break; } case ITEM_CHOOSE_ZIP: show_choose_zip_menu("/sdcard/"); break; case ITEM_CHOOSE_ZIP_INT: show_choose_zip_menu("/emmc/"); break; default: return; } } } void free_string_array(char** array) { if (array == NULL) return; char* cursor = array[0]; int i = 0; while (cursor != NULL) { free(cursor); cursor = array[++i]; } free(array); } char** gather_files(const char* directory, const char* fileExtensionOrDirectory, int* numFiles) { char path[PATH_MAX] = ""; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; int total = 0; int i; char** files = NULL; int pass; *numFiles = 0; int dirLen = strlen(directory); dir = opendir(directory); if (dir == NULL) { ui_print("Couldn't open directory.\n"); return NULL; } int extension_length = 0; if (fileExtensionOrDirectory != NULL) extension_length = strlen(fileExtensionOrDirectory); int isCounting = 1; i = 0; for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { while ((de=readdir(dir)) != NULL) { // skip hidden files if (de->d_name[0] == '.') continue; // NULL means that we are gathering directories, so skip this if (fileExtensionOrDirectory != NULL) { // make sure that we can have the desired extension (prevent seg fault) if (strlen(de->d_name) < extension_length) continue; // compare the extension if (strcmp(de->d_name + strlen(de->d_name) - extension_length, fileExtensionOrDirectory) != 0) continue; } else { struct stat info; char fullFileName[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(fullFileName, directory); strcat(fullFileName, de->d_name); stat(fullFileName, &info); // make sure it is a directory if (!(S_ISDIR(info.st_mode))) continue; } if (pass == 0) { total++; continue; } files[i] = (char*) malloc(dirLen + strlen(de->d_name) + 2); strcpy(files[i], directory); strcat(files[i], de->d_name); if (fileExtensionOrDirectory == NULL) strcat(files[i], "/"); i++; } if (pass == 1) break; if (total == 0) break; rewinddir(dir); *numFiles = total; files = (char**) malloc((total+1)*sizeof(char*)); files[total]=NULL; } if(closedir(dir) < 0) { LOGE("Failed to close directory."); } if (total==0) { return NULL; } // sort the result if (files != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { int curMax = -1; int j; for (j = 0; j < total - i; j++) { if (curMax == -1 || strcmp(files[curMax], files[j]) < 0) curMax = j; } char* temp = files[curMax]; files[curMax] = files[total - i - 1]; files[total - i - 1] = temp; } } return files; } // pass in NULL for fileExtensionOrDirectory and you will get a directory chooser char* choose_file_menu(const char* directory, const char* fileExtensionOrDirectory, const char* headers[]) { char path[PATH_MAX] = ""; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; int numFiles = 0; int numDirs = 0; int i; char* return_value = NULL; int dir_len = strlen(directory); char** files = gather_files(directory, fileExtensionOrDirectory, &numFiles); char** dirs = NULL; if (fileExtensionOrDirectory != NULL) dirs = gather_files(directory, NULL, &numDirs); int total = numDirs + numFiles; if (total == 0) { ui_print("No files found.\n"); } else { char** list = (char**) malloc((total + 1) * sizeof(char*)); list[total] = NULL; for (i = 0 ; i < numDirs; i++) { list[i] = strdup(dirs[i] + dir_len); } for (i = 0 ; i < numFiles; i++) { list[numDirs + i] = strdup(files[i] + dir_len); } for (;;) { int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, list, 0, 0); if (chosen_item == GO_BACK) break; static char ret[PATH_MAX]; if (chosen_item < numDirs) { char* subret = choose_file_menu(dirs[chosen_item], fileExtensionOrDirectory, headers); if (subret != NULL) { strcpy(ret, subret); return_value = ret; break; } continue; } strcpy(ret, files[chosen_item - numDirs]); return_value = ret; break; } free_string_array(list); } free_string_array(files); free_string_array(dirs); return return_value; } void show_choose_zip_menu(const char *mount_point) { if (ensure_path_mounted(mount_point) != 0) { LOGE ("Can't mount %s\n", mount_point); return; } static char* headers[] = { "Choose a zip to apply", "", NULL }; char* file = choose_file_menu(mount_point, ".zip", headers); if (file == NULL) return; static char* confirm_install = "Confirm install?"; static char confirm[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(confirm, "Yes - Install %s", basename(file)); if (confirm_selection(confirm_install, confirm)) install_zip(file); } void show_nandroid_restore_menu(const char* path) { if (ensure_path_mounted(path) != 0) { LOGE("Can't mount %s\n", path); return; } static char* headers[] = { "Choose an image to restore", "", NULL }; char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "%s/clockworkmod/backup/", path); char* file = choose_file_menu(tmp, NULL, headers); if (file == NULL) return; if (confirm_selection("Confirm restore?", "Yes - Restore")) nandroid_restore(file, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } #ifndef BOARD_UMS_LUNFILE #define BOARD_UMS_LUNFILE "/sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file" #endif void show_mount_usb_storage_menu() { int fd; Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/sdcard"); if ((fd = open(BOARD_UMS_LUNFILE, O_WRONLY)) < 0) { LOGE("Unable to open ums lunfile (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((write(fd, vol->device, strlen(vol->device)) < 0) && (!vol->device2 || (write(fd, vol->device, strlen(vol->device2)) < 0))) { LOGE("Unable to write to ums lunfile (%s)", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } static char* headers[] = { "USB Mass Storage device", "Leaving this menu unmount", "your SD card from your PC.", "", NULL }; static char* list[] = { "Unmount", NULL }; for (;;) { int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, list, 0, 0); if (chosen_item == GO_BACK || chosen_item == 0) break; } if ((fd = open(BOARD_UMS_LUNFILE, O_WRONLY)) < 0) { LOGE("Unable to open ums lunfile (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } char ch = 0; if (write(fd, &ch, 1) < 0) { LOGE("Unable to write to ums lunfile (%s)", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } } int confirm_selection(const char* title, const char* confirm) { struct stat info; if (0 == stat("/sdcard/clockworkmod/.no_confirm", &info)) return 1; char* confirm_headers[] = { title, " THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE.", "", NULL }; char* items[] = { confirm, //" Yes -- wipe partition", // [0] "No", NULL }; int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(confirm_headers, items, 0, 0); return chosen_item == 0; } #define MKE2FS_BIN "/sbin/mke2fs" #define TUNE2FS_BIN "/sbin/tune2fs" #define E2FSCK_BIN "/sbin/e2fsck" int format_device(const char *device, const char *path, const char *fs_type) { Volume* v = volume_for_path(path); if (v == NULL) { // no /sdcard? let's assume /data/media if (strstr(path, "/sdcard") == path && is_data_media()) { return format_unknown_device(NULL, path, NULL); } // silent failure for sd-ext if (strcmp(path, "/sd-ext") == 0) return -1; LOGE("unknown volume \"%s\"\n", path); return -1; } if (strcmp(fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) { // you can't format the ramdisk. LOGE("can't format_volume \"%s\"", path); return -1; } if (strcmp(v->mount_point, path) != 0) { return format_unknown_device(v->device, path, NULL); } if (ensure_path_unmounted(path) != 0) { LOGE("format_volume failed to unmount \"%s\"\n", v->mount_point); return -1; } if (strcmp(fs_type, "yaffs2") == 0 || strcmp(fs_type, "mtd") == 0) { mtd_scan_partitions(); const MtdPartition* partition = mtd_find_partition_by_name(device); if (partition == NULL) { LOGE("format_volume: no MTD partition \"%s\"\n", device); return -1; } MtdWriteContext *write = mtd_write_partition(partition); if (write == NULL) { LOGW("format_volume: can't open MTD \"%s\"\n", device); return -1; } else if (mtd_erase_blocks(write, -1) == (off_t) -1) { LOGW("format_volume: can't erase MTD \"%s\"\n", device); mtd_write_close(write); return -1; } else if (mtd_write_close(write)) { LOGW("format_volume: can't close MTD \"%s\"\n",device); return -1; } return 0; } if (strcmp(fs_type, "ext4") == 0) { reset_ext4fs_info(); int result = make_ext4fs(device, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0); if (result != 0) { LOGE("format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on %s\n", device); return -1; } return 0; } return format_unknown_device(device, path, fs_type); } int format_unknown_device(const char *device, const char* path, const char *fs_type) { LOGI("Formatting unknown device.\n"); if (fs_type != NULL && get_flash_type(fs_type) != UNSUPPORTED) return erase_raw_partition(fs_type, device); // if this is SDEXT:, don't worry about it if it does not exist. if (0 == strcmp(path, "/sd-ext")) { struct stat st; Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/sd-ext"); if (vol == NULL || 0 != stat(vol->device, &st)) { ui_print("No app2sd partition found. Skipping format of /sd-ext.\n"); return 0; } } if (NULL != fs_type) { if (strcmp("ext3", fs_type) == 0) { LOGI("Formatting ext3 device.\n"); if (0 != ensure_path_unmounted(path)) { LOGE("Error while unmounting %s.\n", path); return -12; } return format_ext3_device(device); } if (strcmp("ext2", fs_type) == 0) { LOGI("Formatting ext2 device.\n"); if (0 != ensure_path_unmounted(path)) { LOGE("Error while unmounting %s.\n", path); return -12; } return format_ext2_device(device); } } if (0 != ensure_path_mounted(path)) { ui_print("Error mounting %s!\n", path); ui_print("Skipping format...\n"); return 0; } static char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (strcmp(path, "/data") == 0) { sprintf(tmp, "cd /data ; for f in $(ls -a | grep -v ^media$); do rm -rf $f; done"); __system(tmp); } else { sprintf(tmp, "rm -rf %s/*", path); __system(tmp); sprintf(tmp, "rm -rf %s/.*", path); __system(tmp); } ensure_path_unmounted(path); return 0; } //#define MOUNTABLE_COUNT 5 //#define DEVICE_COUNT 4 //#define MMC_COUNT 2 typedef struct { char mount[255]; char unmount[255]; Volume* v; } MountMenuEntry; typedef struct { char txt[255]; Volume* v; } FormatMenuEntry; int is_safe_to_format(char* name) { char str[255]; char* partition; property_get("ro.cwm.forbid_format", str, "/misc,/radio,/bootloader,/recovery,/efs"); partition = strtok(str, ", "); while (partition != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, partition) == 0) { return 0; } partition = strtok(NULL, ", "); } return 1; } void show_partition_menu() { static char* headers[] = { "Mounts and Storage Menu", "", NULL }; static MountMenuEntry* mount_menue = NULL; static FormatMenuEntry* format_menue = NULL; typedef char* string; int i, mountable_volumes, formatable_volumes; int num_volumes; Volume* device_volumes; num_volumes = get_num_volumes(); device_volumes = get_device_volumes(); string options[255]; if(!device_volumes) return; mountable_volumes = 0; formatable_volumes = 0; mount_menue = malloc(num_volumes * sizeof(MountMenuEntry)); format_menue = malloc(num_volumes * sizeof(FormatMenuEntry)); for (i = 0; i < num_volumes; ++i) { Volume* v = &device_volumes[i]; if(strcmp("ramdisk", v->fs_type) != 0 && strcmp("mtd", v->fs_type) != 0 && strcmp("emmc", v->fs_type) != 0 && strcmp("bml", v->fs_type) != 0) { sprintf(&mount_menue[mountable_volumes].mount, "mount %s", v->mount_point); sprintf(&mount_menue[mountable_volumes].unmount, "unmount %s", v->mount_point); mount_menue[mountable_volumes].v = &device_volumes[i]; ++mountable_volumes; if (is_safe_to_format(v->mount_point)) { sprintf(&format_menue[formatable_volumes].txt, "format %s", v->mount_point); format_menue[formatable_volumes].v = &device_volumes[i]; ++formatable_volumes; } } else if (strcmp("ramdisk", v->fs_type) != 0 && strcmp("mtd", v->fs_type) == 0 && is_safe_to_format(v->mount_point)) { sprintf(&format_menue[formatable_volumes].txt, "format %s", v->mount_point); format_menue[formatable_volumes].v = &device_volumes[i]; ++formatable_volumes; } } static char* confirm_format = "Confirm format?"; static char* confirm = "Yes - Format"; char confirm_string[255]; for (;;) { for (i = 0; i < mountable_volumes; i++) { MountMenuEntry* e = &mount_menue[i]; Volume* v = e->v; if(is_path_mounted(v->mount_point)) options[i] = e->unmount; else options[i] = e->mount; } for (i = 0; i < formatable_volumes; i++) { FormatMenuEntry* e = &format_menue[i]; options[mountable_volumes+i] = e->txt; } options[mountable_volumes+formatable_volumes] = "mount USB storage"; options[mountable_volumes+formatable_volumes + 1] = NULL; int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, &options, 0, 0); if (chosen_item == GO_BACK) break; if (chosen_item == (mountable_volumes+formatable_volumes)) { show_mount_usb_storage_menu(); } else if (chosen_item < mountable_volumes) { MountMenuEntry* e = &mount_menue[chosen_item]; Volume* v = e->v; if (is_path_mounted(v->mount_point)) { if (0 != ensure_path_unmounted(v->mount_point)) ui_print("Error unmounting %s!\n", v->mount_point); } else { if (0 != ensure_path_mounted(v->mount_point)) ui_print("Error mounting %s!\n", v->mount_point); } } else if (chosen_item < (mountable_volumes + formatable_volumes)) { chosen_item = chosen_item - mountable_volumes; FormatMenuEntry* e = &format_menue[chosen_item]; Volume* v = e->v; sprintf(confirm_string, "%s - %s", v->mount_point, confirm_format); if (!confirm_selection(confirm_string, confirm)) continue; ui_print("Formatting %s...\n", v->mount_point); if (0 != format_volume(v->mount_point)) ui_print("Error formatting %s!\n", v->mount_point); else ui_print("Done.\n"); } } free(mount_menue); free(format_menue); } void show_nandroid_advanced_restore_menu(const char* path) { if (ensure_path_mounted("/sdcard") != 0) { LOGE ("Can't mount /sdcard\n"); return; } static char* advancedheaders[] = { "Choose an image to restore", "", "Choose an image to restore", "first. The next menu will", "you more options.", "", NULL }; char* file = choose_file_menu("/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/", NULL, advancedheaders); if (file == NULL) return; static char* headers[] = { "Nandroid Advanced Restore", "", NULL }; static char* list[] = { "Restore boot", "Restore system", "Restore data", "Restore cache", "Restore sd-ext", "Restore wimax", NULL }; char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (0 != get_partition_device("wimax", tmp)) { // disable wimax restore option list[5] = NULL; } static char* confirm_restore = "Confirm restore?"; int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, list, 0, 0); switch (chosen_item) { case 0: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore boot")) nandroid_restore(file, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case 1: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore system")) nandroid_restore(file, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case 2: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore data")) nandroid_restore(file, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 3: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore cache")) nandroid_restore(file, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); break; case 4: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore sd-ext")) nandroid_restore(file, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); break; case 5: if (confirm_selection(confirm_restore, "Yes - Restore wimax")) nandroid_restore(file, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); break; } } void show_nandroid_menu() { static char* headers[] = { "Nandroid", "", NULL }; static char* list[] = { "backup", "restore", "advanced restore", "backup to internal sdcard", "restore from internal sdcard", "advanced restore from internal sdcard", NULL }; if (volume_for_path("/emmc") == NULL) list[3] = NULL; int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, list, 0, 0); switch (chosen_item) { case 0: { char backup_path[PATH_MAX]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t); if (tmp == NULL) { struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); sprintf(backup_path, "/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/%d", tp.tv_sec); } else { strftime(backup_path, sizeof(backup_path), "/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/%F.%H.%M.%S", tmp); } nandroid_backup(backup_path); } break; case 1: show_nandroid_restore_menu("/sdcard"); break; case 2: show_nandroid_advanced_restore_menu("/sdcard"); break; case 3: { char backup_path[PATH_MAX]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t); if (tmp == NULL) { struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); sprintf(backup_path, "/emmc/clockworkmod/backup/%d", tp.tv_sec); } else { strftime(backup_path, sizeof(backup_path), "/emmc/clockworkmod/backup/%F.%H.%M.%S", tmp); } nandroid_backup(backup_path); } break; case 4: show_nandroid_restore_menu("/emmc"); break; case 5: show_nandroid_advanced_restore_menu("/emmc"); break; } } void wipe_battery_stats() { ensure_path_mounted("/data"); remove("/data/system/batterystats.bin"); ensure_path_unmounted("/data"); ui_print("Battery Stats wiped.\n"); } void show_advanced_menu() { static char* headers[] = { "Advanced and Debugging Menu", "", NULL }; static char* list[] = { "Reboot Recovery", "Wipe Dalvik Cache", "Wipe Battery Stats", "Report Error", "Key Test", "Show log", #ifndef BOARD_HAS_SMALL_RECOVERY "Partition SD Card", "Fix Permissions", #ifdef BOARD_HAS_SDCARD_INTERNAL "Partition Internal SD Card", #endif #endif NULL }; for (;;) { int chosen_item = get_menu_selection(headers, list, 0, 0); if (chosen_item == GO_BACK) break; switch (chosen_item) { case 0: { reboot_wrapper("recovery"); break; } case 1: { if (0 != ensure_path_mounted("/data")) break; ensure_path_mounted("/sd-ext"); ensure_path_mounted("/cache"); if (confirm_selection( "Confirm wipe?", "Yes - Wipe Dalvik Cache")) { __system("rm -r /data/dalvik-cache"); __system("rm -r /cache/dalvik-cache"); __system("rm -r /sd-ext/dalvik-cache"); ui_print("Dalvik Cache wiped.\n"); } ensure_path_unmounted("/data"); break; } case 2: { if (confirm_selection( "Confirm wipe?", "Yes - Wipe Battery Stats")) wipe_battery_stats(); break; } case 3: handle_failure(1); break; case 4: { ui_print("Outputting key codes.\n"); ui_print("Go back to end debugging.\n"); int key; int action; do { key = ui_wait_key(); action = device_handle_key(key, 1); ui_print("Key: %d\n", key); } while (action != GO_BACK); break; } case 5: { ui_printlogtail(12); break; } case 6: { static char* ext_sizes[] = { "128M", "256M", "512M", "1024M", "2048M", "4096M", NULL }; static char* swap_sizes[] = { "0M", "32M", "64M", "128M", "256M", NULL }; static char* ext_headers[] = { "Ext Size", "", NULL }; static char* swap_headers[] = { "Swap Size", "", NULL }; int ext_size = get_menu_selection(ext_headers, ext_sizes, 0, 0); if (ext_size == GO_BACK) continue; int swap_size = get_menu_selection(swap_headers, swap_sizes, 0, 0); if (swap_size == GO_BACK) continue; char sddevice[256]; Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/sdcard"); strcpy(sddevice, vol->device); // we only want the mmcblk, not the partition sddevice[strlen("/dev/block/mmcblkX")] = NULL; char cmd[PATH_MAX]; setenv("SDPATH", sddevice, 1); sprintf(cmd, "sdparted -es %s -ss %s -efs ext3 -s", ext_sizes[ext_size], swap_sizes[swap_size]); ui_print("Partitioning SD Card... please wait...\n"); if (0 == __system(cmd)) ui_print("Done!\n"); else ui_print("An error occured while partitioning your SD Card. Please see /tmp/recovery.log for more details.\n"); break; } case 7: { ensure_path_mounted("/system"); ensure_path_mounted("/data"); ui_print("Fixing permissions...\n"); __system("fix_permissions"); ui_print("Done!\n"); break; } case 8: { static char* ext_sizes[] = { "128M", "256M", "512M", "1024M", "2048M", "4096M", NULL }; static char* swap_sizes[] = { "0M", "32M", "64M", "128M", "256M", NULL }; static char* ext_headers[] = { "Data Size", "", NULL }; static char* swap_headers[] = { "Swap Size", "", NULL }; int ext_size = get_menu_selection(ext_headers, ext_sizes, 0, 0); if (ext_size == GO_BACK) continue; int swap_size = 0; if (swap_size == GO_BACK) continue; char sddevice[256]; Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/emmc"); strcpy(sddevice, vol->device); // we only want the mmcblk, not the partition sddevice[strlen("/dev/block/mmcblkX")] = NULL; char cmd[PATH_MAX]; setenv("SDPATH", sddevice, 1); sprintf(cmd, "sdparted -es %s -ss %s -efs ext3 -s", ext_sizes[ext_size], swap_sizes[swap_size]); ui_print("Partitioning Internal SD Card... please wait...\n"); if (0 == __system(cmd)) ui_print("Done!\n"); else ui_print("An error occured while partitioning your Internal SD Card. Please see /tmp/recovery.log for more details.\n"); break; } } } } void write_fstab_root(char *path, FILE *file) { Volume *vol = volume_for_path(path); if (vol == NULL) { LOGW("Unable to get recovery.fstab info for %s during fstab generation!\n", path); return; } char device[200]; if (vol->device[0] != '/') get_partition_device(vol->device, device); else strcpy(device, vol->device); fprintf(file, "%s ", device); fprintf(file, "%s ", path); // special case rfs cause auto will mount it as vfat on samsung. fprintf(file, "%s rw\n", vol->fs_type2 != NULL && strcmp(vol->fs_type, "rfs") != 0 ? "auto" : vol->fs_type); } void create_fstab() { struct stat info; __system("touch /etc/mtab"); FILE *file = fopen("/etc/fstab", "w"); if (file == NULL) { LOGW("Unable to create /etc/fstab!\n"); return; } Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/boot"); if (NULL != vol && strcmp(vol->fs_type, "mtd") != 0 && strcmp(vol->fs_type, "emmc") != 0 && strcmp(vol->fs_type, "bml") != 0) write_fstab_root("/boot", file); write_fstab_root("/cache", file); write_fstab_root("/data", file); write_fstab_root("/datadata", file); write_fstab_root("/emmc", file); write_fstab_root("/system", file); write_fstab_root("/sdcard", file); write_fstab_root("/sd-ext", file); fclose(file); LOGI("Completed outputting fstab.\n"); } int bml_check_volume(const char *path) { ui_print("Checking %s...\n", path); ensure_path_unmounted(path); if (0 == ensure_path_mounted(path)) { ensure_path_unmounted(path); return 0; } Volume *vol = volume_for_path(path); if (vol == NULL) { LOGE("Unable process volume! Skipping...\n"); return 0; } ui_print("%s may be rfs. Checking...\n", path); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(tmp, "mount -t rfs %s %s", vol->device, path); int ret = __system(tmp); printf("%d\n", ret); return ret == 0 ? 1 : 0; } void process_volumes() { create_fstab(); if (is_data_media()) { setup_data_media(); } return; // dead code. if (device_flash_type() != BML) return; ui_print("Checking for ext4 partitions...\n"); int ret = 0; ret = bml_check_volume("/system"); ret |= bml_check_volume("/data"); if (has_datadata()) ret |= bml_check_volume("/datadata"); ret |= bml_check_volume("/cache"); if (ret == 0) { ui_print("Done!\n"); return; } char backup_path[PATH_MAX]; time_t t = time(NULL); char backup_name[PATH_MAX]; struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); sprintf(backup_name, "before-ext4-convert-%d", tp.tv_sec); sprintf(backup_path, "/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/%s", backup_name); ui_set_show_text(1); ui_print("Filesystems need to be converted to ext4.\n"); ui_print("A backup and restore will now take place.\n"); ui_print("If anything goes wrong, your backup will be\n"); ui_print("named %s. Try restoring it\n", backup_name); ui_print("in case of error.\n"); nandroid_backup(backup_path); nandroid_restore(backup_path, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); ui_set_show_text(0); } void handle_failure(int ret) { if (ret == 0) return; if (0 != ensure_path_mounted("/sdcard")) return; mkdir("/sdcard/clockworkmod", S_IRWXU); __system("cp /tmp/recovery.log /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log"); ui_print("/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log. Please open ROM Manager to report the issue.\n"); } int is_path_mounted(const char* path) { Volume* v = volume_for_path(path); if (v == NULL) { return 0; } if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) { // the ramdisk is always mounted. return 1; } int result; result = scan_mounted_volumes(); if (result < 0) { LOGE("failed to scan mounted volumes\n"); return 0; } const MountedVolume* mv = find_mounted_volume_by_mount_point(v->mount_point); if (mv) { // volume is already mounted return 1; } return 0; } int has_datadata() { Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/datadata"); return vol != NULL; } int volume_main(int argc, char **argv) { load_volume_table(); return 0; }